How can I catch UniqueKey Violation exceptions with EF6 and SQL Server?


Solution 1

With EF6 and the DbContext API (for SQL Server), I'm currently using this piece of code:

  // Some DB access
catch (Exception ex)

public virtual void HandleException(Exception exception)
  if (exception is DbUpdateConcurrencyException concurrencyEx)
    // A custom exception of yours for concurrency issues
    throw new ConcurrencyException();
  else if (exception is DbUpdateException dbUpdateEx)
    if (dbUpdateEx.InnerException != null
            && dbUpdateEx.InnerException.InnerException != null)
      if (dbUpdateEx.InnerException.InnerException is SqlException sqlException)
        switch (sqlException.Number)
          case 2627:  // Unique constraint error
          case 547:   // Constraint check violation
          case 2601:  // Duplicated key row error
                      // Constraint violation exception
            // A custom exception of yours for concurrency issues
            throw new ConcurrencyException();
            // A custom exception of yours for other DB issues
            throw new DatabaseAccessException(
              dbUpdateEx.Message, dbUpdateEx.InnerException);

      throw new DatabaseAccessException(dbUpdateEx.Message, dbUpdateEx.InnerException);

  // If we're here then no exception has been thrown
  // So add another piece of code below for other exceptions not yet handled...

As you mentioned UpdateException, I'm assuming you're using the ObjectContext API, but it should be similar.

Solution 2

In my case, I'm using EF 6 and decorated one of the properties in my model with:

[Index(IsUnique = true)]

To catch the violation I do the following, using C# 7, this becomes much easier:

protected async Task<IActionResult> PostItem(Item item)
    await _DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
  catch (DbUpdateException e)
  when (e.InnerException?.InnerException is SqlException sqlEx && 
    (sqlEx.Number == 2601 || sqlEx.Number == 2627))
    return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict);

  return Ok();

Note, that this will only catch unique index constraint violation.

Solution 3

// put this block in your loop
   // do your insert
catch(SqlException ex)
   // the exception alone won't tell you why it failed...
   if(ex.Number == 2627) // <-- but this will
      //Violation of primary key. Handle Exception


You could also just inspect the message component of the exception. Something like this:

if (ex.Message.Contains("UniqueConstraint")) // do stuff

Solution 4

   // do your insert
catch(Exception ex)
   if (ex.GetBaseException().GetType() == typeof(SqlException))
       Int32 ErrorCode = ((SqlException)ex.InnerException).Number;
          case 2627:  // Unique constraint error
          case 547:   // Constraint check violation
          case 2601:  // Duplicated key row error
       // handle normal exception

Solution 5

I thought it might be useful to show some code not only handling the duplicate row exception but also extracting some useful information that could be used for programmatic purposes. E.g. composing a custom message.

This Exception subclass uses regex to extract the db table name, index name, and key values.

public class DuplicateKeyRowException : Exception
    public string TableName { get; }
    public string IndexName { get; }
    public string KeyValues { get; }

    public DuplicateKeyRowException(SqlException e) : base(e.Message, e)
        if (e.Number != 2601) 
            throw new ArgumentException("SqlException is not a duplicate key row exception", e);

        var regex = @"\ACannot insert duplicate key row in object \'(?<TableName>.+?)\' with unique index \'(?<IndexName>.+?)\'\. The duplicate key value is \((?<KeyValues>.+?)\)";
        var match = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(regex, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled).Match(e.Message);

        Data["TableName"] = TableName = match?.Groups["TableName"].Value;
        Data["IndexName"] = IndexName = match?.Groups["IndexName"].Value;
        Data["KeyValues"] = KeyValues = match?.Groups["KeyValues"].Value;

The DuplicateKeyRowException class is easy enough to use... just create some error handling code like in previous answers...

public void SomeDbWork() {
    // ... code to create/edit/update/delete entities goes here ...
    try { Context.SaveChanges(); }
    catch (DbUpdateException e) { throw HandleDbUpdateException(e); }

public Exception HandleDbUpdateException(DbUpdateException e)
    // handle specific inner exceptions...
    if (e.InnerException is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ie)
        return HandleSqlException(ie);

    return e; // or, return the generic error

public Exception HandleSqlException(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException e)
    // handle specific error codes...
    if (e.Number == 2601) return new DuplicateKeyRowException(e);

    return e; // or, return the generic error
Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Sinan ILYAS
    Sinan ILYAS almost 2 years

    One of my tables have a unique key and when I try to insert a duplicate record it throws an exception as expected. But I need to distinguish unique key exceptions from others, so that I can customize the error message for unique key constraint violations.

