How can I exclude a specific folder from DFS Replication in Server 2008?


In the DFS Management Console:

  1. Highlight Replication group on the left pane of console
  2. On right pane click Replicated Folders tab
  3. Right click the folder and choose Properties
  4. File and Subfolder filters are found there enter image description here

From MS: Exclude files or subfolders from replication


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • user3067865
    user3067865 almost 2 years

    Here's my self referential model and it's two join tables:

    class Discourse < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :forum
        belongs_to :user
        has_many :impressions
        has_many :discourse_replies
        has_many :replies, through: :discourse_replies
        has_many :reply_retorts
        has_many :retorts, through: :reply_retorts
    class DiscourseReply < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :discourse
        belongs_to :reply, class_name: 'Discourse', foreign_key: 'reply_id'
    class ReplyRetort < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :reply
        belongs_to :retort, class_name: 'Discourse', foreign_key: 'retort_id'

    It seems to be working well...I can do this in the rails console:

    2.0.0p247 :044 > fd = Discourse.create(title: 'first', body: 'first')
     => #<Discourse id: 139, user_id: nil, title: "first", body: "first", deleted: nil, delete_date: nil, created_at: "2014-04-07 20:38:06", updated_at: "2014-04-07 20:38:06", forum_id: nil> 
    2.0.0p247 :046 > fdr = fd.replies.create(title: 'second relpy to first', body: 'second reply to first')    
    => #<Discourse id: 141, user_id: nil, title: "second relpy to first", body: "second reply to first", deleted: nil, delete_date: nil, created_at: "2014-04-07 20:38:51", updated_at: "2014-04-07 20:38:51", forum_id: nil> 
    2.0.0p247 :047 > fdrr = fdr.retorts.create(title: 'a reply to a reply', body: 'a reply to a reply')
    => #<Discourse id: 142, user_id: nil, title: "a reply to a reply", body: "a reply to a reply", deleted: nil, delete_date: nil, created_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:27", updated_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:27", forum_id: nil> 
    2.0.0p247 :048 > fdrrr = fdrr.retorts.create(title: 'a reply to a reply to a reply', body: 'a reply to a reply reply')
    => #<Discourse id: 143, user_id: nil, title: "a reply to a reply to a reply", body: "a reply to a reply reply", deleted: nil, delete_date: nil, created_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:47", updated_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:47", forum_id: nil> 
    2.0.0p247 :050 > fdr.retorts
     => #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Discourse id: 142, user_id: nil, title: "a reply to a reply", body: "a reply to a reply", deleted: nil, delete_date: nil, created_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:27", updated_at: "2014-04-07 20:39:27", forum_id: nil>]> 

    However, I need to find out the parent association, but can't figure out how to do it:

    2.0.0p247 :053 > fdr.discourse # I want this to return the 'fd' instance
    NoMethodError: undefined method `discourse` for #<Discourse:0x00000007080eb0>
    2.0.0p247 :055 > fdrrr.reply # I want this to return the 'fdrr' instance
    NoMethodError: undefined method `reply` for #<Discourse:0x000000070db860>
    2.0.0p247 :055 > fdrrr.parent # I want this to return the 'fdrr' instance
    NoMethodError: undefined method `parent' for #<Discourse:0x0000000672b428>
    2.0.0p247 :055 > fdrrr.parent.try(:id) # I want this to return the 'fdrr' instance
    NoMethodError: undefined method `parent' for #<Discourse:0x0000000672b428>

    Nothing is working!

  • Luniz
    Luniz over 13 years
    This looks like what I need, but how do I input the exact folder location? When I tried to do this using quotes and \'s it said those are invalid characters for that field so I thought I was looking at the wrong area. Also, the link you provided me is for Server 2003, but clearly the screenshot you posted is Server 2008.
  • Jordan W.
    Jordan W. over 13 years
    woops, sorry, try link again. fixed for 2008. you cannot supply full paths. only the folder name (wildcard '*' is allowed though)
  • Luniz
    Luniz over 13 years
    I suppose that'll work then, just need to make sure there aren't any other folders with the same name. Thanks for your help!
  • user3067865
    user3067865 about 10 years
    I was trying to get polymorphic working and I agree that would be better. Could I have an example?
  • Robin
    Robin about 10 years
    You can have just one discourses table (Discourse model), then create 2 subclasses class Reply < Discourse, class Retort < Discourse. The discourses table has to have a type column to store the type of the discourse object. And you'll need a discourse_id to store the id of the parent, and that should do it.