How can I find out if my domain has been added to email blacklists?


From, "How do I know if I’m on a SPAM Blacklist?"

  • MXToolbox is free. Enter the email service IP addresses and mxtoolbox checks about 100 blacklists.

  • DNSStuff is an inexpensive (almost free) service where you can check 97 blacklists. Includes other DNS and network tools too.

  • (Domain Name System Blacklist). Free service. Checks about 80 blacklists.


Mailchimp, and other services like it, take advantage of every tool and resource to keep their mail from being flagged as spam and that includes following all anti-spam laws. One user, or even a bunch of users, won't get them into trouble because they actively police their and deal with spammers directly and often times catch them before they are successful in sending mass quantities of spam. This keeps their reputation with blacklists in good order and prevents them from being blacklisted.

Keep in mind that this doesn't mean your mail won't be flagged as spam. Mail server blacklists are just one way to catch spam. Bad subject lines and use of "spammy" keywords can still result in emails being flagged as spam.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user121196
    user121196 almost 2 years

    The zk code below only shows on item...
    I need it to show all elements in tmp. any idea? thanks

            List tmp=Arrays.asList(new String[]{"a","b","c"});
    <combobox id=&quot;mycb&quot; model="@{tmp}">
        <comboitem self="@{each=row}" label="xxx" value="yyy">
  • user121196
    user121196 about 14 years
    thanks, what if I have a list/array where each element is an array of two object, the first one represents label, the second one represents value. I tried <comboitem self="@{each=row}" label="@{row[0]}" value="row[1]"> not working.
  • Felipe Cypriano
    Felipe Cypriano about 14 years
    You don't need to use comboitem as an HTML combo. Just set the label with which attribute do you want to show, set the whole object as value and make proper use of equals() method to find items. <comboitem self="@{each=row}" label="@{}" value="@{row}">
  • Rob Sobers
    Rob Sobers over 12 years
    Thanks John. I actually just checked that out myself. See my edit - the situation is a tad more complicated.
  • John Conde
    John Conde over 12 years
    I've updated my answer accordingly.
  • Fabrizio Bertoglio
    Fabrizio Bertoglio over 6 years
    Mailchimp email always get flagged as promotional and I never read them, even if I would like to ...