google mock - can I call EXPECT_CALL multiple times on same mock object?


Solution 1

Yes, you can call EXPECT_CALL on the same mock object multiple times. As long as you assure that all EXPECT_CALL were called before the mocked methods were actually used. Otherwise your test will rely on undefined behavior. From ForDummies:

Important note: gMock requires expectations to be set before the mock functions are called, otherwise the behavior is undefined. In particular, you mustn't interleave EXPECT_CALL()s and calls to the mock functions.

How multiple calls will be handled? The documentation is really straightforward. From ForDummies:

By default, when a mock method is invoked, Google Mock will search the expectations in the reverse order they are defined, and stop when an active expectation that matches the arguments is found (you can think of it as "newer rules override older ones.").

Let's consider what this means for the gMock user, by checking some examples. I assume that we have a file with following header:

#include <gmock/gmock.h>

using namespace ::testing;

struct SomeMock
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(foo, void(int));

The simplest example of passing test that calls EXPECT_CALL multiple times:

TEST(Examples, DifferentArgumentsGoingToBeOk)
    SomeMock mock;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); // exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(5)).Times(1); // exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

The tests works intuitively:

  • call#1 does not match with exp#2 so exp#1 is tried and matches.
  • call#2 matches with exp#2.

Both calls matched exactly once, thus they are considered satisfied and the test passes.

The tricky part starts when multiple EXPECT_CALL are able to match the call. Let's consider the following example:

TEST(Examples, TheSameArgumentsGoingToFail) // Test fails!
    SomeMock mock;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#2; // call#1; // call#2
  • The call#1 matches the exp#2. gMock stops at first matched expectation, it won't check the exp#1 at all.
  • The call#2 matches the exp#2. Again the exp#1 does not have chance to be matched.

As a result the test fails as the exp#2 gets matched twice instead of once and exp#1 is not matched at all. All that is printed in the test output:

/tmp/so/main.cpp:26: Failure // exp#2
Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.
    Function call: foo(4)
         Expected: to be called once
           Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
/tmp/so/main.cpp:25: Failure // exp#1
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4))...
         Expected: to be called once
           Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active

Also, it is important, that adding new expectancy won't disable or remove old ones. They are still able to fail your test!

TEST(Examples, NewExpectCallDoesNotEraseThePreviousOne) // Test fails!
    SomeMock mock;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); // exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(2); // exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

Both call#1 and call#2 matches the exp#2. As a result the exp#2 is satisfied, but the test will fail as exp#1 was not matched enough times.

If for some reason, you need to write a test like TheSameArgumentsGoingToFail, you can use a number of techniques to prevent exp#2 from matching second time. Please refer to the documentation InSequence usage, RetiresOnSaturation:

TEST(Examples, InSequenceExample)
    SomeMock mock;

    Sequence seq;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1).InSequence(seq); //exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1).InSequence(seq); //exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

TEST(Examples, InSequenceExampleSecondApproach)
    SomeMock mock;

    InSequence seq;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

TEST(Examples, RetiresOnSaturationExample)
    SomeMock mock;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1).RetiresOnSaturation(); //exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

TEST(Examples, AfterExample)
    SomeMock mock;

    auto& exp1 = EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); //exp#1
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1).After(exp1); //exp#2; // call#1; // call#2

Solution 2

A link to this answer as an article in my GitHub repo can be found in Google's gtest documentation here: googletest/docs/

All of the below code was tested with Googletest/Googlemock v1.10.0, which was released 3 Oct. 2019.

If you'd like to run tests for yourself but don't have googletest or googlemock set up on your system, here's a bare-bones project I created to get it up and running quickly on Ubuntu. Go clone it and play with it yourself. It may act as a starting point to help you get it running on Mac or Windows as well.

This is a really important question, so I feel compelled to have a hack at it.

The nuances:

Let me start by saying that Google Mock (gmock) is nuanced. That means there are lots of subtleties to understand, and this is difficult. Even the documentation is a bit scattered, and you kind of need to carefully read and study it all to really grasp some or even most of these nuances, since they don't do a good job of repeating certain important points in each of the documents. So, here is all of the official documentation: if you're doing this for work, tell your supervisor you are going to set aside several days to carefully go through the gtest and gmock documentation and to practice examples to get a strong grasp on it.

The documentation:

As you read and study the below documentation, save each one as (print it to) a PDF, then use Foxit Reader for free on Windows, Mac, or Linux, to edit, take notes in, and highlight or underline the PDF as you go. This way you have notes of the most important things you need to remember. See my *_GS_edit.pdf PDFs here and here for examples of taking notes and marking up PDFs that I have done as I've learned Google Test and Google Mock.

