Handling errors from execvp()


Solution 1

Here is a simple code that I've tried.

if(fork() == 0){
   //do child stuff here
   execvp(cmd,arguments); /*since you want to return errno to parent
                            do a simple exit call with the errno*/
    //parent stuff
    int status;
    wait(&status);       /*you made a exit call in child you 
                           need to wait on exit status of child*/
         printf("child exited with = %d\n",WEXITSTATUS(status));
                              //you should see the errno here

Solution 2

In case 1, the execvp() does not return. The status returned to the parent process will be the exit status of the child — what it supplies to exit() or what it returns from main(), or it may be that the child dies from a signal in which case the exit status is different but detectably so (WIFSIGNALED, etc). Note that this means that the status need not be zero.

It isn't entirely clear (to me) what you are thinking of with case 2. If the command starts but rejects the options it is called with, it is actually case 1, but the chances of the exit status being zero should be small (though it has been known for programs to exit with status 0 on error). Alternatively, the command can't be found, or is found but is not executable, in which case execvp() returns and you have case 3.

In case 3, the execvp() call fails. You know that because it returns; a successful execvp() never returns. There is no point in testing the return value of execvp(); the mere fact that it returns means it failed. You can tell why it failed from the setting of errno. POSIX uses the exit statuses of 126 and 127 — see xargs and system() for example. You can look at the error codes from execvp() to determine when you should return either of those or some other non-zero value.

Solution 3

In the third case, errno IS accessible from the parent as well, so you could just exit(errno). However, that is not the best thing to do, since the value of errno could change by the time you exit.

To be more sure that you don't lose errno if you have code between your exec() and exit() calls, assign errno to an int:


int errcode=errno;

/* other code */


As for your other question, exit status is not directly comparable to the errno, and you shouldn't be trying to retrieve errno from anything but errno (as above) anyway.

This documentation may help: http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Exit-Status.html

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Kvass
    Kvass almost 2 years

    I am a little confused about how to handle errors from execvp(). My code so far looks like this:

    int pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
        // handle error.
    else if (pid == 0) {
        int status = execvp(myCommand,myArgumentVector); // status should be -1 because execvp
                                                         // only returns when an error occurs
        // We only reach this point as a result of failure from execvp
        exit(/* What goes here? */);
    else {
        int status;
        int waitedForPid = waitpid(pid,&status,0);

    There are three cases I'm trying to address:

    1. myCommand,myArgumentVector are valid and the command executes correctly.
    2. myCommand,myArgumentVector are valid parameters, but something goes wrong in the execution of myCommand.
    3. myCommand,myArgumentVector are invalid parameters (e.g. myCommand cannot be found) and the execvp() call fails.

    My primary concern is that the parent process will have all the information it needs in order to handle the child's error correctly, and I'm not entirely sure how to do that.

    In the first case, the program presumably ended with an exit status of 0. This means that if I were to call WIFEXITED(status) in the macro, I should get true. I think this should work fine.

    In the second case, the program presumably ended with an exit status other than 0. This means that if I were to call WEXITSTATUS(status) I should get the specific exit status of the child invocation of myCommand (please advise if this is incorrect).

    The third case is causing me a lot of confusion. So if execvp() fails then the error is stored in the global variable errno. But this global variable is only accessible from the child process; the parent as an entirely separate process I don't think can see it. Does this mean that I should be calling exit(errno)? Or am I supposed to be doing something else here? Also, if I call exit(errno) how can I get the value of errno back from status in the parent?

    My grasp is still a little tenuous so what I'm looking for is either confirmation or correction in my understanding of how to handle these three cases.

  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    So say I do exit(errcode) with the errno value that resulted from execvp. Now in the parent waitpid(pid,&status,0) has assigned to the status variable some value. Is that value equivalent to errcode? Or if not in what way is it related?
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    This was tested in the case that cmd is invalid and results in an execvp failure? And does this mean that if I exit(errno) that I can access the value of errno by WEXITSTATUS(status)?
  • Raju Kunde
    Raju Kunde over 10 years
    WIFEXITED macro returns a nonzero value if the child process terminated normally with exit or _exit.
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    Thanks, but not what I asked.
  • Raju Kunde
    Raju Kunde over 10 years
    Okay.If WIFEXITED is true of status, WEXITED(status) macro returns the low-order 8 bits of the exit status value from the child process.
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    is that where errno would have been stored? If the child runs exit(errno) what exactly will the value of status be, broken down into its different bit components?
  • Raju Kunde
    Raju Kunde over 10 years
    Go through this
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    Also when you say errno is accessible from the parent, you mean only by doing exit(errcode), right? Or are global variables shared across processes...?
  • Admin
    Admin over 10 years
    They're unrelated in a bash system call. An exec call could have multiple errors, with the errno changing many times, and the final errno does not have to relate to the exit status. This is evident from the range of return values- 8 bit for status, and a modifiable lvalue of type int for errno. When execvp terminates (presumably with an exit() or equivalent, it does not return exit(errno)). So the status does not correspond to the errno.
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    An example of case 2 would be something like the command cd foobar where foobar is not a valid directory. Exec finds the command cd and runs it (the arguments are valid), but then an error occurs in the execution of the cd program. An example of case 3 would be something like foobar where foobar is simply not a valid program, and so the actual execvp call itself fails.
  • Kvass
    Kvass over 10 years
    Essentially what I'm wondering with #3 is in the event that execvp fails, how can I let the parent know why? Am I supposed to exit with errno from the child?
  • Jonathan Leffler
    Jonathan Leffler over 10 years
    Hmmm...well, to the extent that you can find a command cd (it is a shell built-in for very good reasons, but there is a /usr/bin/cd on Mac OS X), your example of case 2 is really case 1: the command was executed but the execution failed. The execvp() does not return; the executed command exits with some (non-zero) status. Case 3 is readily understandable; you can identify it because execvp() might return ENOENT. In case 3, you exit with an appropriate non-zero exit status. Most of my code prints an error message but exits with status 1, the generic 'something went wrong' status.
  • Pro Q
    Pro Q over 5 years
    From the link given by @RajuKunde, I still can't figure out how you would retrieve errno if it were a number larger than 8 bits (>=256)
  • Jonathan Leffler
    Jonathan Leffler over 4 years
    Actually, the exit status bits are normally the high-order 8 bits of a 16-bit exit value (dating back to an era when 16-bit int was normal — that's a long time ago). You can use printf("0x%.4X\n", status); to see the numbers. The low-order 8 bits capture the signal number (usually).
  • Jonathan Leffler
    Jonathan Leffler over 4 years
    See ExitCodes bigger than 255 — Possible? — and also take a close look at sigaction() and the discussion of sigaction() and Signal Actions.