Gradle: Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'


Solution 1

There are two different Gradle applications in your system.

  1. the system-wide Gradle
    This application is invoked by gradle (arguments).

  2. the gradle-wrapper
    The gradle-wrapper is specific to every project and can only be invoked inside the project's directory, using the command ./gradlew (arguments).

Your system-wide gradle version is 5.1.1 (as the OP explained in the comments, running the command gradle --version returned version 5.1.1).

However, the failure is the result of a call to the gradle-wrapper (./gradlew). Could you check your project's gradle wrapper version? To do that, execute ./gradlew --version inside your project's folder, in the directory where the gradlew and gradlew.bat files are.

Update 1:
As running ./gradlew --version failed, you can manually check your wrapper's version by opening the file:

(project's root folder)/gradle/wrapper/

with a simple text editor. The "distributionUrl" inside should tell us what the wrapper's version is.

Update 2: As per the OP's updated question, the gradle-wrapper's version is 4.1RC1.
Gradle added support for JDK 11 in Gradle 5.0. Hence since 4.1RC does not support running on JDK 11 this is definitely a problem.

The obvious way, would be to update your project's gradle-wrapper to version 5.0.
However, before updating, try running gradle app:installDebug. This will use your system-wide installed Gradle whose version is 5.1.1 and supports running on Java 11. If this works, then your buildscript (file build.gradle) is not affected by any breaking changes between v.4.1RC1 and v.5.1.1 and you can then update your wrapper by executing from the command line inside your project's folder: gradle wrapper --gradle-version=5.1.1 [*].

If gradle app:installDebug fails to execute correctly, then maybe you need to upgrade your Gradle buildscript. For updating from v.4.1RC1 to 5.1.1, the Gradle project provides a guide (1, 2) with breaking changes and deprecated features between minor releases, so that you can update gradually to the latest version.

Alternatively, if for some reason you can't or don't want to upgrade your Gradle buildscript, you can always choose to downgrade your Java version to one that Gradle 4.1RC1 supports running on.

[*] As correctly pointed out in the answer by @lupchiazoem, use gradle wrapper --gradle-version=5.1.1 (and not ./gradlew as I had originally posted there by mistake). The reason is Gradle runs on Java. You can update your gradle-wrapper using any working Gradle distribution, either your system-wide installed Gradle or the gradle-wrapper itself. However, in this case your wrapper is not compatible with your installed Java version, so you do have to use the system-wide Gradle (aka gradle and not ./gradlew).

Solution 2

As distributionUrl is still pointing to older version, upgrade wrapper using:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 5.1.1

Note: Use gradle and not gradlew

Solution 3

Updating gradle/wrapper/ with the following version fixed it for me:


Solution 4

In my case the JAVA_HOME variable was set to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.2/. It was sufficient to unset the variable like this:

$ export JAVA_HOME=

Solution 5

tl;dr: downgrade java by running update-alternatives

My system gradle version was 4.4.1, and the gradle wrapper version was 4.0. After running the command given by several other answers:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 4.4.1

I still had the same error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine java version from '11.0.4'.

It turns out java 11 wasn't supported until gradle 4.8, and my software repositories only had 4.4.1. (Also, upgrading to newer gradle version might have been incompatible with the package I was trying to compile.)

The answer was to downgrade java. My system actually had java8 already installed, and it was easy to switch between java versions by running this command and following the instructions:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

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Updated on March 29, 2022


  • lesley2958
    lesley2958 over 2 years

    I ran the following comment:

    ./gradlew app:installDebug

    only to be met with the log:

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'.
    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
    * Get more help at

    My version of gradle is 5.1.1:

    Gradle 5.1.1
    Build time:   2019-01-10 23:05:02 UTC
    Revision:     3c9abb645fb83932c44e8610642393ad62116807
    Kotlin DSL:   1.1.1
    Kotlin:       1.3.11
    Groovy:       2.5.4
    Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.13 compiled on July 10 2018
    JVM:          11.0.2 (Oracle Corporation 11.0.2+9-LTS)
    OS:           Mac OS X 10.13.6 x86_64

    I'm not sure how to proceed (I tried upgrading/downgrading, but nothing has worked so far).

