Has Microsoft stopped offering the free Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image for IE 6 testing?


Solution 1

MS keeps updating the list of Windows Virtual PC VHDs of different Internet Explorer versions so they MAY provide it during their next update cycle.

There are multiple options to test web apps in IE6. Check this Smashing Mag review of free & commercial tools for cross-browser testing to find out which will fit your need best.

Update [26/Feb/13]: IE VMs for non-Windows developers

Solution 2

The free IETester application allows you to test IE10 preview, IE9, IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP, and requires no installation of separate virtual images. I've been using it for several years for IE tests without issue.

I don't know of an 'official' alternative from Microsoft, but it's possible that they'll be dropping support for the IE6 XP image, given that they're actively trying to discourage use of the browser in general: http://www.ie6countdown.com/

Solution 3

Microsoft has now launched modern.ie, a website dedicated to testing web pages in Internet Explorer.

It includes downloads of virtual machines for testing (although not currently for IE 6):


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • dnagirl
    dnagirl almost 2 years

    I'm having a heck of a time wrapping my head around JQuery syntax (probably because my javascript isn't that solid to begin with). Here's my problem. I'm using datepicker on two input boxes (#ev_start and #ev_end) #ev_end must occur after #ev_start.


    Event Start <input type='text' name='ev_start' id='ev_start'/>
    Event End   <input type='text' name='ev_end' id='ev_start'/>

    JQuery that works

        //DATE/TIME INFO
        $.datepicker.setDefaults({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1  });
        $(function() {
            $("#ev_start").datepicker({showOn: 'button', 
                                       buttonImage: 'images/jquery_ui/calendar.gif', 
                                       buttonImageOnly: true
        $(function() {//display Calendar
            $("#ev_end").datepicker({showOn: 'button', 
                                     buttonImage: 'images/jquery_ui/calendar.gif', 
                                     buttonImageOnly: true

    JQuery that is supposed to set the mindate on ev_end's datepicker, but doesn't:

                          $('#ev_end').datepicker('option', 'minDate', $('#ev_start').datepicker( 'getDate' ))
                        });//inside the $(document).ready(function())

    I'm hoping someone can explain both why the the above doesn't work and what would work and why.


    • Dan
      Dan over 14 years
      One thing, could be a typo but you probably need to start with $("#ev_start") rather than $("ev_start")
    • dnagirl
      dnagirl over 14 years
      good eye! I've fixed the typo
    • dnagirl
      dnagirl over 14 years
      but the typo wasn't the issue, unfortunately.
    • metal-gear-solid
      metal-gear-solid almost 13 years
      Windows_XP_IE6.exe is available at bottom
    • Matthew Doyle
      Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
      @metal-gear-solid: yup — when I asked the question, the IE 6 image linked to then had expired. They’ve now updated the page.
    • Admin
      Admin over 12 years
      Nov 17th has now come and gone days ago, time for another update? How did anyone get in touch with them last time?
    • Matthew Doyle
      Matthew Doyle over 12 years
      @CBP: we didn’t get in touch with them, they just posted updated images on 16th Aug.
    • Matthew Doyle
      Matthew Doyle over 12 years
      @CBP: for some reason, my images think they don’t expire for another 2 days (which is great), but Microsoft hasn’t yet (as of 22nd Nov) updated their page (which is not so great).
  • Bobby Tables
    Bobby Tables almost 13 years
    This tool is really a must have. It can access different versions of the IE COM-objects, and therefore the pages are actually rendered with the chosen IE.
  • Nick
    Nick almost 13 years
    @Paul I'm Mac-based, but I've always had a licensed copy of Windows running in Parallels Desktop/VMWare Fusion; that means I'm lucky because I've a) never had to set up multiple virtual images just to do a browser test and b) always had the latest version of IE running 'natively'. If Microsoft discontinue support for the IE6 image, it will mean that there's no longer a free way to test IE6, which will be a bane to many, and yet another excuse for some not to test it at all.
  • Matthew Doyle
    Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
    @Nick: indeed. I don’t think you can even buy Windows XP any more, at least in the UK.
  • Matthew Doyle
    Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
    They have updated the list in the past, but they don’t seem to have done so this time, even though the old XP image has expired. Any idea when their next update cycle is?
  • PleaseStand
    PleaseStand almost 13 years
    Microsoft has now posted a new image usable until November 17, 2011.
  • Matthew Doyle
    Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
    IETester’s pretty good so far, except the print and print preview functionality doesn’t work for me, which is a bit of a deal-breaker.
  • Matthew Doyle
    Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
    @PleaseStand: hallezunejah!
  • Nick
    Nick almost 13 years
    @Paul Unfortunately this looks like a known bug with no known fix at present. Worth keeping an eye on the forums, but I've no magic fix to offer otherwise, I'm afraid.
  • Matthew Doyle
    Matthew Doyle almost 13 years
    @Nick: oh indeed, and it’s fair enough — it is free, which is mind-boggling enough in itself. Definitely worth keeping as a back-up to the Microsoft VPCs.