google sign-in Storagerelay URI is not allowed for 'NATIVE' client type


Solution 1

It's because you haven't got your client Id for web server. You did not opt it correctly while doing set up for getting client Id.(You opted it for "Others"). I was facing the exactly same problem but then i changed my client Id for web server and now it's working perfectly.

Solution 2

I know this has been answered but in my case, while developing a desktop app with Electron and React, I had set the OAuth2 credential type as "Desktop". Changing it to "Web application" solved it for me.

Author by


passionate about coding!! Javascript and Android enthusiast. Currently playing with React and ML :D

Updated on June 21, 2022


  • yashhy
    yashhy almost 2 years

    I have been trying this simple google sign-in by following this tutorials:

    The code is very simple and I'm exactly following the same steps as given in these tutorials, but I end up in the below error.

    400. That’s an error.
    Error: invalid_request
    Storagerelay URI is not allowed for 'NATIVE' client type

    Storagerelay URI is not allowed for 'NATIVE'

    In my credentials I have the configuration like below:

    credentials configuration

    My Code goes like below:

    <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">
    <script src="" async defer></script>
    <div id="gSignIn"></div>
    function onSuccess(googleUser) {
        var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
        gapi.client.load('plus', 'v2', function () {
            var request ={
                'userId': 'me'
            //Display the user details
            request.execute(function (resp) {
    function onFailure(error) {
    function renderButton() {
        gapi.signin2.render('gSignIn', {
            'scope': 'profile email',
            'width': 240,
            'height': 50,
            'longtitle': true,
            'theme': 'dark',
            'onsuccess': onSuccess,
            'onfailure': onFailure
    function signOut() {
        var auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
        auth2.signOut().then(function () {

    Every time when I click "Sign in with Google" button, new pop-up opens and 400 error throws up.

    I also tried growing throw these answers in stackoverflow, but now luck.

    1. Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
    2. Google Sign-in is not working

    My Basic idea is to integrate sign in with google for my web-app, as said in this video, let me know whether this approach is good.

    • Sibelius Seraphini
      Sibelius Seraphini over 7 years
      have u found the answer?
    • yashhy
      yashhy over 7 years
      @SibeliusSeraphini nope :(
    • Sibelius Seraphini
      Sibelius Seraphini over 7 years
      I've found the problem, you are using a clientId from a native device (ios/android), you should we one for the web instead. Try to create a new one if needed
  • yashhy
    yashhy over 5 years
    Thanks. I cannot verify as I moved to other project. Accepting the answer coz you tried it out.
  • Raphael St
    Raphael St over 2 years
    Could @Harshit edit his answer to make it less vague, i'm still lost..
  • Alexander
    Alexander almost 2 years
    @RaphaelSt I've just edited the response with what I believe is the correct answer.