Official Google Documentation:

  1. gtest: it's all in this folder: The key documents to study, in this order probably, are the:
    1. primer
    2. FAQ
    3. samples (look at and carefully study the source code for at least the first 3 samples)
    4. advanced
  2. gmock: it's all in this folder: The key documents to study, in this order probably, are the:
    1. for dummies
    2. cook book
    3. cheat sheet - this is the best one-stop-shop or "summary of gmock rules" of all of the docs, but lacks some things that are even spelled out explicitly in (and only in) the "for dummies" manual that you will need in addition to this doc.
    4. FAQ
    5. for dummies <-- yes, AGAIN! AFTER doing and attempting to write a bunch of tests and mocks, then come back and re-read this document again! It will make sooo much more sense the 2nd time around after putting gtest and gmock principles into practice yourself first.

Some subtle rules to remember in general:

  1. "Remember that the test order is undefined, so your code can't depend on a test preceding or following another" (
  2. "Important note: gMock requires expectations to be set before the mock functions are called, otherwise the behavior is undefined. In particular, you mustn't interleave EXPECT_CALL()s and calls to the mock functions" (

The answers:

Question 1: "If I call EXPECT_CALL twice on the same mock object in the same TEST_F . . . what happens?"

A: First off, whether your're using the TEST() macro or the TEST_F() macro in this case makes no difference. The TEST() macro simply expands into a class which publicly inherits from the ::testing::Test class, and the TEST_F() macro simply expands into a class which inherits from your test fixture class (the first parameter to TEST_F()), which must publicly inherit from the ::testing::Test class.

Many EXPECT_CALLs can be called on the same mock object (mock class), from general to specific, as follows:

The 3 rules of multiple EXPECT_CALLs on the same mock object:
From most generic --> most specific (AKA: "outer" --> "inner" scope).

  1. You can have at least one EXPECT_CALL per mock method: One mock class can have many mocked methods, so each method may have one or more EXPECT_CALLs configuring the expected interaction with that method. Therefore, a mock class can have at least one EXPECT_CALL per method.

  2. You shouldn't have more than one EXPECT_CALL per matcher signature on a single mock method: (Read more on this in Rule 3 below). Each mock method has many different parameter values that can be passed in, so you can have up to one EXPECT_CALL per matcher signature (possible parameter value or combination of values, in the event of multiple input parameters). This means each mock method can have potentially many thousands or even millions or billions of valid and unique EXPECT_CALLs attached to it, each matching a different set of "matchers", or input parameters to the mocked method. For example, this is perfectly valid:

     // Each `EXPECT_CALL()` in this example has a different and 
     // unique "matcher" signature, so every `EXPECT_CALL()` will
     // take effect for its matching parameter signature when
     // `myMockMethod()` is called.
     //                                    v--matchers
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(1));
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(2));
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(3));
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(4));
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(5));
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(1000));

    In particular, the above EXPECT_CALLs each specify that a call to myMockMethod() with that matching signature must occur exactly 1 time. That's because the cardinality rules in this case dictate than an implicit .Times(1) is present on each of those EXPECT_CALLs, even though you don't see it written.

    To specify that you want a given EXPECT_CALL to mach any input value for a given parameter, use the ::testing::_ matcher, like this:

     using ::testing::_;
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_));
  3. Don't have duplicate EXPECT_CALLs with the same matcher signature on the same mock method, but multiple EXPECT_CALLs with overlapping/overriding (but NOT duplicate) matcher signatures on the same mock method are OK: If you attach more than one EXPECT_CALL to the same matching values, only the last one set will have any effect. See here, here, and here, for instance. This means if you have two or more EXPECT_CALLs with duplicate matcher signatures (the same parameters passed to the mock method), then ONLY THE LAST ONE WILL EVER GET ANY CALLS.

