How can i display loading/processing message inside DataTable?


Solution 1

You can use a loader in your html. Position should be same as the table. How to add a loader in HTML

or Message container: <div id="MessageContainer"></div> and Apply some CSS styles for good look and feel.

        .on( 'draw.dt', function () {
            console.log( 'Loading' );
          //Here show the loader.
          // $("#MessageContainer").html("Your Message while loading");
        } )
        .on( 'init.dt', function () {
            console.log( 'Loaded' );
           //Here hide the loader.
            // $("#MessageContainer").html("Your Message while load Complete");
        } )
            paging: false,
            data: [],
            searching: false,
            columns: [
                { data: 'ticket_id'         ,   title: "Ticket Number" },
                { data: 'transactiondate'   ,   title: "Date"          } 

For more go through Events of DataTable

I think this might help you.

You might show message

Solution 2

You can use dom option to show loading:

$('#example').dataTable( {
  "dom": 'lrtip'
} );

"r" letter is related to show loading element.
For more information refer to this link

Solution 3

When loading data from an Ajax source, you can use the following two events to handle the "Loading..." and "Done" states.

... data table code ...

    }).on('preXhr.dt', function ( e, settings, data ) {


    }).on( 'draw.dt', function () {



I hope that helps.

Solution 4

There is way the to display loading message on jQuery DataTable:

        "language": {
            'loadingRecords': 'Processing...',

  // 'processing': true,

On above code, // 'processing': true, is commented out, if not there will be two loading messages.

You also can do this way:

            "language": {
                'loadingRecords': '&nbsp;',
                'processing': 'Loading...'

You can also show the loading spinner:

                "language": {
                    "loadingRecords": "<span class='fa-stack fa-lg'>\n\
                            <i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-stack-2x fa-fw'></i>\n\
                       </span>&emsp;Processing ..."

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Tornike Shavishvili
Author by

Tornike Shavishvili

I live here :)

Updated on September 20, 2022


  • Tornike Shavishvili
    Tornike Shavishvili over 1 year

    In my application i am using

    var ticketHistoryDataTable = $('#ticketHistoryData').DataTable({ 
            paging: false,
            data: [],
            searching: false,
            columns: [
                { data: 'ticket_id'         ,   title: "Ticket Number" },
                { data: 'transactiondate'   ,   title: "Date"          } 
    } );

    I am adding data to the table following way:

        var result_data = [{
                ticket_id         : '' ,
                transactiondate   : '' 
                ticket_id         : '' ,
                transactiondate   : '' 

    result_data itself comes from jquery ajax get call to server. Retrieving the information may take some time, during which i want to display loading-processing message from datatable. What is correct way of doing this?

    • Tornike Shavishvili
      Tornike Shavishvili almost 8 years
      Same message it shows when loading data from datatables ajax, not an external ajax?