How can I style an Android Switch?


Solution 1

You can define the drawables that are used for the background, and the switcher part like this:

    android:track="@drawable/switch_bg" />

Now you need to create a selector that defines the different states for the switcher drawable. Here the copies from the Android sources:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_disabled_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_pressed="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_pressed_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_checked="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_activated_holo_light" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_holo_light" />

This defines the thumb drawable, the image that is moved over the background. There are four ninepatch images used for the slider:

The deactivated version (xhdpi version that Android is using)The deactivated version
The pressed slider: The pressed slider
The activated slider (on state):The activated slider
The default version (off state): enter image description here

There are also three different states for the background that are defined in the following selector:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_disabled_holo_dark" />
    <item android:state_focused="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_focused_holo_dark" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_holo_dark" />

The deactivated version: The deactivated version
The focused version: The focused version
And the default version:the default version

To have a styled switch just create this two selectors, set them to your Switch View and then change the seven images to your desired style.

Solution 2

It's an awesome detailed reply by Janusz. But just for the sake of people who are coming to this page for answers, the easier way is at (dead link) linked from Android Asset Studio

A good description of all the tools are at (site offline now)

However, I highly recommend everybody to read the reply from Janusz as it will make understanding clearer. Use the tool to do stuffs real quick

Solution 3

You can customize material styles by setting different color properties. For example custom application theme

<style name="CustomAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimaryDisableOnly">#00838f</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">#e91e63</item>

Custom switch theme

<style name="MySwitch" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.CompoundButton.Switch">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimaryDisableOnly">#b71c1c</item>
    <item name="android:colorControlActivated">#1b5e20</item>
    <item name="android:colorForeground">#f57f17</item>
    <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat</item>

You can customize switch track and switch thumb like below image by defining xml drawables. For more information

custom switch track and thumb

Solution 4

Alternative and much easier way is to use shapes instead of 9-patches. It is already explained here:

Author by

Updated on December 06, 2020


  • over 3 years

    The switch widget introduced in API 14 is styled by default with holo theme. I want to style it slightly different, changing its colors and shape a bit for branding reasons. How does one go about this? I know it must be possible, as ive seen the difference between default ICS and Samsung's touchwiz theme

    enter image description here

    I assume I'll need some state drawables, and I've seen a few styles in with Switch_thumb and Switch_track that look like what I might be after. I just don't know how to go about using them.

    I'm using ActionbarSherlock if that makes a difference. Only devices running API v14 or above will be able to use a switch at all, of course.

  • about 12 years
    Very detailed thanks, the 9-patch slider images that let part of the thumb move out of the track was especially helpful as i couldn't work out how they were doing that. (the default slider has the pointy edge bits move past the end of the track to make a square end on one side)
  • narangrajeev81
    narangrajeev81 over 10 years
    There is one more state that is <item android:state_checked ="true"> which can change the track image when switch is in "on" state. so if you want to change the track on "on"/"off", use this state.
  • Steve
    Steve over 10 years
    Great time saver. 9-patches, state list drawables, etc all in one click!
  • pojomx
    pojomx over 9 years
    How can I style the text color for the thumb? i can't find it anywhere :(
  • Smeet
    Smeet about 9 years
    @ pojomx. Did you found any solution for the textcolor - i.e. on/off text color? I am facing the same issue and stuck at the same point.
  • Andrew
    Andrew almost 9 years
    To change text color => android:switchTextAppearance="@style/mySwitchTextSyle"
  • Olcay Ertaş
    Olcay Ertaş almost 9 years
    How can I make thumb drawable circular?
  • JStephen
    JStephen over 8 years
    idk, the tool mentioned in kishu27's answer was much faster for just changing the color since it makes all the files for you. I guess if you wanted to customize the shape in addition to color though this probably is faster.
  • netpork
    netpork over 8 years
    The tool is really great, although, frankly, I am not fond of an idea that if you want to just change the color of something you need to generate a bunch of images. Also, if you are using shapes, you can have different colors for off/on switch positions.
  • JStephen
    JStephen over 8 years
    true, if you are indecisive like me and keep changing the color till you find one you like then this is much faster, lucky for me someone else is in charge of picking the colors :)
  • Rachael
    Rachael over 8 years
    This answer is so handy I'd like to see it posted as a question of "tool to easily create android holo controls by custom color" and accepted answer. Developers need this.
  • Razvan_TK9692
    Razvan_TK9692 over 4 years
    I'm sure that would have been a great tool... all links are dead, sadly