How can I format the value shown in a Rails edit field?


Solution 1

The best I have come up with so far is something like this:

<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => number_with_precision(f.object.my_attribute) %>

Or my_attribute could return the formatted value, like this:

def my_attribute

But you still have to use :value

<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => f.object.my_attribute %>

This seems like a lot of work.

Solution 2

I prefer your first answer, with the formatting being done in the view. However, if you want to perform the formatting in the model, you can use wrapper methods for the getter and setter, and avoid having to use the :value option entirely.

You'd end up with something like this.

def my_attribute_string

def my_attribute_string=(s)
  # Parse "s" or do whatever you need to with it, then set your real attribute.

<%= f.text_field :my_attribute_string %>

Railscasts covered this with a Time object in a text_field in episode #32. The really clever part of this is how they handle validation errors. It's worth watching the episode for that alone.

Solution 3

This is an old question, but in case anyone comes across this you could use the number_to_X helpers. They have all of the attributes you could ever want for displaying your edit value:

<%= f.text_field :my_number, :value => number_to_human(f.object.my_number, :separator => '', :unit => '', :delimiter => '', :precision => 0) %>

There are more attributes available too:

Solution 4

If you want a format to be created or maintained during editing, you will need to add Javascript to implement "masks." Here is a demo.

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Solution 5

You can use the number_format plugin. By specifying a number_format for an existing numeric attribute inside your model, the attribute will now appear as formatted to Rails in all forms and views. It will also be parsed back from that format (when assigned via forms) prior to insertion into the database. (The plugin also creates purely numeric unformatted_<attribute-name> accessors which can continue to be used for arithmetic, or for direct numerical assignment or retrieval by you for seamless integration.)

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  # this model has the balance attribute, which we
  #  want to display using formatting in views,
  #  although it is stored as a numeric in the database
  number_format :balance, 
                :precision => 2,
                :delimiter => ',',
                :strip_trailing_zeros => false

  def increment_balance
    unformatted_balance += 10

You can also combine the above with a Javascript solution, which can force the user to maintain the decimal point and thousands separators in place while editing, although this is really not necessary.

Luke Francl
Author by

Luke Francl

I am a software developer currently living in San Francisco. My speciality is web-based applications, lately using Ruby on Rails, though I have probably written more web applications in Tcl than most people. Check out my CV if you're looking for a software engineer.

Updated on September 16, 2021


  • Luke Francl
    Luke Francl almost 3 years

    I would like to make editing form fields as user-friendly as possible. For example, for numeric values, I would like the field to be displayed with commas (like number_with_precision).

    This is easy enough on the display side, but what about editing? Is there a good way to do this?

    I am using the Rails FormBuilder. Upon investigation, I found that it uses InstanceTag, which gets the values for fields by using <attribute>_value_before_type_cast which means overriding <attribute> won't get called.