Highlighting/Selecting grid row in ExtJS


Solution 1

There is no getRow method in Ext.grid.GridPanel. However, there is one in Ext.grid.GridView.

To highlight the row you should do the following:

var row = grid.getView().getRow(0); // Getting HtmlElement here
Ext.get(row).highlight(); // Getting element wrapper and using its "highlight" method

To perform row selection you are using grid's SelectionModel:


Solution 2

Component: Ext.grid.Panel

Version: 4.0.0

To select one item and remove previous selection:


To select one item and keep previous selection:

grid.getSelectionModel().select(0, true);

Solution 3

To select a row at a particular index, use the selection model.

Shreya Pandit
Author by

Shreya Pandit

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Shreya Pandit
    Shreya Pandit almost 2 years

    I am newbie to Ext JS. I am working on a grid panel in which when I select/click any of the rows, then certain data related to the selected row is displayed in the panel below the grid. Also when the window is loaded the first should be selected/highlighted by default. Currently the grid & panel is displayed properly. Even the data related to the selected row is displayed in the panel but the row is not getting highlighted. I have tried the grid.focusRow(0) & grid.getRow(0).highlight() methods but they are not working. Below is my code.

    //the js file code
    initComponent : function() { //within the window instance
        var single = false;
        var store = new Ext.data.XmlStore({//all necessary fields added}); //store
        HttpUtil.syncCall(this.url, "GET", this.loadStore, store,this);
        var acctTplMarkup = [//the fields here are displayed on row selection ];
                    /*The template for displaying the details of the selected row */
                     this.acctTpl = new Ext.Template(acctTplMarkup);
        //check for request type, if type is range of checks create the grid
        if (single == false) {
            var gridView = new Ext.grid.GridView();
            var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ {
                header : 'Status',
                dataIndex : 'status'
            }, {
                header : 'Message',
                dataIndex : 'message'
            } ]);
            var selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
                singleSelect : true
            grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
                            listeners : {
                    render : function(grid) {
                        Ext.getCmp('check').store.on('load',function(store, records, options) { //check is the id value for the window instance
        }); //gridPanel
        } //if
        /* If request type is range select then display the grid  */
        if (single == false) {
        grid.getSelectionModel().on('rowselect', function(sm, rowIdx, r) {
    Ext.getCmp('check').acctTpl.overwrite(Ext.getCmp('detailPanel').body, r.data);
            }); //rowselect
        } //if
        Ext.apply(this, {
                listeners : {
                'afterrender' : function(){
                Ext.getCmp('check').acctTpl.overwrite(Ext.getCmp('detailPanel').body, this.store.getAt(0).data,true);
        Check.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
    }, //initComponent

    The data from the datastore is loaded & displayed properly but just the row is not highlighted. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong?

  • Shreya Pandit
    Shreya Pandit over 12 years
    Hey thanks for your response. I have already tried those methods but they are not working. My grid is complete but somehow I can't highlight the first row. Is there any other way?
  • Li0liQ
    Li0liQ over 12 years
    Are you getting any errors with methods mentioned? All the workarounds possible will bring you additional issues in future therefore you'd better try getting the existing way work before trying anything self-made.
  • mustafa.0x
    mustafa.0x over 10 years
    getView().getRow doesn't exist in ExtJS 4; use getView().getNode.