    All the solutions I've found online suggests to cast ex.InnerException to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException and check the if Number property is equal to 2601 or 2627 as follows:

    catch (Exception ex)
        var sqlException = ex.InnerException as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException;
        if (sqlException.Number == 2601 || sqlException.Number == 2627)
            ErrorMessage = "Cannot insert duplicate values.";
            ErrorMessage = "Error while saving data.";

    But the problem is, casting ex.InnerException to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException causes invalid cast error since ex.InnerException is actually type of System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException, not System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException.

    What is the problem with the code above? How can I catch Unique Key Constraint violations?

  • Sinan ILYAS
    Sinan ILYAS almost 9 years
    After checking out the code you shared, I can now see that the problem with my code is so obvious. I should write "ex.InnerException.InnerException as SqlException" instead of "ex.InnerException as SqlException".
  • Sinan ILYAS
    Sinan ILYAS almost 9 years
    Unfortunately, catch(SqlException ex) doesn't catch the Unique Key violation exception and throws this error: An exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in user code
  • Sinan ILYAS
    Sinan ILYAS almost 9 years
    Inspecting "UniqueConstraint" in the error message should work, but it doesn't seem to be the best approach.
  • Learner
    Learner over 8 years
    Is there a way to detect also on which column violation occurred? There may be multiple unique keys in one table...
  • ken2k
    ken2k over 8 years
    @Learner The only way I can think of would be to parse the error message (which states the name of the constraint / column), but it wouldn't be a very good solution (error messages might be updated in the future, and more important, are translated in multiple languages)
  • Learner
    Learner over 8 years
    Yeah, I thought so... Hopefully they won't translate my unique key name :)... I was thinking to try searching the unique key names inside error message. But is true that it might disappear completely with the new versions... Thanks... Maybe I should stick to "check before operation"
  • GDS
    GDS over 7 years
    Along the same lines as this answer is this interesting blog
  • Daniel Lobo
    Daniel Lobo about 6 years
    Doesn't this break the pattern of the ORM, creating a direct dependency to the database? Does this means that every time I use other databases I have to reprogram the Exception handling to recognize the specific codes?
  • Steve Haselschwerdt
    Steve Haselschwerdt over 5 years
    I like the fact that this adds the extra error code and the switch makes the code look cleaner, but I think there's a small error where you cast the InnerException to ErrorCode. I think you want to call GetBaseException() instead of using InnerException.
  • Steve Haselschwerdt
    Steve Haselschwerdt over 5 years
    Also, this swallows all SqlException types instead of just the unique key violations. I think your default case should probably rethrow.
  • Vasil Popov
    Vasil Popov over 5 years
    Instead of all "if (dbUpdateEx.InnerException != null) and after that if (dbUpdateEx.InnerException.InnerException is SqlException ...)" could be used "var sqlException = ex.GetBaseException() as SqlException; if (sqlException != null) { .... }" to clear up the code.
  • Tomas
    Tomas almost 4 years
    @ken2k This code depends on SQL Server implementation and will not work for other databases. As correctly Daniel Lobo mentioned it breaks ORM idea.
  • LarryBud
    LarryBud over 3 years
    I'm just wondering how many times someone has moved their apps to a completely different database system? I've been programming 30 years. Never once did we migrate an application to a different database system
  • Gert Arnold
    Gert Arnold about 3 years
    Well, ex.InnerException.InnerException can be anything, or throw an NRE. This isn't safe.