How can I edit the boot configuration data (BCD) store of another disk?


Solution 1

Run your BCDEDIT commands using the /store parameter:

bcdedit /store E:\boot\BCD /enum

Solution 2

You can edit a non-system BCD by simply dropping it on Visual BCD Editor icon.

The system BCD is opened on start of program by default.

The concept of Visual BCD Editor is to avoid typing and execute all commands through visual selection in a graphical environment.


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Sreenath Ganga
Author by

Sreenath Ganga

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Sreenath Ganga
    Sreenath Ganga almost 2 years

    In my application I had a requirement of notifying the user about the pending applications.

    So in the mdiParent I set a BackgroundWorker which keeps querying the database to get any pending application, and if it finds any display it on the Tooltip on the MdiParent

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    public void fillnotification()
        int pending = 0;
        if( Program.USERPK != 0)
            DataTable dt = nftrans.getnotification();
            pending = dt.Rows.Count;
            String message = "You Have  " + pending + " Applications Pending For Approval";
            // toolTip1.SetToolTip(lblStatus , message);
            toolTip1.Show(message , this, lblStatus.Location);

    but when I run the solution I am getting an exception:

    Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'MainForm' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

    I understand its due to two different threads but cannot sort this out. Can any one suggest a solution? I tried the ideas I read in related questions But cannot find a correct solution

    • Sreenath Ganga
      Sreenath Ganga about 11 years
      yes winform application
    • Grzegorz W
      Grzegorz W about 11 years
    • Tom W
      Tom W about 11 years
      Please at least look at the thousands of other identical questions before you ask the same one again? Please?
    • Sreenath Ganga
      Sreenath Ganga about 11 years
      I checked the qstns but I cannot find anyone related to tooltip
  • snayob
    snayob over 8 years
    Sorry, I didn't find this thread sooner ;)
  • Alex S
    Alex S over 7 years
    @Max - Same here, just saw this question/ thread. :) Enjoy
  • jrh
    jrh over 6 years
    Note that Visual BCD Editor is only free for non-commercial use.