Haskell - defining a function with guards inside a 'where'

lowestDivisor :: Integer -> Integer
lowestDivisor n = lowestDivisorHelper 2 n where 
  lowestDivisorHelper m n
        | (m `divides` n) = m  -- these should belong to lowestDivisorHelper
        | otherwise = lowestDivisorHelper (m+1) n

You need to start a new statement with your helper function for the guards to be sufficiently indented by comparison. (And you also forgot an argument, n.) This would also work:

lowestDivisor :: Integer -> Integer
lowestDivisor n = lowestDivisorHelper 2 n 
  lowestDivisorHelper m n
        | (m `divides` n) = m  -- these should belong to lowestDivisorHelper
        | otherwise = lowestDivisorHelper (m+1) n

but this doesn't:

lowestDivisor :: Integer -> Integer
lowestDivisor n = lowestDivisorHelper 2 n 
  where lowestDivisorHelper m n
        | (m `divides` n) = m  -- these should belong to lowestDivisorHelper
        | otherwise = lowestDivisorHelper (m+1) n

The key point is that the | has to be further to the right than the function name.

In general, starting a new line continues the previous one as long as it is further to the right. The guards have to continue on from the function name.

Benjamin Hodgson
Author by

Benjamin Hodgson

I work here! It takes a lot of self-restraint for me not to abuse my live database privileges to artificially inflate my reputation score. [email protected]

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Benjamin Hodgson
    Benjamin Hodgson almost 2 years

    I'm just starting out at teaching myself Haskell. This code is supposed to do prime factorisation:

    divides :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
    divides small big = (big `mod` small == 0)
    lowestDivisor :: Integer -> Integer
    lowestDivisor n = lowestDivisorHelper 2 n
        where lowestDivisorHelper m n
            | (m `divides` n) = m  -- these should belong to lowestDivisorHelper
            | otherwise = lowestDivisorHelper (m+1) n
    primeFactors :: Integer -> [Integer]
    primeFactors 1 = []
    primeFactors n
        | n < 1 = error "Must be positive"
        | otherwise = let m = lowestDivisor n
                      in m:primeFactors (n/m)

    I get a parse error on the commented line. I think my problem might be that lowestDivisorHelper has guards, but the compiler doesn't know whether the guards belong to lowestDivisorHelper or lowestDivisor. How do I get around this?

    I should add that I didn't want to define the helper function at the top level in order to hide the implementation detail. Importing the file shouldn't take the helper function with it.