How can I create an SPF record on my hosted domain?


Solution 1

I'm not familiar with 1and1 DNS hosting, but if they won't let you create a txt record then you will need to switch your DNS hosting to someone who does.

From a quick google it looks like 1and1 won't let you do this*

From the horses mouth:

As of Aug, 7 2007 - "Yes, we do understand what an SPF record is. Unfortunately we do not support in on our hosting plans. We apologize for any inconvenience."

I've had great milage out of (as I need a commercial SLA) but there are "free" providers out there too.



Solution 2

I know this is an old thread, but the problem with 1and1 not allowing SPF records still exists, so I wanted to share my solution to the problem. 1and1 will allow you to use an external DNS server, and we chose Premium DNS for only $36/year. It's easy to set up the records (with a little help from tech support -- the configuration is called an Off-Site domain, and you do not have to transfer your domains to GoDaddy), and the records are fully customizable, including multiple CNAME records and SPF. Good luck!

And to 1and1: what are you thinking? SPF became a recommended protocol in October 2004. Yes, that's right, over 8 years ago! You're just lucky that I was able to find a cheap external DNS service or I would have had to switch to another ISP because the spam problem was crippling our business. Wake up!

Solution 3

Another option is to use CloudFlare

On the My Websites page click on the Cog icon for the relevant site. Then click on DNS Settings

Once on this page you can add various records enter image description here.

In this case create a TXT record, enter your domain, and then v=spf1 ~all

Solution 4

If anyone else is looking for HOW TO CREATE AN SPF, then look here at Microsoft's very handy wizard...!


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • zdan
    zdan almost 2 years

    Emails from my domain (hosted at 1and1, and using Google Apps Premier edition) have sporadically been going to recipients' spam folders lately. I did some research, tested, and found out that I do not have an SPF record for my domain. According to this Google Support page, I need to create one. Following the steps on that page is easy, until I get to #3:

    Create a TXT record containing this text: v=spf1 ~all

    I see no way to create a "TXT record". Here is a screenshot of the admin panel:

    dns settings

  • JasonBirch
    JasonBirch almost 14 years is pretty decent too; handles all my employer's DNS stuff, very reliable.
  • Daniel
    Daniel almost 10 years
    It looks like there is also a free option under GoDaddy.