Go package not exporting function with capital letter


The native library Go "image" package does not have any New method.

You would need to prefix your own image package with the name of your project/path within $GOPATH in order to make Go chose your own package, and not the native one.

See "Package names"

A Go package has both a name and a path.

The package name is specified in the package statement of its source files; client code uses it as the prefix for the package's exported names. Client code uses the package path when importing the package.
By convention, the last element of the package path is the package name:

import (
    "context"                // package context
    "fmt"                    // package fmt
    "golang.org/x/time/rate" // package rate
    "os/exec"                // package exec

The OP adds:

image is in the src folder: I have a folder called image.

See "Organizing Go code":

Sometimes people set GOPATH to the root of their source repository and put their packages in directories relative to the repository root, such as "src/my/package".

On one hand, this keeps the import paths short ("my/package" instead of "github.com/me/project/my/package"), but on the other it breaks go get and forces users to re-set their GOPATH to use the package.
Don't do this.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • leme
    leme almost 2 years

    I am trying to import a package in Golang, however I am unable to refrence a function declared within the package.

    The following code is for the package i'm trying to import.

    pacakage image
    import "pixel"
    type Image struct {
        Matrix [][]pixel.Pixel
    func New(width, height int) *Image{

    The following code is for the main file

    pacakage main
    import (
    func main(){
        img := image.New(10,4)

    When I run the main.go with go run main.go I get an error that says

    undefined: image.New

    I have ensured that my function is defined with an uppercase letter so i'm unsure why I'm able to call the New function. I am however able to declare a new image.Image variable.


    The problem was that I was developing outside the designated GOPATH/src. I was creating a file outside the GOPATH and resetting my GOPATH to my work file. This prevented me from properly importing and compiling my packages.

    • tkausl
      tkausl almost 6 years
      In which folder is image.go?
    • leme
      leme almost 6 years
      in the src folder I have a folder called image
  • leme
    leme almost 6 years
    Would the proper way to import packages be hosting a repository and importing from the repository? For example, creating a github repo for the project and calling the package from the github url
  • VonC
    VonC almost 6 years
    @leme without hosting the repo, simply having a local folder structure different from just "image" (like GOPATH/src/myproject/image) would allow your code to reference myproject.image.New(). You don't have to create a remote repo for that.