Google Chrome showing black border on focus state for button user agent styles


Solution 1

This is because the new chrome update

you can override black outline in most cases by


and you can see this article

if you want to remove outline just for mouse user.

Solution 2

You could try disabling this flag: chrome://flags/#form-controls-refresh 

Apparently the 83+ version of chrome changed how forms are rendered / handled:

Here is a relevent Google Support page which links to the blog post above:

Solution 3

The issue isn't Chromium's new contrasting focus ring, it's the default behavior across browsers that clicking triggers the focus ring.

The focus ring appears on click when the <button> appearance is altered or receives tabindex attribute.

Accessibility is a must and the new contrasting black and white focus ring is a great step forward. However there are developers (including me) that don't want the focus ring to be present when using the mouse.


  1. focus-visible polyfill
  This will hide the focus indicator if the element receives focus via the mouse,
  but it will still show up on keyboard focus.
.js-focus-visible :focus:not(.focus-visible) {
  outline: none;

if you're using a framework that overrides classes, use the focus visible attributes.

[data-js-focus-visible] :focus:not([data-focus-visible-added]) {
  outline: none;
  1. :focus-visible css pseudo selector. Chrome and Firefox now support this property. Currently Safari has no support. MDN Browser Compatibility
  This will hide the focus indicator if the element receives focus via the mouse,
  but it will still show up on keyboard focus.

button:focus:not(:focus-visible) {
 outline: none;

Keep in mind that for mobile users, if there's an element that triggers the soft keyboard to pop up, such as <input type="text">, it should have visual indication that it is focused.

Solution 4

There are 2 way to handle it.

  1. configuration in chrome which few has suggested.

  2. Programmatically approach outline: 0px transparent !important; in style Or outline: none !important; Both have worked for me.

Since we can't force user to do configuration, I would suggest for second Option but it is long process If you have any shorter way tell us.

Solution 5

This solved it for me:


And disable this: screenshot

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Diwakar
    Diwakar almost 2 years

    Recently i was working on a web design project, and noticed something odd, after the last Google Chrome update. The default border style(user agent style) for button is changed, and which is looking visually annoying to me.

    Is there any method to modify/restore the default browser styles, i.e., user agent styles permanently?

    here are some images of the problem: self developed web page button

    state of border color on click/focus

    i have also checked other websites and even google browsing on google images

    other example

    also checked the dev tool, found this border styles applied on the focus state of the button also checked the dev tool, found this border styles applied on the focus state of the button

  • Diwakar
    Diwakar about 4 years
    i think google should rollback this update, as this solution is limited to my machine/system/only. The end-user for websites also have to update this setting in their systems too.
  • Diwakar
    Diwakar about 4 years
    this style will be useful for new projects, need to think about those which are already done. i think google should disable this new style feature by default, which is currently enabled automatically. it will be good if user has to turn this new feature manually by himself with this link flag: chrome://flags/#form-controls-refresh
  • Mo Shal
    Mo Shal about 4 years
    yes i'm agree with you this will cause many problem to users and developers , google must back all old styles because not all of them you can modify it by css like checkbox or select options it's have ugly blue background
  • Diwakar
    Diwakar about 4 years
    not all changes are annoying, some of them are looking nice. but this should not be enabled by default and automatically.
  • Leo
    Leo about 4 years
    Or maybe google should just put a different color rather than black, and make it like the other blue that it had before? Well, that's the easy fix haha.
  • Jason
    Jason about 4 years
    This is bad for accessibility. There are plenty of sighted keyboard only users and taking away focus styles is problematic.
  • Jimson James
    Jimson James about 4 years
    for any Google Chrome end-user (those who just want to see old style), disabling form-controls-refresh works.
  • James Douglas
    James Douglas about 4 years
    Could you provide the link to the Google Support page you speak of?
  • Gagan Deep
    Gagan Deep about 4 years
    Hey James. Here you go Although I can't find the original solution now.
  • James Douglas
    James Douglas about 4 years
    @GaganDeep Thank you. I've edited your answer to include the relevent links.
  • nbsp
    nbsp about 4 years
    That fix doesn't work, unless you include their polyfill ( and then even that doesn't work on <option>'s...
  • Athari
    Athari almost 4 years
    @Jason Enabling "new styles" by default is problematic, not disabling them with CSS. Every web designer who sees this black border would demand a web dev to fix it. If it was opt-in, nobody would know and users with sight issues could enjoy black borders. Now these black borders just become a "bug" in an issue tracker, just like borders for images in links in IE. Either way, as someone who does use focus and could enjoy these borders, I find control focus in Chrome barely usable anyway.
  • StanE
    StanE almost 4 years
    Yes, but for us developers (to which the question relates) this is not an acceptable solution. We can't tell every customer to make such "complicated" tasks - we have to stick to the default settings and try to change them ourself without client interaction. At least Google worked with Microsoft together on this. But still... kind of funny to see this "backward development" with flat design, homogene colors, everything rectangle and ugly looking outlines. Looks almost like Windows 1, DOS, Mac System Software, etc.
  • zawhtut
    zawhtut over 3 years
    The most relevant answer
  • Barefaced Bear
    Barefaced Bear about 3 years
    i also needed to add !important to make it work.
  • BATMAN_2008
    BATMAN_2008 almost 3 years
    This worked for me as I was facing the issue during my application development I thought somethings wrong with my application but turns out it was working well with other application so fixed it by changing this option in chrome.
  • Ibrahim Mohammed
    Ibrahim Mohammed almost 3 years
    that's not what the question is about
  • andreszs
    andreszs almost 3 years
    Long clicking any button will still show the useless black rectangle.
  • andreszs
    andreszs almost 3 years
    Finally a decent answer that actually works in all focusing scenarios. Very nice.
  • andreszs
    andreszs almost 3 years
    Of course, now ask every single user to do that as well, specially your boss to begin with.
  • Caleb Taylor
    Caleb Taylor almost 3 years
    @andreszs does this happen with the polyfill or the native pseudo class.
  • andreszs
    andreszs almost 3 years
    With both. However, I solved it by using outline: 0px transparent !important; as the propery for the :focus-visible CSS pseudo selector as suggested by @ThinkThank