How can I tell SELinux to give vsftpd write access in a specific directory?


Solution 1

# semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/myftp/pub(/.*)?"

Be sure to include the (/.*)? at the end of the directory name.

I also tried to use audit2allow to generate a policy, but what it does is generate a policy that gives ftpd write access to directories of type public_content_t; this is equivalent to turning on allow_ftpd_full_access, if I understood it correctly

Essentially, yes; since SELinux allows directories/files labeled with public_content_t to be shared between different services. However, further access control is in place through the use of sebooleans (or sebool, more precisely).

Giving "ftpd full access", doesn't mean giving it the rights to do/read/write what and where it wants. SELinux has designated policies in place for the services on your system; meaning, ftpd is allowed to read files if the directory's file context (fcontext) is public_content_t. SELinux gives write permissions to the ftp server if the directory's fcontext is public_content_rw_t; other services such as samba, apache, etc. have to be allowed write permissions to those directories through the booleans, according to the pertaining RedHat Documentation. If your "local policy" gives ftpd write access in directories labelled public_content_t, it essentially strips away a layer of security. Therefore, I suggest labeling the directory with the public_content_rw_t context, and removing your custom generated local policy.

For further information and details, please see the SELinux wiki pages.

Solution 2

Try this:

setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access on

If SELinux is to blame, there's a few SELinux booleans worth looking at.

Best start is: getsebool -a | grep ftp

You'll see something like

allow_ftpd_anon_write --> off allow_ftpd_full_access --> on allow_ftpd_use_cifs --> off allow_ftpd_use_nfs --> off ftp_home_dir --> on ftpd_connect_db --> off httpd_enable_ftp_server --> off tftp_anon_write --> off

Not all of these are relevant to vsftpd, for example the >httpd_enable_ftp_server is for Apache running FTP, and tftp_anon_write is for >tftpd. I'd start with:

setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access on setsebool -P ftp_home_dir on



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Backend service engineer by day, open source maintainer/developer by night. I've been working at various startups in Silicon Valley for 10+ years now, and have a lot of fun doing it; I'm looking to several more decades of this kind of work. Fun fact: my educational background is actually in medieval history, not computer science. Being mostly self-taught in this field has its disadvantages and advantages, and it's interesting and surprising to see what expectations folks have for developers these days.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Castaglia
    Castaglia almost 2 years

    I've set up vsftpd on my Fedora 12 server, and I'd like to have the following configuration. Each user should have access to:

    • his home directory (/home/USER);
    • the web directory I created for him (/web/USER).

    To achieve this, I first configured vsftpd to chroot each user to his home directory. Then, I created /web/USER with the correct permissions, and used mount --bind /web/USER /home/USER/Web so that the user may have access to /web/USER through /home/USER/Web.

    I also turned on the SELinux boolean ftp_home_dir so that vsftpd is allowed to write in users' home directories.

    This works very well, except that when a user tries to upload or rename a file in /home/USER/Web, SELinux forbids it because the change must also be done to /web/USER, and SELinux doesn't give vsftpd permission to write anything to that directory.

    I know that I could solve the problem by turning on the SELinux boolean allow_ftpd_full_access, or ftpd_disable_trans. I also tried to use audit2allow to generate a policy, but what it does is generate a policy that gives ftpd write access to directories of type public_content_t; this is equivalent to turning on allow_ftpd_full_access, if I understood it correctly.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to configure SELinux to allow FTP write access to the specific directory /web/USER and its contents, instead of disabling SELinux's FTP controls entirely.

  • Pavel Šimerda
    Pavel Šimerda over 10 years
    Shouldn't it be enough to just chcon the directory to the right context?
  • ILMostro_7
    ILMostro_7 over 10 years
    chcon is for temporary changes, semanage is persistent; also, there's a difference between the two in that chcon changes the file on the FS, while semanage updates the policy itself with the new info, as mentioned in this mailing list entry
  • Pavel Šimerda
    Pavel Šimerda over 10 years
    I'm afraid this information not precise, at the least. The fact that chcon works on the filesystem also means it is permanent, not temporary, and lasts until the context is changed again (e.g. by chcon or by restorecon). On the other hand, semanage IMO just updates the database and doesn't change the file context which would render this answer incomplete. According to the mailing list, you have to use semanage and restorecon as a replacement for chcon, not only semanage.
  • ILMostro_7
    ILMostro_7 over 10 years
    right...since SELinux is guided by the database, any changes to SELinux's policy would render the chcon incompatible. DAC is used before SELinux to check for rwx permissions, after which SELinux's MAC policy decides whether the process is allowed access within the scope/context of the FS directories/files.
  • ILMostro_7
    ILMostro_7 over 10 years
    Take a look at SELinux's Wiki page for further explanation and details.
  • Pavel Šimerda
    Pavel Šimerda over 10 years
    Well the kernel selinux module doesn't use the path database at all. And you seem to ignore my last comment where I warned you that modifying the database doesn't result in modified file context. You seem to assume that the path database is part of the in-kernel selinux policy which is wrong.