How can I deploy my Java files to my Tomcat Server automatically?


Eclipse can do all that work for you.

To add the Tomcat server in eclipse:

  • Open the 'Servers' view by going in Window->Show view->Servers.
  • Do a right click in the 'Servers' view and select New->Server.
  • Select Apache\Tomcat vX.X Server (where X.X is your Tomcat version) and click Next.
  • Enter your Tomcat installation directory and click Finish.

To deploy your project to the server:

  • In the 'Servers' view, right click on the Tomcat server and choose 'Add and Remove...' and add your project, then press Finish.

You can then start/stop/debug/restart the server by right clicking on it.

When you modify a class/jsp it should be automatically deployed.

You can also force a republish of your project by right clicking on your project name after expanding the Tomcat server entry.

Double click on the Tomcat server entry if you need to modify the configuration of your server.

java java
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java java

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • java java
    java java almost 2 years

    I have a web project in Eclipse which includes a Tomcat server. The Tomcat server is installed in Path C:\Program Data ... and my Workspace from Eclipse is in D:\Webproject.

    Now if I have to edit my java servlet classes, I have to copy the class and JSP files from D:\Webproject to C:\Program Data\Tomcat\Webapps.... . This takes me a lot of time.

    Is there any solution where the data is automatically deployed i.e. the edited classes and JSP are moved to my tomcat folder under C:.. ?