How can I use wobbly windows effect on Cinnamon?


Solution 1

To put it simply, you can't. Cinnamon uses a custom Window Manager called Muffin, which does not feature the wobbly windows and cube of Compiz. It may be possible to achieve these with a plugin, but you would have to write it yourself or ask someone on the Mint forums to do it.

Solution 2

There is a wobbly windows extension here:


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • BhaveshDiwan
    BhaveshDiwan almost 2 years

    I would like to know if possible, then how to achieve Wobbly Windows and cube on Cinnamon GUI ?

    I am running Ubuntu 12.04 minimal with cinnamon
    MDM is the login manager i use.

  • BhaveshDiwan
    BhaveshDiwan over 11 years
    Thanks for the update.. have u any idea if mint community has already started with this development?? is this related only to muffin?? Can I achieve this if I use some other WM instead of Muffin (or side-by-side to it) ??
  • Jason Southwell
    Jason Southwell over 11 years
    @Z9iT I don't believe they will, because one of the reasons Muffin exists is most likely because of the dislike for Compiz and its effects that exists in the Linux community. It is not possible to achieve this with another Window manager on Cinnamon, unfortunately. If you want Wobbly Windows and a Cube, you have to use Compiz or Kwin.
  • Jason Southwell
    Jason Southwell over 11 years
    Just to clarify, Cinnamon and Muffin are forks of Gnome Shell and Mutter, respectively, so they are tightly coupled.
  • BhaveshDiwan
    BhaveshDiwan over 11 years
    so accouding to your second last comment, does it implicate that its gonna be really long to see woobly windows and cube, etc in cinnamon.. however i've observed that compiz manager installs and opens up flawlessly.. even i can configure the woobly windows in that and no error comes.. however cannot experience the woobly windows.. is using mate a better option in addition to cinnamon ??
  • shay.porteous
    shay.porteous over 11 years
    Did you try this in reality? compiz --replace used to replace every metacity, xfwm4 etc.
  • answerSeeker
    answerSeeker over 8 years
    Why did he get downvoted? This actually works with a few config tricks. I upvoted making this -1 instead of -2