How can I remove the gloss on a select element in Safari on Mac?


Solution 1

@beanland; You have to write


in your css.

read this

Solution 2

Using -webkit-appearance:none; will remove also the arrows indicating that this is a dropdown.

See this snippet that makes it work across different browsers an adds custom arrows without including any image files:

	background: url() no-repeat 95% 50%;
	-moz-appearance: none; 
	-webkit-appearance: none; 
	appearance: none;
    /* and then whatever styles you want*/
	height: 30px; 
	width: 100px;
	padding: 5px;
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

Solution 3

2019 Version

Shorter inline image URL, shows only down arrow, customisable arrow colour...


Author is probably Jonathan MirCha

select {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
  appearance: none;
  background: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='100' height='100' fill='%238C98F2'><polygon points='0,0 100,0 50,50'/></svg>") no-repeat;
  background-size: 12px;
  background-position: calc(100% - 20px) center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-color: #efefef;

Solution 4

Sorry to pile on to an old item. I found partial answers to my questions here but had to do some work so I wanted to share my results for the next person.

I ended up using the same approach as the other contributors, but with a few tweaks to fix the following

  1. Long text was covering the arrows in the other solutions
  2. The image being used was a somewhat old and ugly up/down combo arrow.

The below will give you a working solution with the above issues fixed. Note: I used a white arrow for my use case, you may need to change the color of the arrow for yours.

here's a preview:

select with white arrow

  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
  appearance: none;
  background: url() no-repeat 101% 50%;

Solution 5

Check out -webkit-appearance: none and its derivatives. Originally described by Chris Coyer here:

Ian Hunter
Author by

Ian Hunter

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Ian Hunter
    Ian Hunter almost 2 years

    On Macs and iOS devices, in Safari, a <select> element with a background color generates a gloss over itself. This does not seem to happen in other operating systems.

    For example, I have a select element with these style properties:

    select {
    -moz-border-radius: 3px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    padding: 3px 6px;
    margin: 10px 0 7px;
    width: 250px;
    background-color: #BD2786;
    color: white;
    letter-spacing: -.04em;
    font-weight: bold;
    border: 0;

    And my element has the background color I want, but the gloss is still there. Does anyone know how to make it a flat color?

