How can I convert bigint (UNIX timestamp) to datetime in SQL Server?


Solution 1

This worked for me:

    dateadd(S, [unixtime], '1970-01-01')
From [Table]

In case any one wonders why 1970-01-01, This is called Epoch time.

Below is a quote from Wikipedia:

The number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970,[1][note 1] not counting leap seconds.

The Year 2038 Problem

Furthermore the DataAdd function takes an int for the seconds to add. So if you are trying to add more than 2147483647 seconds you'll get an arithmetic overflow error. To resolve this issue you can break the addition into two calls to DateAdd one for the years and one for the remaining seconds.

Declare @t as bigint = 4147483645

Select (@t / @oneyear) -- Years to add
Select (@t % @oneyear) -- Remaining seconds to add

-- Get Date given a timestamp @t
Declare @oneyear as int = 31622400
Select DateAdd(SECOND, @t % @oneyear, DateAdd(YEAR, @t / @oneyear, '1970-01-01'))

This will let you convert a timestamp that represents a year greater than 2038.

Solution 2


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_ConvertToDateTime (@Datetime BIGINT)
    DECLARE @LocalTimeOffset BIGINT
           ,@AdjustedLocalDatetime BIGINT;
    SET @LocalTimeOffset = DATEDIFF(second,GETDATE(),GETUTCDATE())
    SET @AdjustedLocalDatetime = @Datetime - @LocalTimeOffset
    RETURN (SELECT DATEADD(second,@AdjustedLocalDatetime, CAST('1970-01-01 00:00:00' AS datetime)))

Solution 3

If anyone getting below error:

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int

due to unix timestamp is in bigint (instead of int), you can use this:

SELECT DATEADD(S, CONVERT(int,LEFT(1462924862735870900, 10)), '1970-01-01')

Replace the hardcoded timestamp for your actual column with unix-timestamp

Source: MSSQL bigint Unix Timestamp to Datetime with milliseconds

Solution 4

Like this

add the Unix (epoch) datetime to the base date in seconds

this will get it for now (2010-05-25 07:56:23.000)

 SELECT dateadd(s,1274756183,'19700101 05:00:00:000')

If you want to go reverse, take a look at this

Solution 5

Test this:

Sql server:

SELECT dateadd(S, timestamp, '1970-01-01 00:00:00') 

MySql server:


Author by


Updated on January 07, 2022


  • salman
    salman over 2 years

    How can I convert UNIX timestamp (bigint) to DateTime in SQL Server?

  • Andomar
    Andomar about 14 years
    +1 For the UTC->local conversion. Note that the summer/wintertime will still be off if you try to translate June 10th during February.
  • Pavel Horal
    Pavel Horal over 11 years
    -1 for the UTC->local conversion. It is not correctly handling daylight saving time. For me, this is misguiding.
  • Seth
    Seth almost 10 years
    +1 for the creative solution! Works great. FYI, there is a syntax error in the SQL. The semi-colon at the end of the first "DECLARE" line needs to be removed since a comma follows.
  • BenDundee
    BenDundee almost 10 years
    This should be marked as correct. I wish I could upvote this answer again every time I land here :)
  • Ross Brasseaux
    Ross Brasseaux over 9 years
    @BenDundee I really agree with you. What an elegant solution. I looked all over for a formula and finally settled on one only to have to go searching again when I started running into errors a week later. Thankfully I found this one on the second go-around.
  • gustavohenke
    gustavohenke almost 8 years
    I have been using this solution. This formatted date was concatenad with other data, so I had a varchar... Easy! No need to bother to format those logs in the application. However, some wild time zone problems appeared! My dates were using the UTC time zone instead of the customer's time zone :(
  • Nightking
    Nightking over 7 years
    @Whitecat Don't know if you already solved your problem, but watch the casing! Maybe your database collation setting is set to something like 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS', CS is the keyword here. It stands for "CaseSensitiv" therefor your code must match the casing! Another point could be that your System is MySql, than the name is date_add(). Regards ;)
  • Svisstack
    Svisstack almost 7 years
    why 05:00:00 instead of 00:00:00?
  • Jordy van Eijk
    Jordy van Eijk over 6 years
    @Svisstack the 5 hours is for timezone difference. 5:00:00 means he's GMT-5 hours
  • Nathan
    Nathan over 6 years
    Anyone have a version of this that doesn't suffer from the 2038 problem? (DateAdd converts to an int, so this solution is vulnerable to it).
  • Patrick H
    Patrick H about 6 years
    This solution will be affected by the year 2038 problem because the dateadd function requires an int type. The documentation says "The number argument cannot exceed the range of int."…
  • clifton_h
    clifton_h about 6 years
    Works like a charm. If you need to adjust for the timezone, then certainly do that but consider this very efficient
  • Danish
    Danish almost 6 years
    It doesn't work for me. I am trying it with 1517270400000 and getting this error: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
  • Salman A
    Salman A almost 6 years
    Be advised that the date/time returned by this function would be UTC, not local date/time. Converting to local is a real pain in the bottom.
  • Vespucci75fr
    Vespucci75fr over 5 years
    I experienced a problem when the @Datetime was out of the int range 'Arithmetic overflow error' so I post a improved version of this great solution:
  • access_granted
    access_granted over 5 years
    Also was getting an overflow, normally meaning that milliseconds are involved, solved simply as: select dbo.fn_ConvertToDateTime( src_column/1000 ) from src_table;
  • Adam
    Adam about 5 years
    this causes Arithmetic overflow due to timestamps that no longer "fit" into an int
  • colm.anseo
    colm.anseo about 5 years
    @Danish your time of 1517270400000 is epoch milli-seconds. Divide by 1000 and it should work.
  • colm.anseo
    colm.anseo about 5 years
    NIce solution - but if the database account has restricted access (i.e. say cannot run server-side functions) this will not work. e.g. mysql: ERROR 1370 (42000): execute command denied to user 'mydbuser'@'%' for routine 'mydbname.dateadd'
  • Muhammad Saqib
    Muhammad Saqib over 4 years
    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 36 Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
  • BWFC
    BWFC over 4 years
    @Nathan SELECT DATEADD(SECOND,2147483648%60,DATEADD(MI,2147483648/60,'1970-‌​01-01 00:00:00.000'))
  • G DeMasters
    G DeMasters almost 4 years
    Given epoch milliseconds, even better: SELECT DATEADD(ms, 1517270454852%1000, DATEADD(S, 1517270454852/1000, '1970-01-01'))
  • john
    john almost 4 years
    thank you . this should be upvoted 1462924862735870900 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • julianm
    julianm almost 4 years
    Glad to help @John
  • TiyebM
    TiyebM over 3 years
    I am getting Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1.20787e+0' to data type int
  • julianm
    julianm over 3 years
    Your number is in scientific notation @TiyebM. And it's not a integer value (it has decimals)
  • luisdev
    luisdev over 3 years
    How does this accommodate other UTC timezones? E.g. UTC+2 or UTC+5?
  • luisdev
    luisdev about 3 years
    That's for the UTC timezone, isn't it? So if you're in a different time zone you modify it accordingly, e.g. if you're in the UTC+3 time zone you use: '1970-01-01 03:00:00' Am I guessing correctly?
  • Sau001
    Sau001 almost 3 years
    Did not work with me with this value 1624279488665004 . The error was Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
  • specimen
    specimen over 2 years
    Finally an answer that takes time zones into consideration! A list of time zones in SQL server can easily be found here:…
  • Daniel Little
    Daniel Little about 2 years
    Thanks for the feedback, I've now addressed the 2038 problem