How can I use Powershell to access a restful webservice?


Solution 1

What you want is PowerShell 3 and its Invoke-RestMethod, ConvertTo-Json, and ConvertFrom-Json cmdlets. Your code will end up looking like:

$stuff = invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get;

and there shouldn't even be a need to invoke ConvertFrom-Json on the resulting $stuff => it's already in a usable non-string format.

As for POSTs|PUTs, simply use PowerShell hashes and arrays to structure your data and then call ConvertTo-Json on it before passing it to invoke-RestMethod or invoke-WebRequest:

invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -ContentType application/json -Method Post -Body $objectConvertedToJson

See for details.

Solution 2

You could use DataContractJsonSerializer, which is a part of standard .Net library.

Solution 3

@Jaykul wrote a nice set of RESTful functions that are part of his Mindtouch dreamwiki script over here:

Author by


I'm just this guy, you know?

Updated on November 07, 2020


  • reconbot
    reconbot over 3 years

    I need to integrate an existing powershell script to update it's status via a restful web service that returns json. I'm a bit new to powershell but I was able to find the System.Net.WebRequest object do something like the following.

    $a = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("http://intranet/service/object/")
    $a.Method = "GET"

    which returns a json array of objects

    [ {id:1}, {id:2}] // etc

    I'm not sure where to go from here and how to parse this into a native datatype. I'd like to be able to post and delete as well.

    Any pointers? And are there any json/rest libraries or command-lets?

  • reconbot
    reconbot over 11 years
    You are completely correct however powershell 3 is still pretty new and not deployed where I work.