    UPDATE: When I ran ./gradlew --version, I got the following:

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'.
    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
    * Get more help at

    My .../gradle/wrapper/ contains the following including distributionUrl=.../

    • Roddy of the Frozen Peas
      Roddy of the Frozen Peas over 5 years
      according to this bug report , is it possible your gradle wrapper is older?
    • tryman
      tryman over 5 years
      You run the command ./gradlew which initiate the gradle version associated with this specific project. There is no guarantee that the project's version is the same as the one you have installed (5.1.1)
    • Slaw
      Slaw over 5 years
      Is that version info the result of gradle --version or ./gradlew --version? Gradle based projects often use a wrapper to make it easier for different developers to use the same Gradle version to build the project; this also makes builds more stable.
    • lesley2958
      lesley2958 over 5 years
      that's the version of gradle --version
    • tryman
      tryman over 5 years
      Could you also go to your project folder and open the file: .../gradle/wrapper/ ? Open it with a simple text editor. The "distributionUrl" inside should tell us what the wrapper's version is.
    • lesley2958
      lesley2958 over 5 years
      Updated my answer with the contents! Seems like the wrapper is on 4.1, so that's my issue?
  • Avid Programmer
    Avid Programmer over 5 years
    @tryman thanks! for me it was the your update 2 that helped me. As a general rule of thumb I think I'd check the gradle version going forth.
  • jokarl
    jokarl over 5 years
    This solved my problem too. jenv might have started my problems initially.
  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira about 5 years
    you don't state exactly what is the CAUSE of the error. Different versions?
  • tryman
    tryman about 5 years
    What? I thought Update 2 was pretty clear. She was trying to run the Gradle wrapper of version 4.1RC1 with JDK11. Gradle added support for JDK11 at version 5.0. So what's your confusion @JoãoPimentelFerreira? That was the cause, the rest is the solution on how to update the project's wrapper to a later version that does support JDK11.
  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira about 5 years
    @tryman I have an apache project and understand nothing, zero, about gradle and I'm for two hours around this issue. Sorry, it is not clear what is the cause nor how to solve this issue.
  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira about 5 years
    @tryman so the solution is to update the gradle wrapper version to be exactly the same as the system-wide version? That's my confusion
  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira about 5 years
    My (project's root folder)/gradle/wrapper/ has distributionUrl=https\://‌​ but my system-wide gradle version is 5.0. Can you kindly help please? Thank you
  • tryman
    tryman about 5 years
    Now it's my turn to be confused. If you indeed have both the gradle wrapper in your project folder and a system-wide Gradle installation in place, the above step by step solution should work for you. Did you try upgrading your wrapper by executing inside your project folder the update command gradle wrapper --gradle-version=5.0? Replace 5.0 with your desired version, I think now the latest is 5.4
  • tryman
    tryman about 5 years
    However a word of caution:Between version 3.3 of your wrapper an any version 5.x there are bound to be some breaking changes that you may or may not encounter. That's why in my answer I point you to first build your project with your systemwide Gradle to verify that everything runs smoothly with the version of 5.x you want to upgrade to before updating your project's wrapper. If in a hurry (I sense urgency in your tone) you can always use the system gradle directly or downgrade to an older JDK and catch up on upgrading your wrapper later.
  • prayagupa
    prayagupa about 5 years
    for me GRADLE_HOME was updated(to 5.4.1``) but not gradle version(still pointing to older version 4.3) which is weird but restarting terminal worked fine. something weird with source ~/.bash_profile
  • CCJ
    CCJ almost 5 years
    Landed here from the same issue in Android Studio; I wonder why ./gradlew is not hitting Android Studio's bundled jdk 8? Clearly it does when I hit the 'play' button to build... This is a fairly serious problem for projects that can't/won't upgrade gradle version, given the Oracle Java 8 apocalypse.
  • Mauricio Sartori
    Mauricio Sartori almost 5 years
    Just a heads up DO NOT try this solution on Android Studio. I will break it.
  • Liam Kernighan
    Liam Kernighan over 4 years
    Or just replace the version in gradle/wrapper/ distributionUrl=https\://‌​ Version 6 with JDK12 doesn't seem to work. 5.1.1 works fine, thank you.
  • Paul Samsotha
    Paul Samsotha about 3 years
    I was using and older version of Gradle (4.1) on my system and trying to use Java 11. I guess that Java version was not supported by Gradle 4.1. So I just updated Gradle with brew upgrade gradle and it installed the latest (7.0) version of Gradle. Life is good again.
  • sonichy
    sonichy about 3 years
    Java 11 need Gradle 5.0
  • Akhilesh
    Akhilesh almost 3 years
    Updating Gradle version in the following file fixed the issue: (project's root folder)/gradle/wrapper/
  • Admin
    Admin almost 3 years
    Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
  • Cadoiz
    Cadoiz over 2 years
    This was the only solution that worked fine for me on current Windows 10. Sdkman as proposed here should do the trick too, but is a bit tricky under Windows.