High load average: Which processes are waiting in the queue?


Solution 1

You're seeing the unexpected loadavg because of high iowait. 98.7 in the wa section of top shows this. From your screenshots I see the kworker process is also in uninterruptible sleep (state of D within top) which occurs when a process is waiting for disk I/O to complete.

vmstat gives you visibility into the run queue. Execute vmstat 1 in typical sar fashion for updates every second.

enter image description here

The r column shows runnable/running processes which the kernel uses to calculate loadavg and the b column shows processes blocked waiting for disk I/O aka uninterruptible sleep. Processes in b are added to the loadavg calculation, which is how iowait causes mysterious loadavg.

So to answer your question of how to see which procs are causing high loadavg, in your case of iowait, use top/ps to look for procs in a state of D then troubleshoot from there.

Solution 2

Linux, unlike most if not all other Unix like OSes, is not only counting processes using a CPU or waiting for a CPU in the run queue as a reference for its load calculation, but also add the number of processes (threads actually) being in uninterruptible state, i.e. waiting for for a disk or network I/O to complete. The latter are actually idle, i.e. not using the CPU.

There is then probably nothing to worry about your (not so) high load. The processes your are looking for are likely the single threaded redis plus transcient kernel threads.


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Adam Matan
Author by

Adam Matan

Team leader, developer, and public speaker. I build end-to-end apps using modern cloud infrastructure, especially serverless tools. My current position is R&D Manager at Corvid by Wix.com, a serverless platform for rapid web app generation. My CV and contact details are available on my Github README.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Adam Matan
    Adam Matan almost 2 years

    I have an Ubuntu server running Redis, which suffers from a high load problem.



    # uptime
    05:43:53 up 19 min,  1 user,  load average: 2.96, 2.07, 1.52


    # sar -q 
    05:24:00 AM       LINUX RESTART
    05:25:01 AM   runq-sz  plist-sz   ldavg-1   ldavg-5  ldavg-15   blocked
    05:35:04 AM         0       116      3.41      2.27      1.20         4
    Average:            0       116      3.41      2.27      1.20         4


    The CPU is utilization in htop is embarrassingly low: enter image description here


    enter image description here


    34 open redis-server connections:

    $ sudo netstat -natp | grep redis-server | wc -l

    enter image description here


    $ free -g
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:            14          6          8          0          0          2
    -/+ buffers/cache:          4         10
    Swap:            0          0          0

    How do I know which processes are causing the high load, waiting to enter the Running state? Is the number of connections too high?

    • Julie Pelletier
      Julie Pelletier almost 8 years
      You should look at the regular top which in my opinion gives a clearer reading. From what you show, there is most likely I/O bound processes (intensive hard drive or network usage).
    • Mat
      Mat almost 8 years
      How many CPUs/threads does the server have, why do you consider that number high?
    • Julie Pelletier
      Julie Pelletier almost 8 years
      @Mat: What is strange and making me curious about what is really running is that the load is near 3 while CPU activity is very low. I really wonder why someone would post this information asking such a weird question. If OP is not trolling or faking the htop results, then he should provide more details.
    • Adam Matan
      Adam Matan almost 8 years
      Sure. What other details would help?
    • Adam Matan
      Adam Matan almost 8 years
      @JuliePelletier Added forensics data, including full-screenshot of top.
  • Adam Matan
    Adam Matan almost 8 years
    Thanks. Seems like I'm having too many open Redis connections. Investigating, will update here.
  • pushpendra chauhan
    pushpendra chauhan about 6 years
    @AdamMatan can you please update the result of investigation here, I am also facing the same issue. Thanks