How can I get a post excerpt in Jekyll?


Solution 1

Sure, you can use {{ post.excerpt }} in place of {{ post.content }}.

You can also manually override the automatically generated excerpts if you don't like them.

Full documentation on how to do this here:

Solution 2

Something like {{ post.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 }} produces a more consistent excerpt. It gets the first 50 words and strips any formatting.

Solution 3

To get a custom length excerpt for each post, you can add a excerpt_separator variable in front matter of your post. If you set this variable to <!--end_excerpt-->, then post.excerpt will include all content before <!--end_excerpt-->.

excerpt_separator: <!--end_excerpt-->

This is included in excerpts.

This is also included in excerpts.


But this is not.

To save yourself the effort of adding excerpt_separator to front matter of each post, you can simply set it in _config.yml.

Solution 4


 {{ post.content | markdownify | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 }}

instead of {{ post.excerpt }} or {{ post.content }}.

This will give consistent length blocks of unformatted text with no raw markdown content in them. Tidy.

Thanks to this comment by @karolis-ramanauskas for the answer, I've made it a proper answer so it can get better visibility.


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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • corazza
    corazza almost 2 years

    I'm creating a new blog using Jekyll.

    On the main page, there will be a list of my 10 most recent posts.

    The entries on this list will include a title, the post date, and an excerpt, most likely the first paragraph.

    I'm only familiar with using Jekyll for basic templates, so I can either put only a variable in the page, or include the entire post.

    Is there a way to somehow avoid using post.content in the paginator, and only include up to a certain point in the post, which I define (e.g. ``{% endexcerpt %}`?

  • adrianmc
    adrianmc almost 9 years
    Agreed. This is much better. I used to use excerpt and it would give all kinds of quirks about where it breaks (seemingly only on the first paragraph).
  • eQ19
    eQ19 almost 8 years
    Remember to use <!--more--> in the actual post to tell Jekyll where it should 'cut' the post for the excerpt content or set excerpt_separator globally in your _config.yml.
  • Karolis Ramanauskas
    Karolis Ramanauskas about 7 years
    How would you deal with links though? For example, if you have content like this "This is a post. And a [link](", then the snippet you posted would display the entire raw text rather than being intelligent about it and showing link simply as text.
  • Karolis Ramanauskas
    Karolis Ramanauskas about 7 years
    Got the answer, use {{ post.content | markdownify | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 }}
  • Ferit
    Ferit almost 7 years
    How to get post.content but without post.title? I don't want title in post excerpt.
  • taylor
    taylor almost 7 years
    Hi, I found that this sentence could only be used in English, When I want to write a Chinese article, how can I use this function? Thanks!
  • Joel Meyer-Hamme
    Joel Meyer-Hamme almost 7 years
    You can use truncate: 50 for the first 50 characters. I'm not sure how well this works with Chinese or other Utf-8 sequences without an example, though. post.excerpt should probably be improved at some point, I'd personally much rather use a plugin to do that, than stringing together a bunch of liquid filters.
  • Teng L
    Teng L almost 5 years
    truncate: 50 truncates the first 50 characters but it is not consistent. For my Chinese posts I usually use this generic method, and provide an override if the formatting doesn't work out well by default.