    Therefore, your test will ALWAYS FAIL except in the unusual case that all EXPECT_CALLs except the last one have a .Times(0) value, specifying that they will never be called, as indeed this is the case: the last EXPECT_CALL will match all of the calls for these matchers and all duplicate EXPECT_CALLs above it will have no matching calls! Here is an example of a test which will always fail as a result of this behavior. This is the main behavior that @luantkow focuses on in his answer here.

     using ::testing::_;
     // Notice they all have the same mock method parameter "matchers"
     // here, making only the last `EXPECT_CALL()` with this matcher
     // signature actually match and get called. Therefore, THIS TEST
     // WILL ***ALWAYS FAIL***, since EXPECT_CALL #1 expects to get 
     // called 1 time but is NEVER called, #2 through #1006, inclusive,
     // all expect to get called 2 times each but all of them are NEVER
     // called, etc.! Only #1007 is ever called, since it is last and
     // therefore always matches first.          
     //                                    v--matchers
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(1); // EXPECT_CALL #1
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(2); // EXPECT_CALL #2
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(2); // EXPECT_CALL #3
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(2); // EXPECT_CALL #4
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(2); // EXPECT_CALL #5
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(2); // EXPECT_CALL #6
     // ... duplicate the line just above 1000 more times here
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(3); // EXPECT_CALL #1007

    This weird exception, however, makes the test valid simply by setting all duplicate EXPECT_CALLs, except for the last one, to have a .Times(0) cardinal setting:

     using ::testing::_;
     // Notice they all have the same mock method parameter "matchers"
     // here, making only the last `EXPECT_CALL()` with this matcher
     // signature actually match and get called. However, since all previous
     // `EXCEPT_CALL` duplicates are set to `.Times(0)`, this test is valid
     // and can pass.          
     //                                    v--matchers
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #1
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #2
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #3
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #4
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #5
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(0); // EXPECT_CALL #6
     // ... duplicate the line just above 1000 more times here
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(3); // EXPECT_CALL #1007

    Here, only EXPECT_CALL #1007 (the very last EXPECT_CALL) will ever match a call to myMockMethod(), and Times(3) will be in effect. Since all duplicate EXPECT_CALLs above this one will NEVER MATCH AND GET CALLED, since they are never reached, tests with duplicate EXPECT_CALLs for a given matcher would ALWAYS FAIL for any .Times() value other than .Times(0) for all non-last-place duplicate EXPECT_CALLs.

    This effect of making later matchers have the ability to override earlier matchers is intentional and part of the Googlemock design, as it allows you to create a very useful kind of hierarchy of expected calls, based on value passed to the mock method, like this:

     using ::testing::_;
     // Most general matchers first (_ matches any input value)
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(_)).Times(1);
     // More specific matchers next, to override the more general matcher 
     // above if they match
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(7)).Times(2);
     EXPECT_CALL(myMockClass, myMockMethod(5)).Times(4);

    The various google documents say that matching EXPECT_CALLs are searched for in reverse order, from bottom to top. So, if myMockMethod(8) is called, it will be checked against the last EXPECT_CALL for this method, which is looking for myMockMethod(5). That doesn't match, so it goes up one and checks against myMockMethod(7). That doesn't match, so it goes up one and checks against myMockMethod(_). This matches! So, it counts as the one call authorized by the Times(1) cardinal value.

    So, what you've defined above is this: we expect myMockMethod(5) to be called 4 times, myMockMethod(7) to be called 2 times, and myMockMethod(anything_other_than_5_or_7) to be called 1 time. For more reading on this topic, see my other answer here: google mock - how to say "function must be called ONCE with a certain parameter but ok to be called many times with different parameters"?.

Key summary: the main point to remember regarding the question "Can I call EXPECT_CALL multiple times on same mock object?", is this: you can only call EXPECT_CALL multiple times on the same mock object and method if the matchers (arguments specified to be passed to the mocked method) are different for each EXPECT_CALL. That is, of course, unless you set .Times(0) on all but the last duplicate EXPECT_CALL, which makes them useless, so just remember instead to not have duplicate EXPECT_CALLs with the same matchers.

That fully answers this question.

Question 2: "Are the expectations appended to the mock object or does the second call erase the effects of the first call?"

The above description answers this question as well. Essentially, the EXPECT_CALL expectations do NOT override the effects of any EXPECT_CALLs before them, unless the matchers (values specified to be passed to the mock methods) are identical or overlapping, in which case only the last EXPECT_CALL will ever get called at all, as it is always reached before the others in the matching sequence. Therefore, don't have duplicate EXPECT_CALLs with the same matchers on a given mocked method or else you could be inadvertently forcing the test to always fail, since the above EXPECT_CALLs will never get called. This is discussed at length in Question 1 above.

Again, for more reading on this topic, read above, and see my other answer here: google mock - how to say "function must be called ONCE with a certain parameter but ok to be called many times with different parameters"?.

Question 3: Can I call EXPECT_CALL to set some expectations on a mock method, call the mock method, then call EXPECT_CALL on the method again to change the expectations, then call the mock method again?

