Horizontal scroll in Excel with keyboard


According to this link, it's scroll lock+arrows.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


    IGRACH over 1 year

    Is there a keyboard shortcut in excel for horizontal scrolling. I'm aware of alt+pgdn and alt+pgup, but it's scrolling for whole view area. Is there any keyboard shortcut for scrolling one column at a time. Like you would scroll when you click on arrows on horizontal bar or when you are scrolling vertically with mouse wheel (single row).

    Thanks xD.

    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin over 5 years
      try shift/scrollwheel [I've never tested it on Win but that's standard behaviour for Mac]
    • Jeff Zeitlin
      Jeff Zeitlin over 5 years
      Excel will scroll one column left or right if your cursor is in the column on the respective edge of the screen and you attempt to move it with the arrow keys in that direction - that is, if columns F through M are shown on the screen, with the cursor in column F, pressing the left arrow will scroll one column so that you see E through L; if the cursor is in column M, pressing the right arrow will scroll one column so that you see G through N.
    • cybernetic.nomad
      cybernetic.nomad over 5 years
      If you hit the Scroll Lock key then the arrow keys will allow you to scroll in all directions
    • IGRACH
      IGRACH over 5 years
      @cybernetic.nomad is there any way to do it without scroll lock.
  • Beki
    Beki over 2 years
    What if there is no scroll Lock on newer versions of laptops?