Google Domain - DNS Configuration for Firebase Hosting - Connect Domain


Solution 1

Click the little + icon to the right of the field where you're entering the IP address. That will open a second textbox that you can use for the second value.

Solution 2

I noticed in your screenshot

That you have (where I assume ----------- is your URL). You don't want that. You want simply @ there (and www if you want to redirect as well). @ means "this domain name", which in your case is ----------

Hope this helps!

Solution 3

This was really helpful but there was one missing thing I was still confused on. On the firebase docs page for this if you scroll down the page it give you an example of how to setup a google domain. It asks that you put in the following information.

enter image description here

I could not find any "verification value provided in firebase console" for a TXT record. I ended up just putting the DNS A record inputs and that worked for and

Solution 4

Addition to Editing and (+) adding records together. You might want to also add 2 records for @ and and 2 for www.

Author by


Updated on May 22, 2021


  • Manu
    Manu about 3 years

    I am trying to connect my firebase app in to a domain -where the domain purchesd from google.Need help to to do the setup for DNS configuration. my app is working fine in firebase app. firebase app is -

    My Firebase setup

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    Google Domain ( - DNS Configuration

    1.Name servers Default is "Use the Google Domains name servers" is it OK?, if not what to setup

    enter image description here

    2.Registered hosts

    If anything, need to add- please let me know.

    enter image description here

    3.Synthetic records

    If anything, need to setup - please let me know.

    enter image description here

    4. Custom resource records

    I am trying to add two records but getting error while trying to add second record - is "Record already in use" please find the screen shot

    enter image description here

    Update Now I have added both the IP address, but still it is not working.

    enter image description here