This question wasn't even explicitly asked by the OP, but the only reason I found this page is because I was searching for this answer for many hours and couldn't find it. My Google search was "gmock multiple expect_call." Therefore, others asking this question will also fall on this page and need a conclusive answer.

A: NO, you can NOT do this! Although it may seem to work in testing, according to Google, it produces undefined behavior. See general rule #2 above!

"Important note: gMock requires expectations to be set before the mock functions are called, otherwise the behavior is undefined. In particular, you mustn't interleave EXPECT_CALL()s and calls to the mock functions" (

See also my answer here: Interleaving EXPECT_CALL()s and calls to the mock functions is undefined behavior.

Therefore, this is NOT ALLOWED!:

// The goal is to ensure that `myMockMethod()` is only called 2x the first time by 
// `myOtherFunc()`, 3x the second time, and 0x the last time.

// Google states: "**Important note:** gMock requires expectations to be set 
// **before** the mock functions are called, otherwise the behavior is **undefined**. 
// In particular, you mustn't interleave `EXPECT_CALL()`s and calls to the mock functions"
// (

using ::testing::_;

TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyCustomTest) 
    // `myMockMethod()` should be called only 2x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
    // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
    EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    // UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR BEGINS HERE: you can't interleave calls to `EXPECT_CALL` with 
    // calls to the mocked functions (in this case: `myMockMethod()`,
    // which is called by `myOtherFunc()`).

    // THEN `myMockMethod()` should be called 3x here by `myOtherFunc()`
    EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    // LAST, `myMockMethod()` should be called 0x here by `myOtherFunc()`
    EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

So, what's a valid solution here? Well, if you can break this test up into 3 different, independent tests, just do that! But, what if these 3 tests are interconnected in such a way you cannot separate them? Example: you are trying to test a throttling function which throttles print output to only once per second, for instance, even if you try to print more often that that per second. Well, in this case there are some work-arounds.

First, let's review: per the Google Mock Cheat Sheet, here are the ways to configure an EXPECT_CALL():

EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method (matchers)?)
     .With(multi-argument-matcher)  ?
     .Times(cardinality)            ?
     .InSequence(sequences)         *
     .After(expectations)           *
     .WillOnce(action)              *
     .WillRepeatedly(action)        ?
     .RetiresOnSaturation();        ?

For each item above, ? means it can be used at most once, while * means it can be used any number of times.

We need to use the .WillRepeatedly(action) option with an action which produces side effects or calls a function, functor, or lambda as an action.

Here are some work-arounds to safely and correctly perform the above test which had undefined behavior. If you want to see the best approach first, just jump straight down to #3 below:

  1. Use Assign(&variable, value). In this particular case, this is a bit hacky, but it does work properly. For a simpler test case you may have, this might be the perfect way to do what you need. Here's a viable solution:

    Side note: an error output I got while trying to run a gmock test said:

    .Times() cannot appear after .InSequence(), .WillOnce(), .WillRepeatedly(), or .RetiresOnSaturation(), it turns out we don't need to (and we are not even allowed to) specify .Times(::testing::AnyNumber()) here. Instead, gmock will figure it out automatically, according to these cardinality rules, since we are using .WillRepeatedly():

    If you omit Times(), gMock will infer the cardinality for you. The rules are easy to remember:

    • If neither WillOnce() nor WillRepeatedly() is in the EXPECT_CALL(), the inferred cardinality is Times(1).
    • If there are n WillOnce()'s but no WillRepeatedly(), where n >= 1, the cardinality is Times(n).
    • If there are n WillOnce()'s and one WillRepeatedly(), where n >= 0, the cardinality is Times(AtLeast(n)).

    This technique has actually been tested and proven to work on real code:

     using ::testing::_;
     using ::testing::Assign;
     TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyCustomTest) 
         bool myMockMethodWasCalled = false;
         EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
             // Set `myMockMethodWasCalled` to true every time `myMockMethod()` is called with
             // *any* input parameters!
             .WillRepeatedly(Assign(&myMockMethodWasCalled, true));
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 1st sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 2x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
             if (i < 2)
                 myMockMethodWasCalled = false;        // reset
                 EXPECT_FALSE(myMockMethodWasCalled);  // ensure reset works (sanity check)
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 2nd sub-test
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 3x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
             if (i < 3)
                 myMockMethodWasCalled = false;        // reset
                 EXPECT_FALSE(myMockMethodWasCalled);  // ensure reset works (sanity check)
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 3rd sub-test
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called 0x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  2. Use InvokeWithoutArgs(f) with a global counter variable and a global counter function. This works great, and is much easier to use and more versatile than the previous approach! Note that you could also migrate this global function and variable to be inside your test fixture class as well if you wanted, which would clean it up a bit.

