How can I clear the cache of an IOS Web App on the Homescreen?


Solution 1

You could try adding a unique string to the end of your js include's src attribute (use a timestamp, for example). Bear in mind you'll have to change this unique string for each refresh you want to do, so you may want to consider doing lazy-loading (which may in itself solve your problem): <script type="text/javascript" src="myScript.js?012345"></script>

This usually forces the browser into grabbing the latest version of the script. Might work...

Solution 2

This is a way that worked for me to clear completely the cache:

1-Delete the tabs in safari where there is your app.
2-Delete the icon of the app in the home screen.
3-Kill safari from the memory.
4-Go to settings/safari and press clear cache.
5-You can restart your iPhone/iPod if you want to be sure that it works

Solution 3

I found that using bundling feature in ASP.NET MVC solved this problem for me.

It automatically generates a bundled link of the form:

The token after the v= changes if any file in the bundle changes, guaranteeing that browser requests for the bundle will get the latest bundle.


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Updated on August 09, 2020


  • dizietsm4
    dizietsm4 almost 4 years

    I am using JQTouch to create a Web App on the Homescreen using meta tag "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", but no matter how many times I clear the cache from within Settings, the Web App's Javascript is still an older cached version.

    Strangely enough, if I set the meta tag's content to;

    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="no" />

    ...then add the Web App to the Homescreen, I get the latest version when I launch it.

    Yet if I set the meta tag to;

    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

    ...then add the Web App to the Homescreen, I get the older cached version.

    PS. I can confirm that is only the javascript which will not refresh.

  • bearroast
    bearroast over 12 years
    Same technique works for CSS files. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css?3432">
  • Alexandre Khoury
    Alexandre Khoury almost 12 years
    And images : <img src="foo.png?12345" />
  • Oliver Pearmain
    Oliver Pearmain over 11 years
    This is the exact same procedure I used to use but since iOS 6 it doesn't seem to be working, the homescreen app still picks up cached data.
  • stvn
    stvn over 11 years
    unbelievable, I've been breaking my head on this for a whole day (css problem for me). A similar problem exists with Silverlight, unbelievable that 2 mayor companies make these kind of BUGS! Thanks!
  • Alexander
    Alexander about 11 years
    There's no such file on my iOS 5.1.1 device, and still my main.js is taken from cache (regular safari gets a file from server ok though)
  • Shahar
    Shahar over 8 years
    Hi, My problem doesn't regard the controlled resources, I have a cookie which makes an infinite loop which cause an error "too many redirections" on my app. I tried every possible way to delete the cache without success. any ideas how to clear the cookie?
  • rookie1024
    rookie1024 almost 8 years
    Only issue with that is that Visual Studio's browser link feature doesn't work with bundling.
  • HumbleBeginnings
    HumbleBeginnings over 7 years
    @rookie1024 VS BrowserLink does in fact work with bundling. Are you using Mads Kristensen's extension here -… ?
  • rookie1024
    rookie1024 over 7 years
    @HumbleBeginnings No, I am not, however I now know that BrowserLink only loses track of files if you have BundleTable.EnableOptimizations set to true in Debug mode.
  • Selirion
    Selirion over 7 years
    Good solution, but my web application loads old version on index.html :))
  • dgatwood
    dgatwood over 7 years
    I've tried that. It used to work in iOS 6 or so, but it doesn't seem to work in iOS 10.
  • Chris
    Chris over 7 years
    Yeah I don't know if this is valid in the latest version.
  • dgatwood
    dgatwood over 7 years
    And in iOS 10, it caches the HTML, too, so specifying a ?foo=... to the resource doesn't work because it never sees the updated version of the HTML with the new URL. Basically, caching of home-screen web apps is hopelessly broken at this point unless you have a cache manifest (and maybe even then—I haven't tried yet).
  • dgatwood
    dgatwood over 7 years
    Yeah, the only way that seems to work in iOS 10 is to change the URL for the HTML file in a similar way and add versioning for all other files referenced by the HTML. This might also be solved by adding a cache manifest, but only if you remember to add the cache manifest initially. Otherwise, the old HTML that lacks a cache manifest will get cached permanently, and you're back to adding ?version=1 to the HTML URL. :-)
  • michal-michalak
    michal-michalak over 4 years
    Please be aware if you do that you will lose opened Safari tabs. If you have something interesting for later reading there it will be gone.