Go, Dijkstra : print out the path, not just calculate the shortest distance


When you adjust the new path distance here

   if D[edge.Destination] > D[edge.Source]+edge.Weight {
      D[edge.Destination] = D[edge.Source] + edge.Weight

Set some array element (say, P for "parent") to point that you have come to Destination from Source.

P[edge.Destination] = edge.Source

After the algorithm ends, in this array each vertex will have its predecessor on the path leading from the starting vertex.

PS. OK, not with arrays and indices ...

Add a new field Prev to the Vertex:

type Vertex struct {
    Id      string
    Visited bool
    AdjEdge []*Edge
    Prev *Vertex

When adjusting distance:

if D[edge.Destination] > D[edge.Source]+edge.Weight {
    D[edge.Destination] = D[edge.Source] + edge.Weight
    edge.Destination.Prev = edge.Source

And when you display the results:

for vertex1, distance1 := range distmap1 {
    fmt.Println(vertex1.Id, "=", distance1)
    if vertex1.Prev != nil {
        fmt.Println (vertex1.Id, " -> ", vertex1.Prev.Id)
Author by


Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    Go, Dijkstra : print out the path, not just calculate the shortest distance.


    I was able to find the shortest distance using Dijkstra algorithm, maybe not. The code can be found here.

    But it would be useless if I can't print out the path. With a lot of pointers going on, I can't figure out how to print out the final path that takes the least amount of weights.

    In short, how do I not only find the shortest distance, but also print out the shortest path on this given code?

    The link is here:


    And the snippet of the code is below:

    const MAXWEIGHT = 1000000
    type MinDistanceFromSource map[*Vertex]int
    func (G *Graph) Dijks(StartSource, TargetSource *Vertex) MinDistanceFromSource {
      D := make(MinDistanceFromSource)
      for _, vertex := range G.VertexArray {
        D[vertex] = MAXWEIGHT
      D[StartSource] = 0
      for edge := range StartSource.GetAdEdg() {
        D[edge.Destination] = edge.Weight
      CalculateD(StartSource, TargetSource, D)
      return D
    func CalculateD(StartSource, TargetSource *Vertex, D MinDistanceFromSource) {
      for edge := range StartSource.GetAdEdg() {
        if D[edge.Destination] > D[edge.Source]+edge.Weight {
          D[edge.Destination] = D[edge.Source] + edge.Weight
        } else if D[edge.Destination] < D[edge.Source]+edge.Weight {
        CalculateD(edge.Destination, TargetSource, D)

    I did something with array to see what is being updated.


    This gives ms

       [A->D D->E E->F F->T B->E E->D E->F F->T]
  • Admin
    Admin over 10 years
    Can you explain in more detail? What do you mean by Set some array element? With what should I initialize the array? And P is an array then how can the index be the Vertex type? Thanks!@
  • chill
    chill over 10 years
    Check the answer, I corrected it a bit. You initialize the array with some invalid vertex index.
  • Admin
    Admin over 10 years
    Hm is this what you talking about ? play.golang.org/p/TOlvZUwO5y This gives me non-integer slice index edge.Destination
  • Admin
    Admin over 10 years
    I did similar thing, but still can't combine these results play.golang.org/p/bRXYjnIGxy