Guessing the encoding of text represented as byte[] in Java


Solution 1

The following method solves the problem using juniversalchardet, which is a Java port of Mozilla's encoding detection library.

public static String guessEncoding(byte[] bytes) {
    String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
    org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector detector =
        new org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector(null);
    detector.handleData(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
    String encoding = detector.getDetectedCharset();
    if (encoding == null) {
        encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
    return encoding;

The code above has been tested and works as intented. Simply add juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar to the classpath.

I've tested both juniversalchardet and jchardet. My general impression is that juniversalchardet provides the better detection accuracy and the nicer API of the two libraries.

Solution 2

There is also Apache Tika - a content analysis toolkit. It can guess the mime type, and it can guess the encoding. Usually the guess is correct with a very high probability.

Solution 3

Here's my favorite:

It works like this:

  • If there's a UTF-8 or UTF-16 BOM, return that encoding.
  • If none of the bytes have the high-order bit set, return ASCII (or you can force it to return a default 8-bit encoding instead).
  • If there are bytes with the high bit set but they're arranged in the correct patterns for UTF-8, return UTF-8.
  • Otherwise, return the platform default encoding (e.g., windows-1252 on an English-locale Windows system).

It may sound overly simplistic, but in my day-to-day work it's well over 90% accurate.

Solution 4

Chi's answer seems most promising for real use. I just want to add that, according to Joel Spolsky, Internet Explorer used a frequency-based guessing algorithm in its day:

Roughly speaking, all the assumed-to-be-text is copied, and parsed in every encoding imaginable. Whichever parse fits a language's average word (and letter?) frequency profile best, wins. I can not quickly see if jchardet uses the same kind of approach, so I thought I'd mention this just in case.

Author by


Updated on October 22, 2020


  • knorv
    knorv over 3 years

    Given an array of bytes representing text in some unknown encoding (usually UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, but not necessarily so), what is the best way to obtain a guess for the most likely encoding used (in Java)?

    Worth noting:

    • No additional meta-data is available. The byte array is literally the only available input.
    • The detection algorithm will obviously not be 100 % correct. If the algorithm is correct in more than say 80 % of the cases that is good enough.
  • knorv
    knorv over 14 years
    What about the cases where it is not UTF-8?
  • knorv
    knorv over 14 years
    I kind of know how to use Google, but the question specifically asks for "what is the best way [..]". So which is best, icu4j, jchardet or some other library?
  • knorv
    knorv over 14 years
    Please elaborate - why do you consider jchardet to be the best library around?
  • coding_idiot
    coding_idiot about 11 years
    my project requirement is if the data is not in utf8 (after detection) then convert it to utf8, how to do this ?
  • coding_idiot
    coding_idiot about 11 years
    @chi how to convert to utf8 if the encoding is not utf8.
  • Brett Okken
    Brett Okken almost 10 years
    @coding_idiot use the "guessed" encoding to convert to a String then get utf-8 bytes: new String(bytes, guessedEncoding).getBytes("utf-8").
  • james.garriss
    james.garriss over 8 years
    If it's not UTF-8, blindly calling it Latin-1 isn't a good idea. It would be better to use ICU, jchardet, or one of the other tools listed on this page to make an intelligent guess.
  • Sxilderik
    Sxilderik over 6 years
  • Aleksandr Erokhin
    Aleksandr Erokhin over 5 years
    juniversalchardet is also available in maven. groupId: com.googlecode.juniversalchardet, artifactId: juniversalchardet.