How can HtmlHelper be used to create an external hyperlink?


Solution 1

A custom helper could look like this:

namespace System.Web.Mvc {
    public static class HtmlHelperExtensions {
        public static MvcHtmlString Hyperlink(this HtmlHelper helper, string url, string linkText) {
            return MvcHtmlString.Create(String.Format("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", url, linkText));

May this be the first of many custom HtmlHelpers you use!

Solution 2

This question is several years old and was intended as an answer for ASP.NET MVC v2. There are probably better, nicer ways to do this now, and I would strongly suggest that you consider looking at @jkokorian's answer. This just a nice way of showing what you could do, not what you should do!

Nothing terribly new to add, but I tend to use object for optional params on HTML helpers, and add new RouteValueDictionary(obj) which turns them into a KVP which you can add with MergeAttributes.


public static class HtmlHelpers {
  public static MvcHtmlString ExternalLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string url, object innerHtml, object htmlAttributes = null, object dataAttributes = null) {
    var link = new TagBuilder("a");
    link.MergeAttribute("href", url);
    link.InnerHtml = innerHtml.ToString();
    link.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes), true);

    //Data attributes are definitely a nice to have.
    //I don't know of a better way of rendering them using the RouteValueDictionary however.
    if (dataAttributes != null) {
      var values = new RouteValueDictionary(dataAttributes);

      foreach (var value in values) {
        link.MergeAttribute("data-" + value.Key, value.Value.ToString());

    return MvcHtmlString.Create(link.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));

Usage in view:

Basic constructor:

@Html.ExternalLink("", "Example!")

With Html attributes:

@Html.ExternalLink("", "Example!", new { title = "Example" })

With HTML and data attributes:

@Html.ExternalLink("", "Example!", new { target = "_blank" }, new { id = 1 })

Unit tests:

public void ExternalLink_Example_ShouldBeValid() {
  var url = "";
  var innerHtml = "Example";

  var actual = HtmlHelpers.ExternalLink(null, url, innerHtml);

  actual.ToString().Should().Be(@"<a href="""">Example</a>");

public void ExternalLink_Example_WithHtmlAttributes_ShouldBeValid() {
  var url = "";
  var innerHtml = "Example";

  var actual = HtmlHelpers.ExternalLink(null, url, innerHtml, new { title = "Example!", @class = "myLink", rel = "external", target = "_blank" });

  actual.ToString().Should().Be(@"<a class=""myLink"" href="""" rel=""external"" target=""_blank"" title=""Example!"">Example</a>");

public void ExternalLink_Example_WithDataAttributes_ShouldBeValid() {
  var url = "";
  var innerHtml = "Example";

  var actual = HtmlHelpers.ExternalLink(null, url, innerHtml, new { title = "Example!" }, new { linkId = 1 });

  actual.ToString().Should().Be(@"<a data-linkId=""1"" href="""" title=""Example!"">Example</a>");

Solution 3

Old question: But simple answer - not sure if this was always a solution.

@Html.RouteLink("External Link", new {}, new { href="" })

does the trick nicely - although possibly a little overkill.

Solution 4

public static class HtmlHelpers    
    public static string Hyperlink(this HtmlHelper helper, string href, string text)
        String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", href, text);

Will work. Using this in the HtmlHelper denotes an extension method. Also if you want to be super cool MVC-ish style, you can use the TagBuilder and even supply options such as the target:

public static MvcHtmlString Script(this HtmlHelper helper, string href, string text, bool openInNewWindow = false)
        var builder = new TagBuilder("a");
        builder.MergeAttribute("href", href);
           builder.MergeAttributes("target", "_blank");
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));

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Logical Fallacy
Author by

Logical Fallacy

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Logical Fallacy
    Logical Fallacy almost 2 years

    In the same way that I can create an ActionLink in ASP.NET MVC that points to an action in a controller (e.g. - @Html.ActionLink("MyDisplayText", "MyAction", "MyController")), I would like to be able to create a hyperlink with an explicitly-defined, external url.

    What I'm looking for is some code like @Html.HyperLink("stackoverflow", "") that generates this HTML: <a href="">stackoverflow</a>

    If this isn't possible, I can always just write the HTML by hand.

    (This is my first stackoverflow question. How exciting.)

    • SventoryMang
      SventoryMang over 12 years
      Welcome aboard, please don't forget to up/down vote and mark answers as appropriate. You'll find out you'll get responses much better if your % of answers accepted is high.
    • Logical Fallacy
      Logical Fallacy over 12 years
      Thanks! Up/Down votes require 15 reputation, so I can't do that just yet, but I'll keep that in mind.
  • Admin
    Admin over 12 years
    extension methods need to be static and they must be declared in a static class
  • SventoryMang
    SventoryMang over 12 years
    Thanks, was going off of memory.
  • Logical Fallacy
    Logical Fallacy over 12 years
    Thanks a ton! Your example produces the HTML: &lt;a href=&#39;;&gt;stack overflow&lt;/a&gt;
  • Logical Fallacy
    Logical Fallacy over 12 years
    I changed the return type to MvcHtmlString and it worked great.
  • Mohsen Sichani
    Mohsen Sichani about 6 years
    Worked for me. thanks, Could you also please advise how to modify it to open a new window?
  • rothschild86
    rothschild86 almost 6 years
    @Html.RouteLink("External Link", new {}, new { href="", target="_blank" })