Got exception: fragment already active


Solution 1

Reading the setArguments(Bundle args) source will help you understand:

* Supply the construction arguments for this fragment.  This can only
* be called before the fragment has been attached to its activity; that
* is, you should call it immediately after constructing the fragment.  The
* arguments supplied here will be retained across fragment destroy and
* creation.
public void setArguments(Bundle args) {

    if (mIndex >= 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment already active");
    mArguments = args;

You cannot use setArguments(Bundle args) again in your code on the same Fragment. What you want to do I guess is either create a new Fragment and set the arguments again. Or you can use getArguments() and then use the put method of the bundle to change its values.

Solution 2

Try removing the previous fragment before adding the new one:

Solution 3

remove() change fragment status to de-actiive. In your case, you just didn't call commit() after remove(..).


You would do commit() after remove(), too.

Author by


A newbie in software development.

Updated on August 24, 2020


  • Leem.fin
    Leem.fin almost 4 years

    I have a fragment;

    MyFragment myFrag = new MyFragment();

    I put bundle data to this fragment:

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); 
    bundle.putString("TEST", "test");

    Then, I replace old fragment with this one and put on backstack:

    //replace old fragment
    fragmentTransaction.replace(, myFrag, "MyTag");
    //put on backstack
    //commit & get transaction ID
    int transId = fragmentTransaction.commit();

    Later, I pop backstack with the above transaction ID(transId):

    //pop the transaction from backstack

    Later, I set bundle data as argument again to my fragment(myFrag):

    //Got Java.lang.IllegalStateException: fragment already active

    As you see, my above code got exception Java.lang.IllegalStateException: fragment already active . I don't understand why myFrag is still active though I have popped the transaction of it from backstack., anyhow, since I got the exception I thought I have no choice but de-active the fragment, So, I did:

    Fragment activeFragment = fragMgr.findFragmentByTag("MyTag");

    I am not sure if my above code really can de-active the fragment, since I didn't find how to de-active an fragment. :(

    After that, when I try to set bundle data to my fragment myFrag again, I still got the same error:

    Java.lang.IllegalStateException: fragment already active

    Seems even I removed the fragment, it is still active...Why? How to de-active a fragment?