How can I preserve new lines coming from a command's output during variable assignment?


You need to quote your expansion, otherwise it will undergo word splitting, which is what you are experiencing.

acl=$(getfacl somefile.dat)
echo "$acl"

Bear in mind that $( strips trailing newlines anyway (it is considered a feature). If that is a problem for you, you need to do something like this to preserve them (in bash4+):

mapfile acl < <(getfacl somefile.dat)
printf %s "${acl[@]}"

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Kent Pawar
Author by

Kent Pawar

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kent Pawar
    Kent Pawar almost 2 years


    $ getfacl somefile.dat     # The output is formatted and contains several new lines..
    # file: somefile.dat
    # owner: user1
    # group: group1
    group::r--              #effective:r--
    $ ACL_PERMISSIONS=$(getfacl somefile.dat);
    $ echo $ACL_PERMISSIONS;
    # file: somefile.dat # owner: user1 # group: group1 user::rw- group::r-- #effective:r-- mask:r-- other:r--

    So how do I preserve these new lines during variable assignment, so that when I echo $ACL_PERMISSIONS I get the same output as $ getfacl somefile.dat ..?

    • Kent Pawar
      Kent Pawar about 11 years
      Kindly explain the reason for the -1..?
    • clerksx
      clerksx about 11 years
      I'm not the downvoter, but my guess would be that it is because this is an issue merely involving missing quotes (which I don't think warrants a downvote, but I've seen it happen before on questions like this).
  • Kent Pawar
    Kent Pawar about 11 years
    Hey @Chris, Thanks! I wasn't aware of 'word splitting' and using quotes around the variable does solve my problem.. Just curious, how can I preserve trailing newlines (not sure where such a thing might help) using ksh..?
  • clerksx
    clerksx about 11 years
    @KentPawar The first method should also work in ksh.
  • clerksx
    clerksx about 11 years
    @KentPawar From help mapfile: "[r]ead lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable". It essentially reads each line from the output of getfacl somefile.dat into an array called acl.
  • suspectus
    suspectus about 11 years
    $( strips newlines ? list=$(ls); echo $list; echo "$list" word splitting is demonstrated with echo $list, if newlines were stripped then I'd expect the same output with the 2nd echo.
  • Kent Pawar
    Kent Pawar about 11 years
    @ChrisDown - thanks. But seems like mapfile does not come bundled with the Linux/Solaris boxes I am working on..
  • suspectus
    suspectus about 11 years
    @Kent - hmm strange, In ksh just tried the list=$(ls) etc (as above) and echo $list strips newlines, echo "$(list)" does not.
  • suspectus
    suspectus about 11 years
    @Kent - sorry for confusion. "strips newlines" is not a command it is just text. I think in your case you just need to enclose the variable in quotes as Chris suggested.
  • clerksx
    clerksx about 11 years
    @suspectus $( strips trailing newlines, not just any newlines.
  • clerksx
    clerksx about 11 years
    @KentPawar Just use the first example, in that case.