How can delete all files except one from a directory?


Solution 1

shopt -s extglob && rm !(non_delete_file)


rm -f !(non_delete_file)


find . ! -name non_delete_file -delete

Note that the above find command will work recursively -- it will delete all files and directories in the current directory, and in all subdirectories. If that is a problem, use -type f (to match only files) and -maxdepth 1 (to match things only in the current directory, ignoring subdirectories)

find . -type f -maxdepth 1 ! -name non_delete_file -delete

Solution 2

  1. move the file that you want to preserve to somewhere outside the directory
  2. remove everything in the directory using your favourite method
  3. move the file that you want to preserve back into the directory

Not exactly 'hi-tech' but it is much harder to accidentally delete the file that you want to preserve if you use this approach.

Obviously, this approach fails if the file needs to continuously exist in the directory while all the carnage is happening.

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • slhck
    slhck over 1 year

    I need to delete all files, except one (its name is defined), from a given directory.

    How can I do this from the terminal in OS X? Can I do this with one single command?

  • Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
    Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams about 12 years
    And what about not_defined?
  • DonCallisto
    DonCallisto about 12 years
    +1, you arrived just a second before me with find command :)
  • Admin
    Admin about 12 years
    @DonCallisto, sorry, i don't know, next time i'll wait you :)
  • evilsoup
    evilsoup almost 11 years
    Don't parse ls (this answer will specifically break on files with spaces in their names). you could use printf %s\\n * instead of ls for more reliability (though that will still break on files with newlines in their names...)
  • Konrad
    Konrad over 8 years
    It's a good solution but how to avoid deleting system file like ./.DS_Store? Also with respect to the -name non_delete_file, in my case -name non_delete_file is a directory. I would it to spare it as well as the content inside.