    This technique has actually been tested and proven to work on real code:

     using ::testing::_;
     using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
     static uint32_t callCounter = 0;
     static void incrementCallCounter()
     TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyCustomTest)
         EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
             // Set gmock to increment the global `callCounter` variable every time 
             // `myMockMethod()` is called with *any* input parameters!
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 1st sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 2x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 2);
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 2nd sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 3x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 3);
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 1st sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called 0x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 0);
  3. [BEST TECHNIQUE] Use InvokeWithoutArgs(f) with a local counter variable and a simple lambda function! This works great, and is much easier to use and more versatile than the 1st approach, while avoiding the global variable and additional global function of the 2nd approach. It is for sure my favorite way to handle this, and works extremely well.

    This technique has actually been tested and proven to work on real code:

     using ::testing::_;
     using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
     TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyCustomTest)
         uint32_t callCounter;
         EXPECT_CALL(MyMockClass, myMockMethod(_, _))
             // Use a lambda function to set gmock to increment `callCounter` every 
             // time `myMockMethod()` is called with *any* input parameters!
             .WillRepeatedly(InvokeWithoutArgs([&callCounter](){ callCounter++; }));
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 1st sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 2x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 2);
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 2nd sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called only 3x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 3);
         // Do any necessary setup here for the 1st sub-test 
         // Test that `myMockMethod()` is called 0x here by `myOtherFunc()`,
         // despite calling `myOtherFunc()` repeatedly
         callCounter = 0; // ensure this is zero BEFORE you start the test!
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         EXPECT_EQ(callCounter, 0);

If you think this whole answer should be added as a stand-alone file among the Gmock docs (I propose we do this), click the github issue link just below and upvote it.

Practice using gtest/gmock:

  1. Use this project to practice writing and testing your own google tests and google mocks. This is also a good demo of how to get a new project up and running with Google's Bazel build system:


  1. GitHub issue I opened to request to add this answer as a standalone document in their official documentation. If you agree, please go here and upvote this issue:
  2. google mock - how to say "function must be called ONCE with a certain parameter but ok to be called many times with different parameters"?
  3. Google Mock: multiple expectations on same function with different parameters
  4. google mock - how to say "function must be called ONCE with a certain parameter but ok to be called many times with different parameters"?
  5. Interleaving EXPECT_CALL()s and calls to the mock functions
    1. see my answer here

Solution 3

Another useful technique (which is also shown in the For Dummies guide) is to only write one EXPECT_CALL but chain off multiple sets of actions indicating the expected results. For example:

SomeMock mock;

EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4))

This expects three calls to the method with the same parameters, and will return the specified values the first two times and then throw an exception on the third call.

This is often easier to understand than using multiple EXPECT_CALL and RetiresOnSaturation or other techniques.

You can use this with void methods as well; you just need to use DoDefault or some more interesting action in place of Return.


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Author by


Updated on April 16, 2022


  • Bob
    Bob about 2 years

    If I call EXPECT_CALL twice on the same mock object in the same TEST_F . . . what happens?

    Are the expectations appended to the mock object or does the second call erase the effects of the first call?

    I found The After Clause which appears to imply that multiple calls to same mock + EXPECT_CALL are allowed.

