Google Chrome disable window animations


Solution 1

You can disable the animation by adding the --wm-window-animations-disabled command-line flag.

For Linux/Ubuntu you can make this permanent by editing the Chrome shortcut at /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop. There are 3 Exec= lines where you will need to add --wm-window-animations-disabled immediately after the executable name.

If you find that this is no longer working, re-check your shortcuts as some Chrome updates (via a package manager) could have overwritten the shortcut(s), so you may need to re-edit them.

Solution 2

There's easy way to get rid of those animations everywhere & permanently under Linux.

Here's an example for Ubuntu:

sudo nano /etc/chromium-browser/customizations/dis_wm-window-anim

(on Debian its /etc/chromium.d/dis_wm-window-anim)


CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --wm-window-animations-disabled"

Ctrl+x -> y -> "enter"

Solution 3

go to developer tools and then click top right menu click More tools and then click Animation in top and left of Animation Tab you can see play and pause button by click on it you can stop and play animation


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Author by


I work as a software engineer at Walmart Labs in Sunnyvale, CA.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • friederbluemle
    friederbluemle about 2 years

    After updating to Chrome 58 I noticed a new "zoom-fade" effect when restoring a minimized window, or opening a new window (Ctrl+N). This feels very unnecessary, and - in my desktop environment - totally out of place.

    Is there a way to permanently disable all window animation effects?

  • Eric L.
    Eric L. about 7 years
    Worked like a charm! Slapped this in the XFCE shortcut and it worked great. I'm sure the Chrome team will disable that flag in about 9 months, but I can avoid the nauseating zoom until then, at least.
  • Zamicol
    Zamicol about 7 years
    This isn't working for me. Ubuntu 17.04 Chrome 58.0.3029.110 i3 desktop
  • cxrodgers
    cxrodgers about 7 years
    This worked for me, but changing that desktop file didn't help. Probably this is because I start google chrome by clicking a shortcut icon in the menu bar. So, I had to add this flag to that shortcut icon by right-clicking it and modifying the command.
  • tgkprog
    tgkprog about 7 years
    @zamicol change it where you start it from. might be another direct short cut? try from the command line first
  • Luc
    Luc about 7 years
    Oneliner for Debian, as root: echo 'CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --wm-window-animations-disabled"' > /etc/chromium.d/dis_wm-window-anim. Then restart Chromium. Looks so much snappier and better. Thanks Yevgen!
  • friederbluemle
    friederbluemle almost 7 years
    Looks like with Chrome 60 and 61 this has been fixed. So the command-line flag is no longer necessary. I marked this as the accepted answer since it did help with Chrome 58 (and 59?).
  • Nisba
    Nisba about 4 years
    tried, not related to the problem described in the question
  • Nisba
    Nisba about 4 years
    Any idea how to do this for macOS?
  • Nisba
    Nisba about 4 years
    Do you have a solution also for macOS?
