How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?


Solution 1

Do this.

If your element is something like this..

<input type="text" id="mytext"/>

Your script would be

function setFocusToTextBox(){

Solution 2

For what it's worth, you can use the autofocus attribute on HTML5 compatible browsers. Works even on IE as of version 10.

<input name="myinput" value="whatever" autofocus />

Solution 3

Usually when we focus on a textbox, we should also scroll into view

function setFocusToTextBox(){
    var textbox = document.getElementById("yourtextbox");

Check if it helps.

Solution 4

If your code is:

<input type="text" id="mytext"/>

And If you are using JQuery, You can use this too:

function setFocusToTextBox(){

Keep in mind that you must draw the input first $(document).ready()

Solution 5

For plain Javascript, try the following:

window.onload = function() {
Author by


Hi i am a computer programmer who programs web sites, intelligent agents etc.. Languages: C C++ Java Python HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML (Web dev.) Enjoy!

Updated on January 12, 2022


  • tenstar
    tenstar over 2 years

    I have a web form with a text box in it. How do I go about setting focus to the text box by default?

    Something like this:

    <body onload='setFocusToTextBox()'>

    so can anybody help me with it? I don't know how to set focus to the text box with JavaScript.

      function setFocusToTextBox(){
        //What to do here
  • peterph
    peterph about 10 years
    You'd have to scan the document using other parts of the Web API (e.g. Document.forms, Document.getelementsByTagName or Node.childNodes) and either rely on a known document structure or look for some element specific properties.
  • Relevant
    Relevant almost 10 years
    Or the obvious answer... give it an ID ;)
  • Martin
    Martin almost 10 years
    Keep in mind, this only works for setting the focus when the page first loads; it can't be used to set the focus later in response to input.
  • Fallenreaper
    Fallenreaper about 9 years
    I downvoted this, because there is remotely no implication of jQuery in the base question. The OP wanted to stay purely javascript
  • Richard Rebeco
    Richard Rebeco about 9 years
    Well, you have reason, I went wrong, but i think that it is helpful anyway.
  • Marecky
    Marecky over 8 years
    AFAIK Form doesn't have "name" attribute
  • Mac
    Mac over 8 years
    Forms have had "names" for a long time now, and in HTML5, they still do. See
  • Chris Love
    Chris Love over 8 years
    I would advise against using an ID because it is over specified. Instead use the name or even a class. In that case you would use document.querySelector("[name='myText']") or document.querySelector(".myText") to get a reference to the input element.
  • Igor Mironenko
    Igor Mironenko about 8 years
    @ChrisLove Interesting advice. Why is having an id being "over specified" and what, exactly, is the problem with it? It is simpler, more precise and the code to locate it, will be slightly faster, with an ID. It sounds like the most obvious and sensible thing to do, to me - if it's possible.
  • Robert McKee
    Robert McKee about 8 years
    @PandaWood He is probably referring to the many editor helpers that whine about CSS if you use an id with additional selectors with a message that it is overspecified because it thinks that an id should be the the only selector required as there can only be one id, completely ignorant that HTML isn't static and the other selector may change, making the styling rule a dynamic conditional. I've only heard it from beginners in CSS. However, in this case, an id seems fair, but I would typically use another method like $('form input:first').focus();
  • paradite
    paradite about 8 years
    I am upvoting this because in projects where jQuery is already used and you elements as jQuery selection objects, it is better to be consistent instead of using vanilla JS.
  • mAAdhaTTah
    mAAdhaTTah over 7 years
    One of the other quirks of choosing an id is that in JavaScript, an element with an id becomes a property of the global window object. So you can actually grab the ID'd element with window.mytext, believe it or not. Another reason to avoid using ids if you can help it.
  • Chris Love
    Chris Love over 7 years
    Sorry for the late reply. When you overspecify a CSS selector you make the code less reusable. Plus you can only have a single element in the page with that ID. What really causes the issues is CSS rules defined with an id selector. From a code maintainability it makes it more fragile because the different code you have written now becomes very tied to that ID rather than a more flexible class selector. Think about how you don't reference web sites by their IP address, but rather their domain name.
  • Toni Leigh
    Toni Leigh over 7 years
    @ChrisLove this isn't over-specifying a CSS selector, it's setting a HTML ID attribute - specificity is a problem in the way CSS processing parses DOM selectors, not a problem with how ID and class attributes work in HTML. It's not advisable to use the same DOM selectors to attach CSS to as it is to attach JS to, meaning you can maintain the differentiation you describe
  • Toni Leigh
    Toni Leigh over 7 years
    This can be a real headache on a smaller screen if the field is off screen :-)
  • Chris Love
    Chris Love over 7 years
    @toni ids are over specified because the code reference is too specific and not reusable.
  • lfrodrigues
    lfrodrigues about 7 years
    I'm afraid autofocus attribute is not compatible if IOS Safari ( while .focus() is just incompatible with Opera Mini (
  • Gellie Ann
    Gellie Ann over 6 years
    @Fallenreaper Downvotes are for egregiously sloppy, no-effort-expended post, or an answer that is clearly and perhaps dangerously incorrect, according to stackoverflow's help center. I find this nowhere near those categories. Helping is not limited to the OP, is it?
  • Fallenreaper
    Fallenreaper over 6 years
    @GellieAnn While it is an answer, it lies outside the scope of the OPs question. There is a reason why he is using vanilla javascript, and while you can mention other frameworks and give pointers or hints to lead to one and give a reasoning why, you should still solve the answer from within the bounds of the question asked. Therefore, I stand by my downvote.
  • DeadlyChambers
    DeadlyChambers over 6 years
    If you have a header bar that is fixed, you might need to use textbox.scrollIntoView(false) this simply sets the element to the bottom instead of the top.
  • ConductedClever
    ConductedClever over 5 years
    Note that testing in firefox developer tools, may not seem to work due to developer tool may keep the focus on itself. That does not mean, element.focus() not working on firefox.
  • Adam R. Turner
    Adam R. Turner over 5 years
    In most modern browsers $("someelement") would be interpreted as document.getElementById even without jquery explicitly loaded. So this may very well work in vanilla js.
  • Or Choban
    Or Choban over 5 years
    Note that if you are trying to focus from the console then it is not possible!
  • Kamil Kiełczewski
    Kamil Kiełczewski about 5 years
    When you made components (for e.g. menu and table) and if some two elements of them has same ID and both components will be included to the same html document - then you get INVALID html. So it is not good to use ID when you create reusable components.
  • Abdull
    Abdull about 4 years
  • nuiun
    nuiun over 3 years
    setting the id attribute on an input is valid and recommended to specify it's label. <form><label for="user_input">User Input</label><input type="text" name="user_input" id="user_input"></form> This pattern is especially useful when using radio buttons, because users can click the associated label text.
  • Jens Törnell
    Jens Törnell about 3 years
    It also work when using innerHTML with an input that has autofocus.
  • Tanasos
    Tanasos over 2 years
    This is the proper answer for a more complex page.
  • andreyrk
    andreyrk over 2 years
    @Fallenreaper that's just being pedantic
  • StefaDesign
    StefaDesign over 2 years
    autofocus attribute does work only on initial DOM page load. DOES NOT work on DOM changes (example : when you have component that will refresh DOM and apply new HTML autofocus will not work) It works with dynamic content only first time initiated. My case study was setting up focus on first result from api response so when user clicks next to load more results autofocus will not work.