How can I disable right click/context menu for ag-grid?


Solution 1

suppressContextMenu:true for gridOptions

Will work

Solution 2

[suppressContextMenu]="true" would do your ask.

Alternatively, if you are defining getContextMenuItems in your component, simply return empty array from the function.

this.getContextMenuItems = function getContextMenuItems(params) {
  return [];
    [getContextMenuItems]="getContextMenuItems"   // provide the function here

Have a look at this plunk I've created

You can also conditionally decide if you don't want it for any specific column or not using the arguments params.

Author by


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Updated on June 15, 2022


  • TerribleDeveloper
    TerribleDeveloper about 2 years

    I am using ag-grid enterprise version and I want to disable context menu or a right click on the grid cells but I did not found any solution.

    Here is my code

    <ag-grid-angular #agGrid style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" id="myGrid" 
    [rowData]="rowData" class="ag-theme-balham" [columnDefs]="columnDefs" 
    [enableRangeSelection]="true" (gridReady)="onGridReady($event)"></ag-grid- 

    enter image description here

  • TerribleDeveloper
    TerribleDeveloper over 5 years
    Thanks. But adding [suppressContextMenu]="true" looks a simple solution
  • Angela P
    Angela P over 4 years
    I tried both suppressContextMenu = true and the above approach. And they are surprisingly not the same result. I'm trying to suppress Context Menu on 1 column specifically because it contains URL/links, so I implemented getContextMenu() and checked for only when user click on that particular column, to return [ ] or null. right click doesn't bring up the browser default menu to "open link in new tab." however the suppressContextMenu= true solution, it does achieve the right click bring up browser default. But All columns are effected in this case.
  • Paritosh
    Paritosh over 4 years
    that's why I provided the answer for getContextMenuItems. Keeping [suppressContextMenu]="true" would suppress context menu for all the columns
  • Himanshu Rawat
    Himanshu Rawat over 2 years
    Empty array is working for me but showing error UserFunc is not a function what should I do. I have to context menu items for columns but as soon as pivot or change tab in aggrid. I have to hide.