How can I limit table column width?


Solution 1


On the table's td and th tags I added:

word-wrap: break-word;
max-width: 150px;

Not fully compatible in every browser but a start.

Solution 2

You need to use width instead.

            <th style="width: 150px;"></th>

But just in the <thead> section.

Solution 3

You should be able to style your column with:

max-width: 150px; 
word-wrap: break-word;

Note that word-wrap is supported in IE 5.5+, Firefox 3.5+, and WebKit browsers (Chrome and Safari).

Solution 4

After some experimentation in Chrome I came to the following:

  • if your table has a <th> that should have either a "width" or a "max-width" set
  • the <td>'s must have set a "max-width" and "word-wrap: break-word;"

If you use a "width" in the <th> its value will be used. If you use a "max-width" in the <th> the "max-width" value of the <td>'s is used instead.

So this functionality is quite complex. And I didn't even study tables without headers or without long strings that need a "break-word".

Solution 5

1) Specify width for each column in <th> according to your need.

2) Add word wrap for each <td> in <tr> of the <table>.

word-wrap: break-word;

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Updated on January 21, 2020


  • nightcoder
    nightcoder over 4 years

    One of the columns in my table can contain a long text without whitespaces. How can I limit its width to, say, 150px? I don't want it to be 150px always (if it's empty it should be narrow), but if there is a long text I want it to be limited with 150px and the text to be wrapped.

    Here is a test example: (let's limit the 3rd column).

    Thank you in advance.

    Setting this styles:

    word-wrap: break-word;
    max-width: 150px;

    does not work in IE8 (tested on different computers) and I suppose it does not work in any version of IE.

    • Frank Conijn - Support Ukraine
      Frank Conijn - Support Ukraine almost 10 years
      As this question is almost three years old and it currently does not have a bounty, I was wondering whether it still needs an answer?
    • Mikhail Larionov
      Mikhail Larionov over 9 years
      The question was answered in another StackOverflow thread. In short, you should just use width instead of max-width.
    • nightcoder
      nightcoder about 8 years
      @Frank Conijn, Yes, it does! :)
    • Developer
      Developer over 7 years
      That 2 years later reply though
    • Reversed Engineer
      Reversed Engineer almost 7 years
      The answer won't change, so the age does not matter :)
  • nightcoder
    nightcoder over 12 years
    Unfortunately, it doesn't work in IE8 (and I suppose it does not work in any version of IE...).
  • Destiny Architect
    Destiny Architect almost 10 years
    See this in more detail, especially the max-width and (currently) the problems there, in the similar/equivalent solution this page
  • User
    User over 5 years
    Can this be done as a percentage, because it only takes effect as px on my end...
  • Timmmm
    Timmmm about 4 years
    What if you don't have a <thead> section?