Google Cloud Speech with Javascript


The Google Cloud API is more specifically used for server-side speech processing. If you're looking to use voice recognition through a browser, you should use your browser's built in Web Speech API. Here's a simple example:

var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognition.continuous = true;

var output = document.getElementById('output');
recognition.onresult = function(event) {
  output.textContent = event.results[0][0].transcript;
<div id="output"></div>
<button onclick="recognition.start()">Start</button>
<button onclick="recognition.stop()">Stop</button>
Thiago F. Toledo
Author by

Thiago F. Toledo

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Thiago F. Toledo
    Thiago F. Toledo almost 2 years

    In documentation and tutorial for REST API (Google Sppech API for Node:, so my question is how to use the Cloud Speech API in JavaScript. Someone used on any page with javascript?

    2020-04-24 EDIT: The accepted answer is using webkitSpeechRecognition which is not available on mobile:

    Google documentation and examples:

    Node.js code:

    REQUIREMENT: it has to run in Safari on iOS.

  • Paresh Varde
    Paresh Varde over 7 years
    They are totally different API. Web Speech API you are suggesting is private API and has limitation of 50 requests a day! We cant use if for commercial projects with this limitations. Please go through before you make the decision of using Speech Web API
  • fny
    fny over 7 years
    This simply isn't true. The Web Speech API is a W3C supported, a cross-browser feature that even exists in Firefox today. It's up to the browser vendor decide how the speech is parsed, and the Google API keys come built into Google's Chrome builds by default. For a custom Chromium build, you would need to obtain API keys.
  • fny
    fny over 7 years
    @PareshVarde Again, that's for compiling your own Chromium build. I can easily make thousands of requests in a day from my own browser without any issues. Here's an example that makes 1 request every 3 seconds for 100 requests:
  • Paresh Varde
    Paresh Varde over 7 years
    I am not using Google Chrome. I am packaging my application into electron atom and it causes issue. Google Chrome works fine without any affecting any quota limit they specified.
  • Michal Stefanow
    Michal Stefanow about 4 years
    Quick test using webkitSpeechRecognition in Chrome - rather poor quality. I'm keen to try Cloud version, opened a bounty of this question...