Hibernate derived property with xml mapping


Solution 1

I finally achieved it with this code:

<property name="_LastRevisionDate"
        formula="(select MAX(rev.start_date) from trevision rev where rev.id_detectable = id_detectable and rev.status != 'DRAFT')"
        type="date" />

Where id_detectable is my current entity key column.


Another workaround is to use a DB view to obtain the last revision date. Then, there's the choice to map the Entity against that view instead of the original table.

Solution 2

What is the sql syntax error? Did you try replacing _Id with id?

Author by


If you appreciate others helping you, mark their answers or provide comments on them. Vague questions can only get vague answers, so take your time to include everything you've tried and your whole requirements. I'm professionally focused in Linux based system setups, CI/CD and doing full-stack development with Vue, NodeJS and Mysql. I used to work with the Java ecosystem, now I'm on it as a hobbyist. During the COVID-19 quarantine I've been working on a car pooling application. I also find it interesting doing translation tasks, in sites like Wikipedia, Facebook and popular open source projects, helping with spanish and specially basque languages.

Updated on August 21, 2022


  • Aritz
    Aritz almost 2 years

    I have a Detectable class with a Revisions set, which are Hibernate managed POJOs. I'm also mapping my entities using hbm.xml files. When user goes to Detectable management screen, I want him to see Detectable data into a table, which will also contain the last Revision done. However the complete set of revisions will only be available accessing the detail page of the detectable.

    My chance is to show the last revision date which will be loaded separately as an attribute with each Detectable instance. So I have something like that:


    <set name="_Revisions" table="trevision" inverse="true" lazy="true">
            <column name="id_detectable" />
        <one-to-many class="com.company.model.tasks.Revision" />
    <property name="_LastRevisionDate"
            formula="select max(rev.start_date) from trevision rev where rev.id_detectable = _Id"
            type="date" />

    That's not working and I have a SQL syntax error when hibernate tries to execute the query that is included in the formula. I've seen in different places that this property can be reached using standard SQL or HQL but I had failed with both of them. Also would it be possible to achieve the whole Revision entity (I mean the last revision) in order of the date only?

    Pool your ideas!