How can I filter an array of hashes to get only the keys in another array?


Solution 1

This should do what you want: do |hash| do |key, value|
    [:id, :start].include? key

Potentially faster (but somewhat less pretty) solution: do |hash|
  { id: hash[:id], start: hash[:start] }

If you need return_keys to be dynamic:

return_keys = [:id, :start] do |hash|
  {}.tap do |new_hash|
    return_keys.each do |key|
      new_hash[key] = hash[key]

Note that, in your code, select picks out elements from the array, since that's what you called it on, but doesn't change the hashes contained within the array.

If you're concerned about performance, I've benchmarked all of the solutions listed here (code):

                user     system      total        real
amarshall 1  0.140000   0.000000   0.140000 (  0.140316)
amarshall 2  0.060000   0.000000   0.060000 (  0.066409)
amarshall 3  0.100000   0.000000   0.100000 (  0.101469)
tadman 1     0.140000   0.010000   0.150000 (  0.145489)
tadman 2     0.110000   0.000000   0.110000 (  0.111838)
mu           0.130000   0.000000   0.130000 (  0.128688)

Solution 2

If you happen to be using Rails (or don't mind pulling in all or part of ActiveSupport) then you could use Hash#slice:

return_array = { |h| h.slice(:id, :start) }

Hash#slice does some extra work under the covers but it is probably fast enough that you won't notice it for small hashes and the clarity is quite nice.

Solution 3

A better solution is to use a hash as your index instead of doing a linear array lookup for each key:

events = [{id:2, start:"3:30",break:30,num_attendees:14},{id:3, start:"3:40",break:40,num_attendees:4},{id:4, start:"4:40",break:10,num_attendees:40}]

return_keys = [ :id, :start ]

# Compute a quick hash to extract the right values: { key => true }
key_index = Hash[return_keys.collect { |key| [ key, true ] }]

return_array = events.collect do |event| do |key, value|

# => [{:id=>2, :start=>"3:30"}, {:id=>3, :start=>"3:40"}, {:id=>4, :start=>"4:40"}]

I've adjusted this to use symbols as the key names to match your definition of events.

This can be further improved by using the return_keys as a direct driver:

events = [{id:2, start:"3:30",break:30,num_attendees:14},{id:3, start:"3:40",break:40,num_attendees:4},{id:4, start:"4:40",break:10,num_attendees:40}]

return_keys = [ :id, :start ]

return_array = events.collect do |event|
    return_keys.collect do |key|
      [ key, event[key] ]

The result is the same. If the subset you're extracting tends to be much smaller than the original, this might be the best approach.

Solution 4

Considering that efficiency appears to be a concern, I would suggest the following.


require 'set'

def keep_keys(arr, keeper_keys)
  keepers = keeper_keys.to_set { |h| { |k,_| keepers.include?(k) } }

This uses Hash#select, which, unlike Enumerable#select, returns a hash. I've converted keeper_keys to a set for fast lookups.


arr = [{ id:2, start: "3:30", break: 30 },
       { id: 3, break: 40, num_attendees: 4 },
       { break: 10, num_attendees: 40 }]

keep_keys arr, [:id, :start]
  #=> [{:id=>2, :start=>"3:30"}, {:id=>3}, {}] 
keep_keys arr, [:start, :break]
  #=> [{:start=>"3:30", :break=>30}, {:break=>40}, {:break=>10}] 
keep_keys arr, [:id, :start, :cat]
  #=> [{:id=>2, :start=>"3:30"}, {:id=>3}, {}] 
keep_keys arr, [:start]
  #=> [{:start=>"3:30"}, {}, {}] 
keep_keys arr, [:cat, :dog]
Author by


Originally from Whistler, Canada, now living in Bondi Beach, Aus. I like building interesting things, algorithms, UX/UI, getting into hardware and RaspberryPi.

Updated on October 28, 2020


  • pedalpete
    pedalpete over 3 years

    I'm trying get a subset of keys for each hash in an array.

    The hashes are actually much larger, but I figured this is easier to understand:

        start: "3:30",
        break: 30,
        num_attendees: 14
        id: 3,
        start: "3: 40",
        break: 40,
        num_attendees: 4
        id: 4,
        start: "4: 40",
        break: 10,
        num_attendees: 40

    I want to get only the id and start values.

    I've tried:

    return_keys = ['id','start']
    return_array ={|key,val| return_keys}

    but this returns an empty array.

  • tadman
    tadman over 12 years
    For N keys in events and M keys in each hash, and P keys in the inner array, this performs at O(MNP) speed, which could be cripplingly slow.
  • Andrew Marshall
    Andrew Marshall over 12 years
    @tadman Though, I suppose it's really O(NP)? I don't think there's anything faster than that. Assuming P is very small though, it shouldn't really affect the time complexity.
  • Andrew Marshall
    Andrew Marshall over 12 years
    I've also updated to include code for when return_keys needs to be dynamic.
  • Andrew Marshall
    Andrew Marshall over 12 years
    Actually, you need to require 'active_support/core_ext' if you're not in Rails. Core extensions need to be loaded explicitly so just require 'active_support' doesn't work. (I say this because the latter is what most would consider "pulling in all of ActiveSupport".)
  • Andrew Marshall
    Andrew Marshall over 12 years
    In case you're curious, I benchmarked all the solutions here and posted the results in my answer :).
  • pedalpete
    pedalpete over 12 years
    Awesome andrew, #2 is significantly faster, and I don't think that code is particularly un-pretty. I don't have the need for return keys to be dynamic at the moment, and the hashes can get pretty big, so I'll go for door #2.
  • tadman
    tadman over 12 years
    Nice work. #2 is the optimal solution if the keys selected are small and predictable. These probably have wildly different properties if the numbers involved grow large, e.g. N=10e6, M=100, P=50, but that is only an academic consideration if the values are known to be small.