How can I test Apple Push Notification Service without an iPhone?


Solution 1

Testing push notifications using the Xcode 11.4 iOS Simulator

As of Xcode 11.4, it is now possible to simulate push notifications by dragging and dropping an .apns file onto the iOS simulator. The Xcode 11.4 release notes have the following to say about the new feature:

Simulator supports simulating remote push notifications, including background content fetch notifications. In Simulator, drag and drop an APNs file onto the target simulator. The file must be a JSON file with a valid Apple Push Notification Service payload, including the “aps” key. It must also contain a top-level “Simulator Target Bundle” with a string value matching the target application‘s bundle identifier.

simctl also supports sending simulated push notifications. If the file contains “Simulator Target Bundle” the bundle identifier is not required, otherwise you must provide it as an argument (8164566):

xcrun simctl push <device> ExamplePush.apns


Here is an example for such an .apns file, targeted towards the system settings app:

    "Simulator Target Bundle": "",
    "aps": {
        "alert": "This is a simulated notification!",
        "badge": 3,
        "sound": "default"

Dragging and dropping this onto the target simulator will present the notification and set the badge:

Notification on the iOS simulator

Now, to use this for debugging purposes, you only have to change the Simulator Target Bundle to your own app's identifier and adjust the payload to your debugging needs!

Solution 2

This answer is outdated. As of 2020 / Xcode 11.4 it's now possible to test push notifications in the simulator

See this full explanation in an answer below

Sorry to say, but you'll need to find some hardware to test this functionality.

Push notifications are not available in the simulator. They require a provisioning profile from iTunes Connect, and thus are required to be installed on a device. That also means you'll probably have to be accepted into the apple iPhone developer program and pay your $99.

On the bright side, with the iPhone OS 3.0 update, you can test this functionality on any device, including the first gen iPhones.

Solution 3

You can't test real push notifications. However, you can test your app's response to a simulated push notification by creating one programmatically and manually triggering your AppDelegate's - application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:notification method.

To trigger this from a different class (like a UIViewController):

[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
                    application:[UIApplication sharedApplication]

The testNotification should have the same format as a real notification, namely an NSDictionary that contains property list objects plus NSNull.

Here's an example of how to provide the testNotification above:

NSMutableDictionary *notification = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[notification setValue:@"Test" forKey:@"alert"];
[notification setValue:@"default" forKey:@"sound"];

NSMutableDictionary *testNotification = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[testNotification setValue:notification forKey:@"aps"];

This should create a reasonable notification NSDictionary to work with.

Solution 4

Nowadays, we can test push notifications with this library.

It's pretty easy to send push via terminal:

echo -n '{"message":"message"}' | nc -4u -w1 localhost 9930

echo -n '{"aps":{"alert" : "message","badge" : 99,"sound" : "default"}, "myField" : 54758}' | nc -4u -w1 localhost 9930

Solution 5

Apple has supporting push notification for simulators. iOS 13.4 and above or Xcode 11.4 and above.

as usually create Xcode project and implement a user notification and authorization permission.

run your application in simulator iOS 13.4 and above.

put your application in background.

  1. Create an APNS payload file named "payload.apns"
  "aps": {
    "alert": {
      "title": "Test Push",
      "body": "Success! Push notification in simulator! 🎉",
      "sound": "default"
    "badge": 10
  "Simulator Target Bundle": ""
  1. Drag and drop to your iOS simulator.

right now your push notification will appear on simulator.

And also you can simulate push notification by terminal

get your simulator identifier by opening Window->Devices and Simulators and choose your targeted simulator and right click and copy your identifier.

Now build a terminal command like

xcrun simctl push <simulator-identifier> <path-to-payload-file>


xcrun simctl push 27A23727-45A9-4C12-BE29-8C0E6D1E5360 payload.apns

run this command and simulate push notification in simulator


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Author by


A lifelong learner.

Updated on April 21, 2022


  • Zanoni
    Zanoni about 2 years

    Is it possible test the Apple Push Notification Services without an iPhone application? (Creating an emulator on windows?)

    If isn't, how could I test that? Is there a free sample application compiled to do that?

    I created the Server provider, but I need test the functionallity.

    • kaspartus
      kaspartus almost 11 years
      It's time to update best answer. Library from my answer is so useful, thanks 'acoomans' for that!
    • mfaani
      mfaani over 3 years
      While you can test payloads using the simulator. The simulator has a bug and still doesn't seem to honor the mutable-content key. See here
  • JackLeo
    JackLeo over 13 years
    i ran into the same problem, you answer is not clear talking about second part of the question: If isn't, how could I test that? Is there a free sample application compiled to do that? I created the Server provider, but I need test the functionallity.
  • mirageservo
    mirageservo over 11 years
    is there any sample implementation of this found somewhere?
  • Jamon Holmgren
    Jamon Holmgren over 11 years
    I don't have one (my test implementation takes a different route, although it really should do what I suggested above). Classic "do as I say, not as I do" scenario I guess.
  • Negar Moshtaghi
    Negar Moshtaghi over 5 years
    please explain more!
  • Sagar Shirbhate
    Sagar Shirbhate over 5 years
    @NegarMoshtaghi Please open the link which I had provided with answer it have full process how to use and how its working and all.
  • Mark Han
    Mark Han about 5 years
    This library is 5-6 years old, is it still functional?
  • Kwnstantinos Nikoloutsos
    Kwnstantinos Nikoloutsos almost 5 years
    This is a nice answer.
  • MeLean
    MeLean over 4 years
    This is not a release version yet
  • Mark
    Mark over 4 years
    Duplicate to a more clear and concise answer provided a week earlier.
  • Hardik Vyas
    Hardik Vyas over 4 years
    This is tutorial link for support Push notification in Simulator.…
  • Rajath Kornaya
    Rajath Kornaya about 4 years
    But I have some good news for you. Xcode 11.4 beta is out and the best part about this release for me is that we can finally test push notifications in the iOS Simulator! Following is the sample implementation -…
  • Lukasz Ciastko
    Lukasz Ciastko about 4 years
    Ok, but this doesn't trigger didReceiveRemoteNotification? I can't get anything from tapping on the message.
  • fredpi
    fredpi about 4 years
    Did you try using didReceiveLocalNotification (just for simulation purposes)? Apart from that: You should probably just use the methods provided by the UserNotifications framework; I guess those will work...
  • axunic
    axunic almost 4 years
    do you know a way to simulate this using OneSignal push notification?
  • fredpi
    fredpi almost 4 years
    @mnemonic23 If you want to test the handling of incoming OneSignal notifications via this method, you will have to find out how the OneSignal push notification payload looks like and replicate that exact payload. But I can't think of a scenario where that would make sense: If you want to test your app's handling of the payload, that's independent from the OneSignal delivery mechanism; if you want to test whether the OneSignal delivery mechanism works, this lokal push mocking won't help you.
  • Chris Prince
    Chris Prince over 3 years
    Elaboration on You can't test real push notifications. -- on the simulator, you will still fail if you call UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() -- you will get 2021-01-16T13:11:35-0700 error : didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 "remote notifications are not supported in the simulator" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=remote notifications are not supported in the simulator}
  • pkamb
    pkamb over 2 years