How can I redirect print output of a function in python


Solution 1

For python3.4+, there's a context manager for this in the standard library.

with contextlib.redirect_stdout(file_like_object):

This part of the answer was updated, but is mostly for people who are still stuck in a python2.x world

If you're stuck on an older version of python, this context manager isn't too hard to write yourself. The key is that you can update sys.stdout to whatever file-like object you want (that's what print writes to):

>>> import sys
>>> import StringIO
>>> stdout = sys.stdout  # keep a handle on the real standard output
>>> sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO() # Choose a file-like object to write to
>>> foo() 
>>> sys.stdout = stdout
>>> foo()

To create a context manager to set stdout to whatever you want when you enter the context and then have the context manager reset stdout when you __exit__ the context.

Here's a simple example using contextlib to create the context manager:

import contextlib
import sys

def stdout_redirect(where):
    sys.stdout = where
        yield where
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

def foo():
    print 'bar'

# Examples with StringIO
import StringIO

with stdout_redirect(StringIO.StringIO()) as new_stdout:
print "data from new_stdout:",

new_stdout1 = StringIO.StringIO()
with stdout_redirect(new_stdout1):
print "data from new_stdout1:",

# Now with a file object:
with open('new_stdout') as f:
    with stdout_redirect(f):

# Just to prove that we actually did put stdout back as we were supposed to
print "Now calling foo without context"


On python3.x, StringIO.StringIO has moved to io.StringIO. Also, on python2.x, cStringIO.StringIO might be slightly more performant.

Solution 2

In Python 3.x, you can just redefine print.

B = []

def print(str):
    global B

def A():


>>> B

If, for some reason, you need the built-in print back, just do:

from builtins import print
Author by


Updated on December 03, 2020


  • Alex
    Alex over 3 years

    Possible Duplicate:
    Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?

    I have a function in python that prints something to the standard output

    def foo():
        print("some text")

    I want to 'redirect' the text that is being printed in this function into a variable, i.e. 'wrap' this function or whatever so that the text is stored in a variable:

    text = wrapper(foo)

    Is there a robust way to temporarily change sys.stdout or to open a variable as a FileObject, or something else?

  • l4mpi
    l4mpi over 11 years
    +1 for the context manager suggestion, which would probably be the cleanest approach.
  • martineau
    martineau over 11 years
    @l4mpi: see "Redirect stdout temporarily" in PEP 0343. There's some other examples there that may interest you.
  • alec_djinn
    alec_djinn over 5 years
    From Python 3.4 contextlib.redirect_stdout() is available as well.