  • Ian Hunter
    Ian Hunter over 12 years
    Had no idea this existed. Thanks
  • sandeep
    sandeep over 12 years
    no need for thanks because there are lot of things which i didn't know :)
  • Marc
    Marc almost 11 years
    Is there a way to keep the arrow on the right side? I want to override only the color. Thank you
  • Dorian
    Dorian over 10 years
    @sandeep: And to make it cross-browsers: -moz-appearance: none; -webkit-appearance: none; appearance: none;
  • Apollo
    Apollo almost 10 years
    He is not asking about the outline, but the glossy background.
  • Jonathan Cross
    Jonathan Cross over 8 years
    @Marc - As far as I can see, the only option is to re-create the arrows with background-image or unicode.…
  • mbokil
    mbokil about 8 years
    "Is there a way to keep the arrow on the right side?" No. Once you disable the appearance it kills the arrow. You can then re-create the arrow using CSS.
  • alicjasalamon
    alicjasalamon almost 8 years
    @Marc If after 3 years you're still interested.. I added a solution I found to make the arrows show.
  • Ingo Renner
    Ingo Renner over 7 years
    sweet, appreciate the arrows fix! here's a version with transparent background: select{ background: url(‌​1uYW1lPSJMYXllciAxIi‌​B4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3‌​d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC‌​9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9Ij‌​AgMCA0Ljk1IDEwIj48ZG‌​Vmcz48c3R5bGU+LmNscy‌​0ye2ZpbGw6IzQ0NDt9PC‌​9zdHlsZT48L2RlZnM+PH‌​RpdGxlPmFycm93czwvdG‌​l0bGU+PHBvbHlnb24gY2‌​xhc3M9ImNscy0yIiBwb2‌​ludHM9IjEuNDEgNC42Ny‌​AyLjQ4IDMuMTggMy41NC‌​A0LjY3IDEuNDEgNC42Ny‌​IvPjxwb2x5Z29uIGNsYX‌​NzPSJjbHMtMiIgcG9pbn‌​RzPSIzLjU0IDUuMzMgMi‌​40OCA2LjgyIDEuNDEgNS‌​4zMyAzLjU0IDUuMzMiLz‌​48L3N2Zz4=) no-repeat 95% 50%; }
  • mga
    mga over 7 years
    made a transparent arrow (couldn't paste here due to length):
  • Neo
    Neo over 7 years
    Cool, thx. How can i create a custom arrow? (I would like to have a single triangle)
  • alicjasalamon
    alicjasalamon over 7 years
    @Zardo If you have an SVG file, you can use to convert it to base64
  • Kevin Christopher Henry
    Kevin Christopher Henry over 7 years
    I agree with your basic approach, but it's not necessary to base64 encode it (see here for more details). For a similar approach using plain-text SVG see my answer here.
  • adrianTNT
    adrianTNT almost 7 years
    I added the down arrow with this code and seems to work nice: background-image:url(/down_arrow.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:calc(100% - 10px);
  • iSWORD
    iSWORD almost 7 years
    If you have wide select elements, this will look a bit off. To fix it, you can use CSS3's background position edge offsets to better align the background. So replace no-repeat 95% 50% with no-repeat right 2px center
  • Phyllis Sutherland
    Phyllis Sutherland over 6 years
    This makes a double arrow in internet explorer 11. ideas on how to fix?
  • Phyllis Sutherland
    Phyllis Sutherland over 6 years
    This makes a double arrow in internet explorer 11. ideas on how to fix? Especially bad when you select a long option, because new icon will cover/obscure the option.
  • Phyllis Sutherland
    Phyllis Sutherland over 6 years
    The solution for IE is to use select::-ms-expand { display: none; } to hide the native IE selectbox dropdown icon, then use an actual png image as the background for the new icon. Problem occurs because SVG images aren't always positioned properly via CSS in IE.
  • Phyllis Sutherland
    Phyllis Sutherland over 6 years
    The solution for IE is to use select::-ms-expand { display: none; } to hide the native IE selectbox dropdown icon, then use an actual png image as the background for the new icon. Problem occurs because SVG images aren't always positioned properly via CSS in IE.
  • Andreas Gassmann
    Andreas Gassmann over 6 years
    The same arrows but in white and transparent
  • brandito
    brandito about 6 years
    People beat me to customising the SVG but I see nobody here has managed to minify it! Here it's minified and the arrow fill colour is now white :)
  • Brett
    Brett almost 6 years
    I notice the added arrows include both an up/down arrow - any quick fix just to show the usual down arrow?
  • Nathan Basanese
    Nathan Basanese over 5 years
    // , Would you mind explaining how and why that removes the gloss?
  • Justin Edwards
    Justin Edwards over 5 years
    The solution basically has two components: 1. Request that the browser doesn't do any style/display on the element. 2. Provide a reasonable style. In browsers that aren't god awful (read, not safari) the browser provided element style is good. In safari however the browser provide style is disgusting and terrible. Consequently we must override the browser provided display in every browser. The lines ending in appearance:none do part 1 from above. The other lines tackle part 2. Does that help?
  • Priyanjit
    Priyanjit over 5 years
    Excellent. This should be the accepted answer as it's more complete. Thanks.
  • Noel Abrahams
    Noel Abrahams over 4 years
    The background-color property applies to the background of the select element. To change the colour of the down arrow, you need to change the SVG fill property in the URL, eg fill='%23fc0000'
  • Iggy
    Iggy about 4 years
    Better to use background-position without calc: background-position: right .8em top 60%; and some cursor: is needed
  • evolross
    evolross about 4 years
    Is there a double-arrow version of this someone can demonstrate?
  • Zagor84
    Zagor84 almost 4 years
    if you want to add a custom dropdown arrow 'glyph' style, feel free to use this background: url('‌​Ozs9R0dHR0dHR0dHR0dH‌​R0dHR0dHR0dHR0dHR0dH‌​R0dHR0dHR0dHR0dHR0dH‌​R0cBHCcnMyYzPSYmPUc9‌​Mj1HR0dEREdHR0dHR0dH‌​R0dHR0dHR0dHR0dHR0dH‌​R0dHR0dHR0dHR0dHR0dH‌​R0dHR0dHR//dAAQAAv/u‌​AA5BZG9iZQBkwAAAAAH/‌​wAARCAAKABIDACIAAREB‌​AhEB/8QAXQAAAgMAAAAA‌​AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDBAUB‌​AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‌​AAAQAAECBQMFAAAAAAAA‌​AAAAAAEAAgMEEhNRETFB‌​ISJCcfARAQAAAAAAAAAA‌​AAAAAAAAAAD/2gAMAwAA‌​ARECEQA/AN6avU1QNKm9‌​aT5DGvBwfhDKxY0w644W‌​oWzWOHeTyTgYHO/u+UkD‌​QhCD/9k=') no-repeat 95% 50%;