How can I get a hex dump of a string in PHP?


Solution 1

echo bin2hex($string);


for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
    echo str_pad(dechex(ord($string[$i])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

$string is the variable which contains input.

Solution 2

For debugging work with binary protocols, I needed a more traditional HEX dump, so I wrote this function:

function hex_dump($data, $newline="\n")
  static $from = '';
  static $to = '';
  static $width = 16; # number of bytes per line
  static $pad = '.'; # padding for non-visible characters
  if ($from==='')
    for ($i=0; $i<=0xFF; $i++)
      $from .= chr($i);
      $to .= ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0x7E) ? chr($i) : $pad;
  $hex = str_split(bin2hex($data), $width*2);
  $chars = str_split(strtr($data, $from, $to), $width);
  $offset = 0;
  foreach ($hex as $i => $line)
    echo sprintf('%6X',$offset).' : '.implode(' ', str_split($line,2)) . ' [' . $chars[$i] . ']' . $newline;
    $offset += $width;

This produces a more traditional HEX dump, like this:



 0 : 05 07 00 00 00 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 40 00 00 00 [.....default@...]
10 : 31 42 38 43 39 44 30 34 46 34 33 36 31 33 38 33 [1B8C9D04F4361383]
20 : 46 34 36 32 32 46 33 39 32 46 44 38 43 33 42 30 [F4622F392FD8C3B0]
30 : 45 34 34 43 36 34 30 33 36 33 35 37 45 35 33 39 [E44C64036357E539]
40 : 43 43 38 44 35 31 34 42 44 36 39 39 46 30 31 34 [CC8D514BD699F014]

Note that non-visible characters are replaced with a period - you can change the number of bytes per line ($width) and padding character ($pad) to suit your needs. I included a $newline argument, so you can pass "<br/>" if you need to display the output in a browser.

Solution 3

It's years later, but in case others are searching for this too, I took the liberty to modify's code to make it accept various options and simulate the output of the BSD command hexdump -C file:

* Dumps a string into a traditional hex dump for programmers,
* in a format similar to the output of the BSD command hexdump -C file.
* The default result is a string.
* Supported options:
* <pre>
*   line_sep        - line seperator char, default = "\n"
*   bytes_per_line  - default = 16
*   pad_char        - character to replace non-readble characters with, default = '.'
* </pre>
* @param string $string
* @param array $options
* @param string|array
function hex_dump($string, array $options = null) {
    if (!is_scalar($string)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$string argument must be a string');
    if (!is_array($options)) {
        $options = array();
    $line_sep       = isset($options['line_sep'])   ? $options['line_sep']          : "\n";
    $bytes_per_line = @$options['bytes_per_line']   ? $options['bytes_per_line']    : 16;
    $pad_char       = isset($options['pad_char'])   ? $options['pad_char']          : '.'; # padding for non-readable characters

    $text_lines = str_split($string, $bytes_per_line);
    $hex_lines  = str_split(bin2hex($string), $bytes_per_line * 2);

    $offset = 0;
    $output = array();
    $bytes_per_line_div_2 = (int)($bytes_per_line / 2);
    foreach ($hex_lines as $i => $hex_line) {
        $text_line = $text_lines[$i];
        $output []=
            sprintf('%08X',$offset) . '  ' .
                strlen($text_line) > $bytes_per_line_div_2
                    implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,0,$bytes_per_line),2)) . '  ' .
                    implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,$bytes_per_line),2))
                implode(' ', str_split($hex_line,2))
            , $bytes_per_line * 3) .
            '  |' . preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $pad_char, $text_line) . '|';
        $offset += $bytes_per_line;
    $output []= sprintf('%08X', strlen($string));
    return @$options['want_array'] ? $output : join($line_sep, $output) . $line_sep;

and this is a hex dump of a small file:

00000000  89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a  00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52  |.PNG........IHDR|
00000010  00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10  02 03 00 00 00 62 9d 17  |.............b..|
00000020  f2 00 00 00 09 50 4c 54  45 04 04 04 99 99 cc d7  |.....PLTE.......|
00000030  d7 d7 2a 66 f6 6b 00 00  00 38 49 44 41 54 78 9c  |..*f.k...8IDATx.|
00000040  63 08 05 02 06 24 22 0b  44 24 01 89 ac a4 69 4b  |c....$".D$....iK|
00000050  19 1a 16 68 70 31 74 29  75 2c 42 22 1a 16 75 00  |...hp1t)u,B"..u.|
00000060  c5 22 33 96 32 74 86 46  4c 65 58 19 1a 35 15 61  |."3.2t.FLeX..5.a|
00000070  00 00 df be 19 a6 2e 62  80 87 00 00 00 00 49 45  |.......b......IE|
00000080  4e 44 ae 42 60 82                                 |ND.B`.|

and this is the phpunit test:

if (isset($argv)) {
    print "Running outside of phpunit. Consider using phpunit.\n";
    class PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {}

class Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    const FUNCTION_NAME = 'hex_dump';
    const DATA_BASE64 = '
    private $expect = array(
        '00000000  89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a  00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52  |.PNG........IHDR|',
        '00000010  00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10  02 03 00 00 00 62 9d 17  |.............b..|',
        '00000020  f2 00 00 00 09 50 4c 54  45 04 04 04 99 99 cc d7  |.....PLTE.......|',
        '00000030  d7 d7 2a 66 f6 6b 00 00  00 38 49 44 41 54 78 9c  |..*f.k...8IDATx.|',
        '00000040  63 08 05 02 06 24 22 0b  44 24 01 89 ac a4 69 4b  |c....$".D$....iK|',
        '00000050  19 1a 16 68 70 31 74 29  75 2c 42 22 1a 16 75 00  |...hp1t)u,B"..u.|',
        '00000060  c5 22 33 96 32 74 86 46  4c 65 58 19 1a 35 15 61  |."3.2t.FLeX..5.a|',
        '00000070  00 00 df be 19 a6 2e 62  80 87 00 00 00 00 49 45  |.......b......IE|',
        '00000080  4e 44 ae 42 60 82                                 |ND.B`.|',

    public function testRequire() {
        $file = __DIR__ . '/' . static::FUNCTION_NAME . '.php';

    public function testString() {
        $func = static::FUNCTION_NAME;
        $data = base64_decode(static::DATA_BASE64);
        if (!is_string($data)) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to decode base64 encoded test data');
        $dump = $func($data);
        $this->assertEquals($dump, join("\n", $this->expect) . "\n");


if (isset($argv)) {
    $func = Test::FUNCTION_NAME;
    require_once($func . '.php');
    if (count($argv) < 2) {
        print "Pass arguments file, from, length.\n";
    else {
        $file = $argv[1];
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            die("File not found: $file\n");
        $from   = isset($argv[2]) && preg_match('/^\d{1,9}$/', $argv[2]) ? intval($argv[2]) : null;
        $len    = isset($argv[3]) && preg_match('/^\d{1,9}$/', $argv[3]) ? intval($argv[3]) : filesize($file);
        $h = fopen($file, 'r');
        if ($from) {
            fseek($h, $from);
        $data = fread($h, $len);
        $dump = hex_dump($data);
        print $dump;
        //$dump = hex_dump($data, array('want_array' => true));

Solution 4

While debugging a binary protocol I needed a hexdump() too. I decided to publish my solution as a PEAR package as it's definitely useful. You can also browse the code at github.


GitHub :

In addition to mindplays solution it supports propper rendering of the last line and additional params. Also the package contains a php executable named phphd for hexdumps on cmdline. This might be helpful on Windows Systems :) : Thanks for the strtr() idea. It appeared slight faster than my former attempt. Integrated that into my version. (Using a decreased translation buffer)..

Solution 5

"Functional" version:

$s = "\x04\x00\xa0\x00";
echo implode(' ', array_map(function($char) {
    # return sprintf('%02s', $char);
    return str_pad($char, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
}, array_map('dechex', unpack('C*', $s))));

Borrowing from Ionuț G. Stan's comment, the last line might be as follows:

}, array_map('dechex', array_map('ord', str_split($s)))));
Author by


I'm a Linux user

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Amandasaurus
    Amandasaurus almost 2 years

    I'm investigating encodings in PHP5. Is there some way to get a raw hex dump of a string? i.e. a hex representation of each of the bytes (not characters) in a string?

  • user5880801
    user5880801 almost 15 years
    Or a more functional approach: print_r(array_map('dechex', array_map('ord', str_split($string))));
  • frostymarvelous
    frostymarvelous over 12 years
    +1 excellent. Too excellent. I've been working four hours+ on something and this just boosted me. Anyway, I found that echoing a pre tag makes it display better in a browser. Or using br newline. I'm new to this and wonder how I can decrypt the non visible chars. TNX.
  • Ruben Kazumov
    Ruben Kazumov over 11 years
    Love it! Needs couple improvements, but as a base of debugging tool - it is a perfect!
  • over 11 years
    @frostymarvelous for text-only diagnostic output in a browser, try header('Content-type: text/plain'); - comes in handy :-)
  • Walter Tross
    Walter Tross about 11 years
    this is essentially like doing an od -tx1z
  • Bartosz Wójcik
    Bartosz Wójcik over 8 years
    The last line 00000086 is useless.
  • Internal Server Error
    Internal Server Error about 8 years
    Tell that to the author of the BSD command hexdump. The last line indicates the file size.
  • SwR
    SwR almost 8 years
    please provide a value for $data.
  • Dharman
    Dharman about 4 years
    While this code may solve the question, including an explanation of how and why this solves the problem would really help to improve the quality of your post, and probably result in more up-votes. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, not just the person asking now. Please edit your answer to add explanations and give an indication of what limitations and assumptions apply.