How can I tell if I have uncommitted work in an Oracle transaction?


Solution 1

FROM    v$session v
WHERE   v.AUDSID = userenv('sessionid')

Solution 2

If you don't have access to v$session you can use

select dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id from dual;

This only works from within the session but doesn't need v$ privileges. If it returns a non-null, you have started a transaction. That normally means uncommitted changes, but there are exceptions. If you issued a savepoint, changed data and rolled back to the savepoint, the transaction still 'lives'. Also, using database links starts transactions, even just for selects (or they used to).

Author by


Family Guy sucks

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • cagcowboy
    cagcowboy about 2 years

    Is there a way to tell if I have uncommitted work (ie DML) in a transaction? Maybe a data-dictionary view I can query?

    A method to find this out both from within and outside of the session running the open transaction would be welcome.

    Thank you

  • Gaurav Soni
    Gaurav Soni over 11 years
    :How can i see if there is any uncommitted work in other session .I have done update in two different session ,but i am seeing only one record in each session .I am expecting two records from both the session .Is it possuble to see other session uncommited data.
  • Quassnoi
    Quassnoi over 11 years
    @GauravSoni: please post it as a question.
  • David Baucum
    David Baucum over 10 years
    This. Solutions that rely on enhanced privileges that many database users are unlikely to have are, imo, not good solutions.