How can I access my react app from another pc in local network?


As you're using Webpack-Dev-Server, you can use either the allowedHosts option or define the host option to Both following examples are from the Webpack Docs.

Allowed Hosts

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    allowedHosts: [

Host Definition

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    host: ''

The last configuration can also be achieved by using the CLI:

webpack-dev-server --host

Production Mode

In production mode and with e.g. express, you can use one of the following implementations. You can read about it more on SuperUser.

listen(3000, '192.x.x.x', function() {}
listen(3000, '', function() {}

The reason why you can't access it, is that the server is binding the loopback address (

Roger Peixoto
Author by

Roger Peixoto

Front-end web developer with two years of experience on developing, designing and debugging front-end applications. Has a track record of developing and maintaining admin dashboards applications and landing pages for communities and companies.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Roger Peixoto
    Roger Peixoto almost 2 years


    I am hosting a react application website on my rasperrypi, and so far I have been able to access the application website when I used create-react-app: I could access the application both from the computer in the network, as well as the raspberry pi. On the raspberrypi, i used the localhost:3000 to access the website and from the computer i would access it from the 192.x.x.x:3000 and it would work fine. However since I realized that I can't run some raspberry native modules when using create-react-app, I decided to install and setup react manually, together with babel and webpack (in the hope that it would work).

    The problem

    Using the manual setup, I am able to see the web application while I am accessing it from the localhost on raspberrypi, but I can't access it on my computer (which is in the same LAN as the raspberry); I tried to switch the port to 3000 but the result was the same, can't access it from the computer... Anyone know anything that could help?

    Thank you for the attention!

  • Roger Peixoto
    Roger Peixoto almost 5 years
    Thank you, it worked! I used the "host definition" approach!