How can I convert an int64 into a byte array in go?


Solution 1

Converting between int64 and uint64 doesn't change the sign bit, only the way it's interpreted.

You can use Uint64 and PutUint64 with the correct ByteOrder

i := int64(-123456789)


b := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(i))


i = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b))


[235 50 164 248 255 255 255 255]

Solution 2

You can use this too:

var num int64 = -123456789

b := []byte(strconv.FormatInt(num, 10))

fmt.Printf("num is: %v, in string is: %s", b, string(b))


num is: [45 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57], in string is: -123456789

Solution 3

If you don't care about the sign or endianness (for example, reasons like hashing keys for maps etc), you can simply shift bits, then AND them with 0b11111111 (0xFF):

(assume v is an int32)

b := [4]byte{
        byte(0xff & v),
        byte(0xff & (v >> 8)),
        byte(0xff & (v >> 16)),
        byte(0xff & (v >> 24))}

(for int64/uint64, you'd need to have a byte slice of length 8)

Solution 4

The code:

var num int64 = -123456789

// convert int64 to []byte
buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
n := binary.PutVarint(buf, num)
b := buf[:n]

// convert []byte to int64
x, n := binary.Varint(b)
fmt.Printf("x is: %v, n is: %v\n", x, n)


x is: -123456789, n is: 4

Solution 5

Here's a simple function that should accomplish what you are wanting:

func Int64ToBytes(number int64) []byte {
    big := new(big.Int)
    return big.Bytes()

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Charles L.
Author by

Charles L.

Playing with web apps.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Charles L.
    Charles L. almost 2 years

    I have an id that is represented at an int64. How can I convert this to a []byte? I see that the binary package does this for uints, but I want to make sure I don't break negative numbers.

    • starriet
      starriet over 2 years
      in short: int or uint is just how CPU "interprets" the underlying bits. The underlying bits(11100101...) in the memory remain the same. If it's uint, the interpreting is straightforward. But if it's int, there are several ways to interpret/represent negative numbers from/to bits (two's complement is a popular way).
  • mh-cbon
    mh-cbon almost 7 years
    Hi, should i use the constants MaxVarintLenXX to determine the size of buffer before put ?
  • John Balvin Arias
    John Balvin Arias almost 6 years
    what is the b := buf[:n] line for?
  • JimB
    JimB about 5 years
    @JohnBalvinArias: it's because this example uses a variable length encoding
  • Marcus Ilgner
    Marcus Ilgner over 4 years
    No, PutUint64 uses fixed length encoding. You only need MaxVarintLenXX when using PutVarint.
  • Martin Zvarík
    Martin Zvarík over 2 years
    I have slice of 6 bytes... is that possible? And I need timestamp from that... [224, 221, 199, 147, 195, 47] should get to 1632933900000
  • c-o-d
    c-o-d over 2 years
    very inefficient answer
  • Jorvy
    Jorvy over 2 years
    func Int64ToBytes(number int64) []byte { big := new(big.Int) return big.SetInt64(number).Bytes() }