How can I uninstall Unity-2D


It is perfectly okay to remove ubuntu-desktop package if you want to remove Unity and Unity-2D. Because ubuntu-desktop is a meta package and used to pull the standard packages in an Ubuntu Desktop installation. Since you are removing a dependency of Ubuntu-Desktop package, it will be removed too.

But, you don't need to worry. You won't lose anything by removing it. You might take a look at this question.

For the specific query:

How can I remove Unity-2D without removing Ubuntu-Desktop?

You just cannot. There is no way to have Ubuntu-Desktop package with Unity-2D removed without being please with a broken package system.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • BuZZ-dEE
    BuZZ-dEE over 1 year

    I want to completely remove Unity-2D (not Unity) on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04. I used dpkg -l | grep unity-2d to list the packages which belongs to Unity-2D. The result was this:

     ii  libunity-2d-private0    5.12.0-0ubuntu1.1    Unity 2D shared library
     ii  unity-2d                5.12.0-0ubuntu1.1    Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards
     ii  unity-2d-common         5.12.0-0ubuntu1.1    Unity 2D Panel
     ii  unity-2d-shell          5.12.0-0ubuntu1.1    Dash and Launcher for the Unity 2D environment
     ii  unity-2d-spread         5.12.0-0ubuntu1.1    Unity 2D Spread

    Now I want to remove those packages with:

     sudo apt-get purge unity-2d unity-2d-common unity-2d-panel unity-2d-shell unity-2d-spread libunity-2d-private0

    Then I get a the following message:

    The following packages will be REMOVED:
      libunity-2d-private0* ubuntu-desktop* unity-2d* unity-2d-common* unity-2d-panel* unity-2d-shell* unity-2d-spread*

    which means that the package ubuntu-desktop should also removed. But the decription from that package apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop says:

    Description-en: The Ubuntu desktop system
     This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu desktop system
     It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that
     it not be removed.

    that it should not be removed, because it is needed to ensure a successful system-update.

    How can I remove Unity-2D without removing Ubuntu-Desktop?

  • BuZZ-dEE
    BuZZ-dEE over 11 years
    I removed /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu-2d.desktop, but it doesn't solve the problem.
  • January
    January over 11 years
    If your problem is that people can log in with ubuntu 2D, then yes, it does solve it (you need to log out or restart lightdm for the changes to take effect). If not, then what other reasons do you have to remove ubuntu-2d?
  • BuZZ-dEE
    BuZZ-dEE over 11 years
    No, that is not my problem. I want to completely remove Unity-2d from my system.
  • BuZZ-dEE
    BuZZ-dEE over 11 years
    I don't want to remove unity.
  • Anwar
    Anwar over 11 years
    @BuZZ-dEE ok, both are same, just remove unity-2d.
  • BuZZ-dEE
    BuZZ-dEE over 11 years
    There is no unity-desktop meta-package, apt-cache search unity-desktop finds nothing.