Good scalaz introduction


Solution 1

Hieko Seeberger has recently started blogging on functional programming and category theory applied to Scala. Two opening posts are very educative (and easy to read), and can help getting over the initial barrier in learning scalaz.

EDIT: When you get comfortable with the fundamentals, I would recommend you to read through (blog driven by Runar Oli and Mark Harrah) and the weblog of Tony Morris

UPD: "Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids" chapter of "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!" has a lot of examples in Haskell with detailed explanations, which can easily be translated to Scala/scalaz.

Solution 2

I wrote a series of posts on my blog on this topic, and then compiled it together:

Solution 3

There are also some video resources I have seen presenting scalaz at an introductory level,

They are both given by contributors to scalaz and introduce the contents and concepts illustrated by evolving a series of code examples. The audiences for both these talks were Scala enthusiast groups.

Solution 4

I have found this notes interesting:

Solution 5

Not tested myself, but maybe this Scalaz Guide can help, initially written in November 2010 (and/or can be contributed to, since it is no longer maintained since mid-2012).


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Passionate software engineer in his journey for perfection

Updated on March 08, 2020


  • tenshi
    tenshi over 4 years

    Recently scalaz caught my eye. It looks very interesting, but I have not found any good introduction to the library. Seems that scalaz incorporates a lot of ideas from haskell and mathematics. Most articles that I found assume that you already feel comfortable with these concepts.

    What I'm looking for is gradual introduction to the library and underlying concepts - from simple and basic concepts to more advanced (which basesd in basics).

    I also looked to the examples, but it's hard for me to find the point where I should start to learn library.

    Can somebody recommend me some good scalaz introduction or tutorial (that covers basics and advanced concepts)? Or give me starting point in the answer.


    Thanks everybody for the great answers! I summarized all of the answers and added some more links in my blog:

    And for those stuggling to find the API documentation for Scalaz they are here:

  • tenshi
    tenshi over 13 years
    Perfect, now in addition to my extreme-curiosity-syndrome I have my-brain-is-melting-syndrome :) Anyways, thanks! Interesting articles. Looks like something I was searching for (anyway I encourage everybody to post their ideas - every input is valuable)
  • oxbow_lakes
    oxbow_lakes over 13 years
    Nick Partridge's presentation (#1, above) was the lightbulb moment for me.
  • tenshi
    tenshi over 13 years
    The first video is really great. I find it very inspiring.
  • Don Mackenzie
    Don Mackenzie over 13 years
    What really helps is the pace Nick sets in his delivery which allows enough time for the information to sink in and thus preventing that familiar (for me) feeling of drowning in detail. The views expressed at the end of the video, I feel, are very pertinent too.
  • tenshi
    tenshi over 12 years
    Thanks a lot! I added these resources to my blog post:
  • sourcedelica
    sourcedelica almost 12 years
    If you're looking for something that covers scalaz7 and that goes over the whole lib then this is a great resource.
  • Bill
    Bill over 11 years
    The link seems to be broken.
  • VonC
    VonC over 10 years
    @Bill True, I have restored a link to an old version of that project, which is no longer maintained.
  • Alexey
    Alexey over 9 years
    You may find this introduction video useful: Scalaz "For the Rest of Us" by Adam Rosien
  • Alex Abdugafarov
    Alex Abdugafarov over 7 years
    The problem with this tutorial is that it relies on reader's familiarity with Haskell. Having no Haskell background myself, I found these blog articles to be outrageously hard to read.