Google Play Store Release Issue


Solution 1

I contacted the Google support and they replied within 24 hours.

The issue is the android:versionCode in the AndroidManifest.xml is lower than my previous release. After I fixed the issue I was able to release my app without any issue.

How I fixed the issue

I changed the android-versionCode to a higher value in <manifest tag in the config.xml file so AndroidManifest.xml has the higher value.

Full reply from Google


Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support.

You're seeing that error message because your new APK has a lower version code than the previous APK. Newer APKs must always have a higher version code than the previous version, or the Play Store won't know that the new APK is an update. Please change your new APK's version code to be at least 206020.


Google Play Developer Support

Solution 2

If your Old APK version is a higher number than your New APK version then you get this error. enter image description here

It is not the version name that matters, that can actually be any string, it is only the version code which must always be higher than a previous version.

To fix for Flutter

In pubspec.yaml it is the version line, and the number after the + sign is the one that must be higher than the Old Version Code shown in the Google Play Console screen as the "1 app bundle deactivated".
That would be 50 if this was your version line :

version: 1.0.0+50

Solution 3

I faced same issue, interestingly the versioncode(120001) of new release (12.0.0) was less than the versioncode(1104058) previous release (11.4.5)

I resolved this issue following this link Setting Android version code in Ionic 2

Solution 4

In your config.xml file's <widget> element, add/increment the android-versionCode attribute by one:

<widget id="" version="1.0.1" android-versionCode="10001" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">

After that, running a cordova clean android and cordova build android --release gave me an .apk that the Google Play Console accepted.

Solution 5

Update both versionCode and versionName. 

minSdkVesion 16 
targetSdkVesion 26
versionCode 2
versionName 1.1
Augustine Joseph
Author by

Augustine Joseph

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Augustine Joseph
    Augustine Joseph almost 2 years

    I am trying to release a new version of my Android App. I can upload the APK file but after I click the "Review" Button I am getting below error.

    Review summary Errors

    Resolve these errors before starting the rollout of this release. You can't rollout this release because it doesn't allow any existing users to upgrade to the newly added APKs.

    Please note that this app was developed using CORDOVA

    The app version details are as below image. The only difference from the previous and this new version is the Target SDK is changed from 24 to 26

    Can someone please give some idea to fix this issue. Thanks for your help

    enter image description here

  • Augustine Joseph
    Augustine Joseph over 6 years
    Can you please tell me where I need to updated the version name. As I mentioned earlier this is a cordova project. These are the values I have in my xml file
  • Augustine Joseph
    Augustine Joseph over 6 years
    I tried this and i am getting the same error. But after I reduce the android version from 6.3.0 to 5.2.2 then its this error was fixed. Not sure why the new version is not working. Can you please help me how to fix this. Thanks for your help
  • Luca Steeb
    Luca Steeb almost 5 years
    I don't understand why they don't detect that and simply show a more clear error message..
  • Cullub
    Cullub over 3 years
    For me it's in my build.gradle (:app) file.
  • Hassan Ansari
    Hassan Ansari over 3 years
    Already did, I'm shifting from normal apks to appbundle
  • Hitesh Kumar Saini
    Hitesh Kumar Saini about 3 years
    i didnt know about flutter one. thats really life saver
  • fellyp.santos
    fellyp.santos almost 3 years
    oh god, finnally a solution! I agree with Luca! PlayConsole could me more specific pointing exactly what shoud be corrected. I spent few days looking for how to solve it, thanks for your sharing.
  • Jack
    Jack almost 3 years
    Note that the comparison here is simply between integer values. So 1.2 being 1020 will actually be less than 1.1.2 being 101010
  • Umer
    Umer over 2 years
    Thanks a lot mate You are a savior. This solution works. I was using android studio to build bundle and upload it to plays tore.