    • Gabriel Staples
      Gabriel Staples about 4 years
      The accepted answer is wrong, with some right things about it. I've commented under it to explain. Here's a more thorough and correct answer:…
    • Gabriel Staples
      Gabriel Staples about 4 years
      Update: @luantkow has updated his answer and it looks good now. For additional insight beyond that see the super long answer I have posted here too.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    You should replace EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)); with EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)).Times(1); to make it explicitly obvious that this EXPECT_CALL is setting the mocked function to be expected to be called once. You are letting the natural rules take over which implicitly set .Times() to 1. See the paragraph here which begins with "If Times() is omitted, the cardinality is assumed to be"...
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    You said: In the following file the test TheSameArgumentsGoingToFail will fail as the second expectation will be matched twice and the first one will not be matched at all. I downvoted this answer because this misattributes the fact that you have EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)); twice as the reason it will fail. This is not true. It is true that "the second expectation will be matched twice & the first one will not be matched at all," however. The real reason is that if you don't specify the .Times() number, gmock uses the rules in my comment above to assume it, & in this case it is 1.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    So, the first EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(4)); is ignored, and only the 2nd one is used, but the 2nd one doesn't specify the .Times() value, so gmock assumes it to be 1 in this case, following the rules in the link in my comment above, and then when you call the 2nd time, it violates the .Times(1) specifier, and then the test fails. That's why it fails. If you fix your answer I'll remove the downvote.
  • Fabio says Reinstate Monica
    Fabio says Reinstate Monica about 4 years
    Those "todo" mean you haven't finished writing the answer yet?
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    Yes, got interrupted by kids. Will come back to it later--hopefully tonight.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    @FabiosaysReinstateMonica, done! I've just added 3 large examples to the bottom of my answer and fulfilled all todos. If you find this answer useful, I'd appreciate an upvote. Thanks. This has been a ton of learning for me.
  • luantkow
    luantkow about 4 years
    @GabrielStaples: Do I understand correctly that you downvoted my answer because I havn't explicitly used Times in my examples, while being aware that assuming 1 (which was my intent) is documented behavior? I've edited my answer, as: it does not change my answer at all; it seemed to be important for you and explicit is better than implicit. Still, I consider downvoting my answer due to that as nitpicking.
  • luantkow
    luantkow about 4 years
    I've read the section you mentioned several times and it did not helped me understand what exactly is wrong with my answer. The code example that shows the mistake could be very helpful here. I am quite confident that I may present a code that proves your understanding is not sound, check the 'theTestWillFailWhenOnlyLastExpectancyWasSatisfied' in with regard to 'only the last one set will have any effect'. If you believe that you can improve my answer and you are certain that your understanding is correct, feel free to do so.
  • Fabio says Reinstate Monica
    Fabio says Reinstate Monica about 4 years
    Absolutely, it's an awesome answer! You've also shown me that I've been using multiple EXPECT_CALLs in a wrong way. I'm not sure this should be a standalone intro, but it should definitely be integrated in the official docs. I've created a GitHub account just to vote for it. Thanks a lot!
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    I've edited your answer & upvoted it. I was missing your point and so I had to make more changes than anticipated. I fully see your point now as your point is 100% correct, though. I still think you were missing my point, but it is now stated clearly in your answer (assuming you leave my edit intact) as 2. Because Times(1) expects one call but is called twice. In case anyone wants to play with this, I've created this project here to tinker with: Watching the test errors and output really helped me figure it all out.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    After playing around a lot today in my sandbox test project here, I've discovered some glaring things that are wrong in my answer. I'm going to fix them ASAP--the biggest one being my claim that you can have infinite EXPECT_CALLs with the same matchers. This is wrong. Any more than one per matcher throws test errors & always fails the tests, since earlier EXPECT_CALLs expect to have calls, but never get them since the later matching EXPECT_CALLs always match instead. I've also edited @luantkow's answer to make this clear.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    My answer is all fixed and correct now! My main changes were in my Rule #3 of "The 3 rules of multiple EXPECT_CALLs on the same mock object". There were some more subtleties going on there that I had to test repeatedly and observe using my test project here.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    Your latest changes are good. Upvoted. There was a brief downvote I did between you removing my edit and you adding your latest changes, but your latest changes look good, and are exactly in accordance with my observations and testing as well. I agree with your answer. Thanks. The only part I haven't verified are your last 4 tests at the very bottom, which you are saying will all pass, correct?
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples about 4 years
    I just tested all 4 of the TEST()s at the bottom of your answer. They all pass. Thanks for adding those. They are a very useful starting point for learning about those concepts. For anyone else who wants to try running any of these tests too, here's my project: eRCaGuy_gtest_practice. Test the last 4 tests of this answer with this command: time bazel test --test_output=all --test_arg=--gtest_color=yes //:gmock_test3.
  • Thirlan
    Thirlan almost 4 years
    This question answered our problems
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    I don't understand why you don't need to specify .Times(3) here.. since the default is Times(1).
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    This answer highlights that gtest is particulary not obvious to use :O
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    Maybe it's because it can let people think that the call will be done 3x3 times.. :O
  • PorottayumBeefum
    PorottayumBeefum about 2 years
    Is this the same for ON_CALL, can we have multiple definition to same mock method?
  • luantkow
    luantkow about 2 years
    @PorottayumBeefum yes, we can have multiple definition. Just as with EXPECT_CALL, the last matching ON_CALL definition will be used. See… for more information.